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Everything posted by Eric
Anyone know why. I must have reassembled wrong yesterday evening... I broke it down again and the trigger seems to be smoother like it was before. Anyone know what I might have done...
I like the price.. Most of the other ranges are higher priced and I just do not want to pay it. Yes some of the guys over there are a little " Different " but they are volunteers. I have met some great guys over there and like to go an shoot there. Follow their rules and you are good. Yes it can be nerve racking when someone there just keeps getting in your space but some people are just like that, you know.
Total time 50 days
Got it today so it took a total of 50 days
Got it today. I am legal
Oh I realize that.. I am not gonna chance screwing it up over a few more days trust me on that. I carry it unloaded in the trunk to and from the range only.
Rambo I have been waiting since July 28th. I called the office and they advised me it was issued on 9-2-08 . they said it would be another 7-14 days for me to get it... I am actually on day 47 so far .. I got excited and now I am just back to the waiting game...
Mine was issued on the 2nd and is still not here... ARG
Well seeing I have never been hunting in my 36 years of life and this year will be the first time i would have to say my Grandfathers ( hand me down ) Remington model 141 pump action rifle in 35 caliber. Took it to the range for the first time in over 6 years. Shot it pretty good. I shot at 50 yards ( just me sitting at a rest ) and 100 yards (sand bag) and I would say I was accurate enough to kill a deer. It is pretty col to think I might get a deer with the same gun my grandfather did over 35 years ago. (Dad never hunted with it)
Yes this is what I am asking... She said 7-14 days. I figured that would be time to print and mail but I was just asking. Thanks for the info man!
After you are issued, why does it take so long to receive the actual permit? I was " issued " on the 2nd and live in the Nashville area where I believe the office is located. I would think that my permit would arrive pretty quick? P.S. I started the process on July 28th.
Get a .22. for practice. I don’t buy into the whole “you need to start with a small caliber†idea, but a .22 allows you to crank off a bunch of rounds at a very low cost. This just gives you much more trigger time added to whatever your other calibers are. I actually purchased a .22 conversion kit to practice trigger pull and handling on the same weapon I carry. This for me allows many rounds down range yet I continue to maintain the same grip, trigger pull, and basically the same sights. The kit works great and is a wonderful training tool IMHO. I also shoot 9mm the same day. So I will shoot about a 5 to 1 ratio.
Thanks man.. have to look them up
Anyone have one or looking to sell one?
Negatives for me: 1. Arrogance 2. To much discussion between employees and no attention to the customer 3. Made to feel as if I am not welcome 4. Lack of knowledge / making stuff up 5. Indoor range cost (Would like to see $10 per 2 hour session) Positives: 1. Selection around town is great 2. Some places realize the importance of customer service and make me want to visit their store p.s. Great idea guys, listen to the customer, that is impressive to me!
Thanks for the replies they were great information. I purchased The conversion kit this evening. I look forward to taking it out for a few shots tomorrow.
Thanks for the response Joe. I hate to say it but I found one in town and bought it tonight. Wow it looks like a pretty good kit. Off to the range tomorrow if I can sneak away... LOL PS.. Sorry Joe!
I guess not ?
I am currently shooting at the range and also practicing dry firing my Glock 19. I have 3 options and or questions I would like to ask opinion on. 1. Should I continue to do what I do to practice? With this question, I will say i plan to take some courses in the future to learn more skills. 2. Get the AA .22 conversion for cheaper practice? Used as a way of maintaining comfort with controls of my carry weapon and allow for less money to be spent at the range. 3. Get a Glock 19 airsoft to practice? Cheap practice in the backyard. Please provide you opinions.
Congrats... I just put mine in on the 28th of July so I have to continue to wait. I have a friend who bet me lunch I will have it before Sept 11th. I have a feeling I will be getting a free lunch...LOL
Does anyone Local to Nashville have this kit on their Glock 19?
I have just purchased a new Glock 19 about a month and a half ago. I have owned many pistols and rifles over the years. I love to shoot and for safety I wanted another pistol and hope to get another AR. I am also a Nature Photographer so i do two types of shooting that I enjoy. I am looking forward to meeting some of the folks here and maybe in the future shooting some IDPA stuff. Time will tell. PS. I have since added a Slide Stop extender, Mag Release extender, and a Glock Light for night time home security. I love to assemble and disassemble guns and always have.
While I will agree with you that it is our right to own a gun, It is a whole different subject to carry a gun. The lawmakers put in place a law to prevent people from carrying their guns without a permit. I have to follow that law so for you , me , and all the others that follow the law it is a privilege. That being said I also do not believe this law has changed the fact that many carry without a permit. I am just saying I want to make sure to follow the law so I will get my permit issued without issue so I can carry. In the meantime, I have to wait!
If you are second guessing you purchase already do not buy. I had buyers remorse right after I got a new gun and lucky for me was able to take it back minus a restocking fee that I asked to pay for me taking up their time! I really wanted the gun but because I have no safe to put it in right now and I have a 5 year old I had to change my mind. Safety First!
I agree about the class although i will admit for me the instructor made the class less of a drag. He had a sense of humor and would interject a joke every once in a while. He was very serious about the curriculum so no worries there. I went to the DMV and got printed yesterday so for me the wait now begins. I do not want to screw up the privilege of being issued a permit, so for me i will not illegally carry. i will continue o just carry to the range is all.... Darnit!