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Everything posted by Smith

  1. Smith

    New Shotty

    [quote name="musicman" post="1154454" timestamp="1401673293"]Cool! What's the capacity and barrel length currently?[/quote] 18.5" barrel and holds 6. I'm going to get the Choate +1 extension for the 870. It fits flush with the end of the barrel.
  2. Bersaguy they will call you names no matter what you say or do. You assume they are fighting fair. Bush is a great example. No matter how he tried to honor the office of president by not getting into the fight, he ostensibly let all those who supported his position take the hits for him. It's a noble thought but the reality of the fight is far different. They way you win these arguments is changing the false promise that they try to use. As long as we let them set the stage and fight by their rules we will struggle. You can be tactful about it but you have to change the premise and Joe was trying to do that. This is also how we get Rhino's. They let the dems set the premise and then they try to work within that framework. That's why most of them sound like democrats and there ones that reject it are labeled extremist.
  3. Well, evidently after the Heller decision the USPS declared themselves a "sensitive area" as mentioned that ruling and changed their "laws". So my statement above is overturned at the moment.
  4. I'll have to find it but the only part posted in most post offices is the separated counter area and it is usually posted at that point and not on the main doors. You can carry in the po box area and parking lot as the only part of the property considered federal property is the counter area. Reason being almost all post offices are privately owned property that is leased to the feds. The parking lot issues mentioned above is where that was clarified. That being said I'll have to find it.
  5. Bersaguy, this is why they get by with exploitation, that we end up fighting from a losing position. We find fault with our side and give all kinds of sympathy to them. Joe's responding to those particular parents using their children's deaths as a political platform. Making a statement is one thing, organizing a speech with organized media attendance in a rally format is not grieving. It's an organized political event and as such sympathy is irrelevant because the grief us irrelevant.
  6. [quote name="musicman" post="1153742" timestamp="1401499806"]AR. Seriously. I've been thinking about it, as I have everything listed... Marlin 1894, S & W 19 4", and M&Ps in 9 and 40 in all sizes. If I have to grab one gun and go, it's an AR. I have more mags and ammo for them than anything else. Distance, capacity, adequate power for most needs, and firing rate. I'll probably be dead before I ran out of ammo in a Red Dawn scenario... just sayin '.[/quote] Yep, cause someone with an AK will have put you down already and then taken your stuff :-)
  7. Very good take on liberals and their view of people like myself. Nothing is new evidently.   [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btvSE6tVHzQ[/media]  
  8. Nothing new fellas' It's old and libs try to label anything they can't fight on ideas. Check out John Wayne's take on it.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btvSE6tVHzQ
  9. Smith

    New Shotty

    Got another inexpensive Hawk 982 and decided to play with it ;). Painted it with Dupli-color "Cast Iron" hi-temp engine enamel. I've used HVT on a lot of AK's to good effect. Not used this stuff before but I did bake it as well, so we'll see how it holds up. Changed the sights screws to stainless, Hogue 12" LOP stock, shell holder, and stainless mag follower. May add a Choate mag tube extension, but all in all I'm still under $300 dollars for a good shotgun.
  10. I LOVE my Rossi m92. I like that you can load down the .38 for small game or really load up the .357 and in a 18" rifle you've pretty much got a 30-30. Which is plenty good for anything in North America at proper range. I also really like the 9mm for availability being that it's a military load and more widely available than anything else ATM. I have a .38 revolver but would really like to get one of the Blackhawk convertibles and have it all.
  11. Smith

    Saiga's - 12

    There's really only one model. How they are configured is the difference you see in all the pictures and threads. Essentially they come into the country in a "sporter" configuration. Meaning the trigger group is moved back to accommodate the traditional straight stock. Once you "convert" it by replacing the trigger group with a standard AK trigger group, add a pistol grip, and an AK stock you can add just about anything AK related to it. There's a few details in addition to what I mentioned like a trigger guard, sometimes you have to cut pistol grip nut holes, and some filing on the mag catch is needed..   One caveat are the Vepr 12's that are coming in. Rumor is that they are no longer making Saiga 12's and are going to the Vepr 12's exclusively. They're all already converted and ready to go as is. They don't use Saiga mags but there are more and more companies bringing them to market so it is almost a non-issue. The Vepr 12 is a better gun overall and the price on unconverted Saiga's has gotten stupid and a converted Saiga will cost more than a Vepr and give you less features.
  12. Don't know why the Chinese (now twice), the French, Russians, and the US keep getting sucked into the Pit of Despair, but it looks like China wants another go. Now if NK and Vietnam kick up, then the already angered Japanese get on board this could get interesting fast. Oh Don't forget the Taiwanese, Philippines, and just about everyone else in the Asian theatre that China has been strong arming and it just might bring China to it's knees. This could get interesting depending on China's level of arrogance. http://chinadailymai...vietnam-border/
  13. [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1152657" timestamp="1401237634"]?? Private handgun sale to 18 year old is legit here. - OS[/quote] Yeah, I'm used to FFL rules where it's 21.
  14. Correction, you changed it to handgun and over 18, so no. They would have to be 21. However, if you change the parameters to the op's scenario then my former answer stands.
  15. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1152632" timestamp="1401232496"]So… you sell a handgun to a 16 year old from Alabama and he kills some kids in a school shooting. It’s traced back to you. Your defense is going to be “I asked him if he was over 18 and if he was a Tennessee resident and he said yes; that is all I am required to do” ??[/quote] Yes. That is the law unless there was reason to believe otherwise. That is the only defense the law requires and as such is all the law can request. It is a legal defense to the exact scenario you made up and any other unreasonable obscure hypothetical scenario you will make up. Don't know why you try to make these things so complicated. You come up with hypothetical's that are so out of the norm, just to try and make some moral dilemma statement.
  16. Technically you would have been legally cleared since you asked if he where a TN resident and he responded yes. There is no requirement to "prove" residence in a FTF sales. Even not producing a TN license did not disqualify the sale since there is no legal requirement to prove residence by either parties in a FTF. That is only required during an FFL transfer.   That being said, I'd probably have walked away for the same reason you did. It's not worth the risk and playing lawyer on the internet while I'm at work is a lot less consequential than with LE on the side of the road or a judge at the arraignment. ;)
  17. Love them. Had several MSAR's over the years and loved them. I dream of one day finding and being able to buy (at the same time) an RFB. I also like the Bullpup Unlimited stock for the 870. There are also a couple Kushnapup stocked Saiga 12's here. I liked the idea but all my Saiga's were converted.
  18. Smith

    AR vs AK pistol

    IMO, while they are cool, AR pistols essentially get turned into an expensive to shoot .22 mag as far as effectiveness goes. A few more accessories but it's more a novelty than usable weapon for anything other than range use. AK pistols, in x39, don't lose hardly any velocity and maintain their effectiveness across the entire useable range of a standard barrel length AK. As to the brace buffers tube issue, don't think it's an issue due to what OS spoke to above.
  19. Hi-powers get priced like 1911's. It's all on the details. If you want to shoot it without getting bit, there are hammers that will fix that.
  20. [quote name="TLRMADE" post="1151332" timestamp="1400806476"]Thanks for putting it together for me! We need to go to Charlie's sometime and shoot it. I went last Sunday and everybody around me was like holy crap that things loud!!!!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote] Yeah, I can bring the M92 and together make it sound like artillery going off.
  21. Yeah, you did good picking all the parts. Very nice!
  22. Well he is military, LE, and NRA .....
  23. They look decent except for the butt-stock. It just looks wrong. Like it has too much angle. Maybe it's just me though. I would have to look at them closer to find out if the barrel is any good. That seems to be the issue with American made AK's. At that price they have been known to take .308 rifle barrels and turn them down for the AK profile. Just like they tried to do back with the Tantal debacle where they were using .223 pattern barrels instead of 5.45 barrels.     All that said, I've read a few very positive reviews so maybe Century figured it out.
  24. [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1149632" timestamp="1400304088"]Looks very much like my: I'll swap ya even, and go so far as to pay shipping both ways. :) - OS[/quote] Very tempting, but I'll have to pass. ;) So, how'd it shoot? Very very well. The ragged hole in the center is the first 13 at 20 yards. The two low right ones were the first two in the mag as I was figuring out the sight picture. All the other holes were when I moved the target back and had fun rapid firing, double tapping, and just running rounds through the mags and gun to break them in and function check. It's a keeper. This is definitely a case where the gun makes me look better. I don't usually shoot single ragged holes at anything over 5 feet. :)
  25. Wanted to try one of these for awhile now after having several P99's in the past. I believe the P99's didn't take off due to their odd (for US market) trigger and S&W importing them in anemic numbers and cost. The later two I think S&W influenced to keep the P99 from competing with their (at the time) new M&P series. Along comes the PPQ in which Walther addressed all the aforementioned issues. Cost is competitive being they took S&W out as the middle man and the trigger is the best factory trigger I've eve pulled. It is short, smooooth, and the reset is very short and resets with an definitive and audible click. The legendary Walther ergo's are even better on this gun than the P99. I like the ambi slide release that is very HK'esk as is the paddle mag release that I love. Not a big fan of the M2 version and I'm glad Walther brought these back after not selling them in the US in 2013. Picked up two extended 17 rnd mags to go with the 2 factory 15 rnd mags. Anyway here it is.


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