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Everything posted by Smith

  1. Kinda like this topic, it's been a long slow spiral. I remember when Memphis had potential. Taking it back will be hard.
  2. Well, the AR platform is perfectly suited for little girls! (says the AK guy!)
  3. Nah, it's just unsafe to leave the house!
  4. So you don't know anything except everyone is wrong unless someone is right, but that is unknowable so it is logically wrong thus you are right. Interesting. Seriously though I enjoy these threads with a smile on my face. I don't get these viewpoints in church very often. I can't argue someone to truth only lay it out for you to play it out. Ya'll enjoy! Jaime, as much as you don't like preaching you must really hate yourself! bwahahahahahahahaha!
  5. Islam is exactly assimilating into anyone's culture. Trying to compare apples and oranges saying, "Well they both are round" is naive at best. Again history and current events substantiate my stance. Haha, coming from the guys who boohoo other religions for lack of fact and reality (in their opinion). BTW - Jaime I agree with your observation that a lot of people need others validation to feel better about what they believe. It shouldn't work that way. Reason is many don't really know what they believe or why they believe it. My experience is the more they get to base belief the simpler it gets and the culture, traditionalism, and craziness wears off. Kind like Fox Hole conversions. Too many people have complicated something very simple and made it something that it was never intended to be, just like your government analogy BTW. That is the very issue that Jesus had with the religious leaders of his day. I think once you get past your personal issues with who or whatever did you so wrong with religion, you'll see things differently. Then again maybe not.
  6. try here: $365 isn't too bad Model 1 Sales: 9mm Pistol Upper Model 1 Sales: 9mm C.A.R. Upper
  7. Appreciate the offer, but with my work schedule I don't get out of Nashville hardly ever. Thanks Mike. I actually thought about a GSG-5. I thought with the adjustability and compactness of it it, it may work plus I could enjoy it as well! I felt the same way about the Cricket. Feels a little too much like a toy. She's handled the Cub-T pink at G&L and seems to almost fit here, but it is still a bit large for her. She's really petite. However, i think she could manage on the Cub-T. The lever action is a good call. I wondered about the safety issues with a semi-auto. I just figured I'd only load one round at a time, till she got the hang of it.
  8. My 7 yr old daughter is really wanting to go shooting with me, but I don't really have a gun she can handle. I have access to a Marlin Model 60 and a Marlin 39A. The 39A is way too big and heavy for her and the 60's stock is way too long. Any other suggestions or maybe stock options that might fit her a little better. BTW - she is small for her age which makes it even tougher.
  9. Glad you're not bigoted though ...... I always find it humorous when folks called beliefs bigoted and judgmental, without realizing that is bigoted and judgmental statement. No harm intended, Just having fun with it robtattoo.
  10. I laugh at that one everytime.
  11. Right now there are some bargains on the Arsenals and they are by far the best thing going in AK's ... aside from the Saiga conversion. Thing about AK's is they are really hard to screw up. The biggest problem people have is a canted front sight, but that is relatively easy to fix. The only tings to shy away from is single stack AK's and Century builds. Here a are a couple places with some good deals. Our Catalog - Specifically the Yugo underfolder AK47/Combloc Rifles and Carbines - Tactical Gear, Equipment and Weapon Systems - These are century builds, but any issues are corrected by Henderson Defense. Centerfire Systems - AK Firearms Classic Arms Inc. K-VAR Corporation :: Rifles & Shotguns :: SGL21 Series – 7.62x39 Caliber Russian Stamped Receiver AK-47 Variant Rifles :: SGL21-61
  12. Looks good. ONly thing I've did was reduce and round the beavertail grip.
  13. As far as the Catholics/Anglicans go I believe if you will check you history books around about this date in 1776 a little event happened not all to dissimilar directly related to a certain countries issues with a government ruled by that religion. As for the other protestant denominations I have yet to see a country identify itself as one of those. I wouldn't mind living in any of them if they existed. However, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, SA, Pakistan, ect all identify themselves as Islamic countries ruled by Islamic law. Personally, I'll take judeo-christian law any day. Your rational is a red herring.
  14. No go the other way. I was agreeing with you. Some will simply say No or Yes and have no clue why. It is an issue larger than one mosque in TN, thus my previous post about the historical facts in Euorpe as well as the current issues countries like England, Spain, and France have with this very problem. Islam is no different in practice than Russian communism, Italian fascism, or German Nazism. However, what makes it more dangerous is that it is first recognized as a religion followed by system where the others were regarded as primarily political systems. However they all have strong ideology followed by specific enforcing systems. For example there were a lot of good German Nazi's that would have been appalled if they were aware of what was going on in Berlin.
  15. It is a 55k+ sq ft. projected building for some 200 Muslims in the area. If you know anything about Islam you would know that once a mosque is built it can never been vacated or torn down. It appears to be a clear indication of the Muslims intent to attract and maintain a large permanent community just south of Nashville. Think it's tin foil? Go talk to the people in Michigan and other areas where they are taking over entire towns, government and all. This has been tried by other cults in the past, but none have the support and backing like Islam does.
  16. That's the mask, but not the substance.
  17. So are you on the right or left?
  18. So which Muslim country would you suggest someone live in? If you haven't realized the massive problem England (or Spain for that matter) has had in moving away from democracy and their curtailing to Islamic law, then you have missed the forest for the trees. History is also very clear of what happens when Islam is the prominent majority. Iran anyone? Iraq anyone? Lebanon? Think about it.
  19. I had the ADM and it was rock solid. I think it is better than the Larue for less money. I prefer the lever mechanism of the ADM over the Larue. Of course you'll give all the AR guys the girlish giggles just mentioning the Larue name.
  20. True, but Islam is at direct odds with American ideology, the Constitution, and individual liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness. Islam is not just a religion. It is a social, political, and economic system that has to take away personal freedom to enforce. You can't separate one from the other. We gotta be sharper than to let them use our own freedom to enslave us.
  21. I know that pitch. He was a Southwestern book salesmen. Knowing kids names or neighbors names is something they picked up from one of you other neighbors. It isn't hard. My brother and SIL were their top sales people and recruiting teams. They actually have good stuff, that is very helpful, but with all the other crap out there it's hard to know which is which. Working for the Southwestern company is like boot camp for life! They have to go as far away from home as possible and have to find their own housing, food, manage their own sales, deliveries, ect. They don't work they don't eat. They work hard and are legit. Usually they will have something that says SW or Southwestern on them. If you can identify them be kind. They are just college kids trying to make a go of it. Of course being a jerk is a life lesson as well.
  22. Sorry to take it to the political realm, but E85 or it's derivatives IS solely a political issue. It was forced on us by political activist who don't live in reality and think they are an island. It has a place, but I get aggravated every time I go to the pump with inflated gas prices only to see that stupid ethanol added sticker. Might as well say eco-tax as far as I'm concerned becasue that's all it is. It is a 10% tax on me to pay for environmentalist failing ideas. I don't see why anyone would want it either 44m, but there it is dragging down gas milage which means I pay more at the pump more often and it benefits no one except politicians.
  23. Partially. The 6-10k years comes from a genealogy trace back to Adam as laid out in scripture. However, that assumes the time of the worlds creation to have been in conjunction with Adams creation. However, we don't know how long Adam lived in the garden before time began (ie Death entered in), how many people he fathered before the Cain and Abel or Seth, how long the earth stayed " formless and void", or how long each actual "day" of creation lasted. As is usual with a lot of religion we tend to assume and interpret within our own realm of understanding or beliefs. For instance the ancient Hebrews knew the earth was round and that the sun was central. Scripture says so. However, because in our own understanding and current knowledge assumed it was flat and the sun rotated around us it was a breakthrough in science when we discovered it was our assumptions and lack of knowledge of the unseen that needed adjustments. keep in mind the bible was not written as a scientific book, but rather a narrative of God's plan and will. Those who try to read it as scientific theory will have problems. Those whoo try to read it as mythology will also have problems. Context means a lot.
  24. There are several different theories. However, you do have to take into account that most dating is done via carbon dating which is notoriously errant. Some research shows it is the least credible timing method yet it is what most time lines in the scientific community are based around. They now date with that preset in place so it makes a lot of assumptions now known to be erroneous. For instance you can only carbon date if something is several thousand years old. So to run a test you have to first assume or guess the age of something and then test it to see. If it isn't that old, you are guessing at best. That being said, there is some discussion Biblically about the time frame before what is called creation. Gap theory, Young Earth, ect all have explanations, but no oone is really sure. Job makes mentions of Dinasoaur like creatures as do other references. Most biblical scholars believe dinosaurs dissapered during the flood, which would account for the manyt of the things science can't account for. Oil deposits, mass fossilization, fish on mountains, Grand Canyon, Pangaea breakup, ect are all accounted for in the flood. It would also throw off dating models since massive pressure and soil turn over would account or other mineral deposits that take time and pressure to form. Ironically most of the mineral deposits all date to same time period. After the flood the massive climate change and reorder of nature would have greatly reduce growing season (food source) to sustain such large creatures, micor-evolution in other words. Long story short no one knows although biblical theories are much more realistic than some of the random happen stance theories of evolution. If you really want more I have several books and sources for different theories (from scientist) that talk about some of the ideas out there.
  25. You're fine. I don't think it is posted and even if it is with the crowds and the lack of "entrances" you could come in from a hundred different places that aren't posted.


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