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Everything posted by jh225

  1.   I've been in there when it was 20* and when it was 105*, just a matter of willpower.   If it gets super cold and I have to be there a while, one of those ceramic heaters next to your feet helps a lot. :up:
  2. How do I heat my workshop? I don't have enough money to heat my workshop.   2300 sq ft with 15ft high ceiling.   Insulating would cost many thousands of dollars.   I have a big wood stove in one corner that raises the temps maybe 3* in cold weather.   Just bundle up and get after it...............
  3. AIO was ATT prepaid and then acquired Cricket, they were then merged.  Both use ATT towers. Whoever told you all the above crap is totally different than what is all over the internet
  4. Hey kids, this is the face of Meth. Don't do it!!
  5. Battery Station. Made in the USA   Used them for years, both on & off duty.   http://www.batterystation.com/
  6.   On a online buy, the buyer still has to pay transfer on this end, so if I go to my LGS and they are within a reasonable amount ($35-40) after tax and after factoring in transfer on say a $750 gun, I will buy local and support the business. That usually doesn't happen, but it sometimes still does.
  7. Order one from Buds, have it shipped to a FFL, pay transfer, walk out door. Done.
  8. Has anyone compared prices between retail & website?   Have they priced the retail store guns lower to allow for the taxes you have to pay?
  9. You are required to abide by the registration (or lack of) in the state in which you reside and in which the tow vehicle is registered, period.
  10.   Huh?   So the pistol you worked on during the class is yours to keep and included in the cost of the course?
  11. Nice write up. Looks like a great course, and so I looked at the link provided in the OP. Saw the cost and quite possibly my heart stopped for a second. :cry:
  12. It is a very nice store, but the prices are always full retail. Their "sale" prices are normal prices in most other stores.
  13. Shiloh - I'll take, absolutely no good food within 50 miles for $500, Alex. :puke:
  14. Long stinky azz dreads & neck tattoo's, yeah, he will be hard to pick out in a crowd.   Can't fix stupid, don't even try......................
  15.   Only info I can help with is to make sure your insurance is paid...........
  16.   I went through all of the topics and policies on WM.com and saw absolutely nothing. If you can find it, please post it up.
  17.   Here's the thing. Not doubting your wife or the fellow that posted "what he found on the internet", but I would like to see Walmarts policy in writing. They can only ask an OC to leave, which is the right of every privately owned business. If a CC happens to be seen, and as long as state law is OK with that, Walmart can go fish.
  18.   Sorry, but I have to call BS on that statement.   Care to post where you got that info from?
  19. OK, first off, I hate Nascar/Oval track/etc racing as making a left turn around the world does nothing for me,   Is Stewart an azz? I have no idea. Is the other driver stupid for getting out and chasing Stewart down on a dimly lit track in the middle of a race? Absolutely.  I can only say that Darwin won.
  20.       I paid $340 shipped not 3 weeks ago for a non-lock 642. Add $25 for transfer and l was out the door.
  21.   Hate to throw another entity into the shell game, but there is also Budspolicesupply (for the LEO side) and wonder where that site will figure in on the tax issue. Luckily, I had just bought from there a week before the TN store opened, so I didn't have to find out this time. :pleased:
  22.   For $350 new, they just can't be beat. I think they are one of the best values on the market.
  23. They are still readily available for law enforcement. (624-1). I just bought one from Budspolice (online) a couple weeks ago.   Do not know if they are strictly for LEO, but do not think so. If ypu look at Buds regular site, it shows both lock & non lock versions.
  24. Buds TN is a different entity than Budsgunshop.com. There will be a transfer fee for online purchases shipped to the TN location but no sales tax."     If that is true, very cool!
  25. jh225

    Family Find

      Yeah, I don't deal with any S&W's post early 1970's,(mostly '50-'60's) so I'm gonna have to go with your answer for newer versions. :cheers:


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