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Everything posted by Smith

  1. Send me a PM and I'll get you hooked up at The Standard. It's my families.  http://www.smithhousenashville.com/ I can probably arrange you guys to get in the private cigar club and a few other niceties. Won't get any nicer or more exclusive in downtown. Beats all the other high end places year after year as the go to high end exclusive restaurant.
  2. I hear what you're saying, but I'm figuring these are like super iron sights and if I can't see iron sights I wouldn't see these. I also figure if I can't see iron sights I can't see the target so I don't really have a problem with that aspect. I'm also assuming that if I'm clearing the house with a flashlight, I'm point shooting anyway so it's a mute point IMO.    I guess they could insert a tritium vial like on the TFO's on future models and it would light up for those low light scenario's.   Either way since I have never shot in total darkness, don't plan to, and am a huge fan of FO, I think I will like this for my M92.
  3. Well, I grabbed one to try on the m92 pap. Running a Fastfire 3 on it atm. I think this idea may work.
  4. Smith

    AK Gas Block

    Yep, Apex or Robertrtg. Might even want to call them if they don't have one listed. They'll know where one is, if it is available.
  5. It's not unclear, but I believe we were trying to answer a question not be ATF legal experts. In regards to the OP's question he could assemble the barrel as long as he left the stock off and didn't have it laying around without a legal purpose and be fine, which was his question. Why is that so unclear? ;)
  6. Correct as long as it is not assembled in violation of NFA rules. So, configuration not possession is still the determining factor? So in the case of the OP as long as the stock is not assembled then he arguably has a pistol? When his paperwork comes back he can then assemble the stock and have an SBR.
  7. The last ATF letter I read said that the interpretation was based only on configured guns, so that in the case of the Thompson Center parts alone were not currently deemed constructive intent. I know that was the long standing interpretation, but I believe it was modified. I'll have to find the letter. 
  8. What did you not like about the TFO's. I love those sights.
  9. If I'm not mistaken you could assemble the whole front end and leave the back end or put a pistol rear trunnion in and then change it out later. There is no longer the "constructive intent" interpreted like it was before the Thomspon clarifications. I believe they look at as configured.
  10. This. I think it's just part of the growing process. It definitely is different from when it was smaller and everyone knew everyone. Now it's hard to joke with folks or be humorously politically incorrect without people getting bent out of shape or taking things too seriously. There's are benefits and drawbacks to both, but I do miss the former.
  11. Smith

    Happy Easter

  12. Depending on conditions, it is an excellent canoeing river. Grew up on that river and it still holds a lot of memories for me.
  13. This is about the best comparison I I've ever seen. In most of the objective test I've read the Battle Comp is much hype, big price, and poor performance. I really like the YHM 5C2. http://vuurwapenblog.com/2013/10/03/ar15-muzzle-brakeflash-hidercompensator-comparison-part-1/
  14. Have you thought about a Fastfire III or is the ckeek weld too high?
  15. Haha, not trying to be contentious with you. Yes there is a difference in match ammo and match guns. I just think the internet lore of the Russian arms inaccuracy is grossly exaggerated. The Mosin is a fine gun built on proven design principals and all things being equal will shoot better than many believe. When you go apples to apples, I've not seen any difference. You can't compare an 83 year old surplus Mosin shooting surplus ammo with an brand new Remington 700 using match ammo to determine the Mosin is inaccurate, of course there is a difference.   A new Mosin Nagant accurized with match ammo will be every bit as accurate as an accurized Remington 700 shooting match ammo. A 83 year old run of the mill Remington 700 with surplus ammo will shoot just like an 83 year old run of the mill Mosin Nagant with surplus ammo.  
  16.   It's virtually a 30-06, which is a bit flatter shooting than the standard .308. Cut down the barrel re-crown it and get the trigger decent and a Mosin will shoot with a Remington 700 that has had the same work. They are pretty similar so I'm not sure why the comparison seems so exaggerated in your mind?   I say the same thing about most guys that brag about their "sniper" rifle setups. Most of them couldn't do it with a 700 any better than a Mosin.  In short, it's not the gun. ;)
  17. No, Mosin's are not 3 MOA guns. I'm sure out of the 37 million +/- made since the 1891 some are, but many are on par with any other standard sniper rifle used today. Ask any of the Germans that lost the sniper battle with the Russians what they think of the accuracy of Mosin's. Maybe Eric will chime in with his long range sub-moa with surplus loads Mosin. ;)
  18. From reading their site, I think they are intended to be used more as a spear than arrows. This is one of the few "survival" tools I though might actually be useful. Picked up a pair to try out. One I'm going to play with and one will go in the survival/emergency box with the fire starter kit, paracord, and water purification equipment. They shipped quickly after ordering (2 days from order to my hands!). You have to send them an e-mail with what you want and they send a PP invoice. Cards came in thick individual plastic sealed bags wrapped in the well written instruction sheet. The cards are a low carbon fairly thick milder steel, that according to the maker, makes it easier to sharpen in the field and is more forgiving. It is nicely and evenly parkerized. Both ends of the card are sharpened. One end has a curved drop point type blade intended for more precision cutting and the other end is sharpened across the entire end for tougher material. So far I like even more than I thought I might.
  19. Smith

    AK pic thread

    I have a problem. :) As I mentioned before I regret ever letting my first Vepr get away so I figured I'd get another one while I could and came across a pretty decent deal. Refinished the wood since this one came with a really light brown finish. It was nice, but I prefer a darker/redder stain. I also did some trigger work and am going to replace the YHM brake with a '74. I'm using the Bushnell AR223 till Primary Arms can get their 1-6 back in stock. Other than that I'm thinking I may leave the wood on this one ... for a while. It's really comfortable and it's nice wood.
  20. Have you looked at the Manticore front end. It has a built in light mount. http://www.manticorearms.com/ARClight-XTL-Tavor-Forend-MA-5600.htm
  21. Haha, I had no idea as well. I guess mushroom picking is a German carry over ;)
  22. Really like the idea of the Bullpup Unlimited kit. How do you like it so far?


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