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Everything posted by Smith

  1. Bad design ;). They hope that spring tension combined with hole size will hold them. Eventually that tension will wear the hole and they will walk. Sometimes the pin holes are a slightly larger than they need to be and the issue shows up sooner.    KNS pins work well and you don't have to worry about it.
  2. Smith

    AK pic thread

    Yeah, those were smoking deals. They've gone up quite a bit ... and rightly so. Wish I'd have had a bunch of extra money laying around then and I would've bought several.
  3. Smith

    AK pic thread

      Don't really know about groups as I don't shoot that way, ;) but i can tell you with the Primary Arms 1-6 ACSS 300 scope, I can hit anything I want to within 2"-3". I don't really do well with stock sights either. I usually run a TWS Dogleg Rail with a Kel-tec peep sight on the rear and with the increased sight radius and better sight picture you can hit anything you can see. It makes a tremendous difference.
  4. Looks good. Here are a few I've done. I personally like the combination of Minwax Gunstock (color) with a Tru-Oil finish. One little tip for AK stocks - stick them in the oven at about 200 deg for a bit, occasionally taking them out and wiping the oil, finish, and cosmoline off. The Com-Bloc countries were very liberal in the application of cosmoline and other oils on their stocks. Not to make them look good, but how else would that cheap Euro birch/Laminate/Pine last for 50+ years? ;) Even if it looks unfinished or dry it will still make a big difference in how even the finish goes on and it will also keep it from coming off in your hands the first time you shoot it and get it hot. After the oven a little conditioner works really well. Also DO NOT use steel wool to buff in between applications. You will end up with little slivers up steel in you gun that you won't see until it starts to rust. Ask me how I know. ;) Mak90 - Minwax Gunstock (3 light coats), Tru-oil (2 Coats) light sand between coats. It was actually a little darker and redder. The hadngaurds were actually old Wasr handguards that were nearly black with cosmoline, oil, and dirt. Pictures wash out some of the color. Vepr Wood with several heavy coats of Minwax Gunstock. It has a redder color than the pictures shows. Look much better in person. Here is an M92 with handguards done in a similar manner. They were unfinished when I got it new.
  5. The .22 is a bit overpriced. That is standard velocity stuff and may have issues in semi-autos. Not bad given the environment we are in, but on the high side for what it is. If it were hi-velocity mini-mags then it would be ok, but not for that.
  6. Yep and we allowed 5000 children to be killed in TN, so far this year. Glad we got our priorities straight. :- At least snakes are useful enough to need protection.
  7. Even with out of focus pictures that thing is nice! :) Would love to see some better pictures of the details.
  8. While that is true, they are at times hard to come by and prices can reflect that.
  9. No. Two have the FDE bottoms and the other 4 are standard 17 rnd mags. They are just pricey and hard to come by at times.
  10. Well ended up with this in a trade. It's an M&P9 VTac. The sights are a bit different but I think I like them. They are as fast as they claim and the sight picture is very good. The trigger is better than any M&P's I had in the past, even with the APEX kits installed. Reset is short and definitive. Wasn't sure I'd like the color as I'm pretty simple and prefer plain old black, but I think I like it. Oh, and the biggest bonus is that is came with 6 mags. These things have been hard to find.
  11. I used the Levang comp on the MSAR bullpups I used to own and they do indeed make the noise far more tolerable. As far as recoil on those guns it was pretty mild. With the balance being different on an AR I don't know how it would be on those.
  12. [quote name="morrisster" post="1126957" timestamp="1395249435"]My brother hunts hogs in Texas with dogs and a knife.[/quote] Yeah, my brother used to hunt hogs this way in Mississippi. Personally, I want a big gun! ;-)
  13. Smith

    AK pic thread

    And there I was thinking i was going to keep this one. :)  Well I will for awhile at least. Decided to drop the wood (weight). Just got the CSS handguard on and am still waiting for Bonesteel to send me a prototype of his Ultralight folder. Should be interesting, but far from traditional. ;)   You know you can't tempt a weak man like that. Like Mike and Ike's in front of this fat kid!
  14. Had a few of these and really like them. I do prefer the IAC since it doesn't have the hump on the rear like the Pardner. Essentially same gun otherwise.
  15. Smith

    Purchase Advice...

    While I really like the PPQ and FNS9 and have had and will have again, the problem with them in regards to you question has always been finding mags, holster, sights, etc. It's also hard to find them in stock or for sale on the secondary market. Reverse all that in regards to the Glock 19. I would also suggest that you take a look at the M&P9 as well. Great guns with all the benefits of the Glock with better ergonomics.
  16. I know a great Head Hunter here in Nashville. Bryan Jarosemich-  Executive Recruiter at Group II/ President Nashville Office PM and I will give you his details.
  17. [quote name="Jon_L" post="1144887" timestamp="1398962081"]Has anyone heard of the Manticore Nightbrake Muzzle compensator? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io2wilwieY0&src_vid=XHgtv2X9RvQ&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_877655[/quote] Manticore is a great company. The NightBrake is highly regarded by the AK pistol crowd where recoil manageability is needed. I have run them on several AK pistols and they flat out work.
  18. I've ordered several things from them over the years and never had a problem.
  19. Smith


    Love the Uzi. I'd really like to get another one.
  20. Smith

    AK pic thread

    Here's my latest project while I'm waiting on the Manticore handguard. I gave a shot at the Asura's copy of the Zenit B-10 to see how it would work. I got the Asura becasue i didn't want to spend on the real one without knowing if it were even possible. Let's just say it doesn't fit with out a good deal of work. While this one "fits" I could do a lot better on a second attempt now that I know all the parts that have to be modified. Top is an old beat up Yugo handguard that I painted to match to see if i liked it. BTW - the handguard itself is a very well made copy of the Zenit for less. I love the ergonomics. It is very thin and handles well. The light rail on the side is a bit out of spec. The gaps are too narrow, but a little file work can fix that. i suspect that the Zenit rail would not have this problem.
  21. I personally like the DPMS Levang comp. It works really well and doesn't cost a fortune. The Kaw is similar but I haven't tried it.
  22. We'll got mine and I really like it. Mine did not have the "See All" in the optic view. Just the triangle and line. Unfortunately, the way the mount works by sliding into the rail won't work with my m92 since the rail is blocked on the ends. So, if someone wants to try it out let me know as I don't have anything to put it on. Otherwise, I think it would be a great light weight optic.


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