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Everything posted by Eric
Have the year membership. I like it cause the RM's keep it safe. have been going a couple years now.
Yeah the cheap ammo was no good for me. Picky little fella. Now the CCI shot like a champ. I have shot 150 rounds of CCI through it without issue. I figure after a good 1000 rounds I will see if the cheaper stuff cycles. I shoot the Remington Golden through my AA .22 conversion for my glock. It would not run CCI so i sent it in for tooling. Well they are sending me a brand new barrel. Thanks for the compliments on the site. I need to get back out shooting.
I bought the gun in August of last year. I have probably about 5000 rounds through it, part of those were with the AA .22 conversion.
Went today shooting the CCI Minimags and had a 100% success rate. Will only shoot the CCI ammo in this little fella ....
Sorry I am calling the PINS the 3 pins that hold the gun together. Trigger pin Trigger housing pin Locking block pin Went to the range today and the gun was able to hold its usual groups 2" at 15 feet for 50 rounds free hand. By the way always install the Locking block pin before you install the slide lock. Simple lesson I learned today. I am so stupid to have never seen that in the past. What happens is the spring will sometimes get on top of the locking block pin and cause you to have the spring tension reversed. This then causes you weapon to malfunction by catching the slide every time you shoot or even when you do not have a magazine in.
I received my gun back today. They replaced the following parts. 1. Slide Stop Lever ( do not know what that would have to do with anything) 2. Firing Pin Safety 3. Locking Block 4. Spring Cups 5. Trigger Bar They also replaced all the pins and I had them put the steel sights one it. Well hey, got basically all new parts for it. Now to take it to the range and make sure she works ok.
Wow what the heck did I type in that last message, oh well... I got my Glock back today so I will have both guns at the range.
I do not like pee on any of my food and you are correct... How about they are a great .22 round for the purpose described...
I have a Bobcat I have been carrying while awaiting the return of my Glock. I love the little gun while wanting to travel light. I carry CCI Stingers in the gun. they have been 100% out of the gun. They are also a 1640 FPS round. Pretty fast moving little round. They have a little more punch then the average .22 round. I will continue to carry this gun because I love the size when I cannot carry my Glock
Called em today and they re gonna help me up and get it done earlier because I will be out of pocket hen it will be dob=ne
It started to shoot 2 and 3 round bursts. It was cool but what if it stopped firing all together. I only had at the most 5000 rounds ( combined .22 and 9mm) so after dissassembling and cleaning really well and it not fixing the problem it had to go back. I miss the heck out of it too. Also I am having them change out the sites to the steel ones.
I go there about every weekend so I am game for sure... Just let me know what time to be there and I will be there. Right now all i have to shoot is my little Beretta 21A so not much to offer. i have a Glock 19 that is at Glock right now, man I miss that gun. Should have it back next month though...I went to the gun show this past weekend and could not find one. I am looking forward to it guys!!!!
Nobody heh.. will throw in a box of 9mm for ya...
Does anyone local to Nashville have one of these they would be willing to let a fella test drive? We can meet at a range....
You are correct I should but it is hard to shoot and shoot at the same time. LOL
I bought myself a Beretta 21a Bobcat .22 cal the other day. I used to have the 950B I think, anyway it was a little .22 and I loved it. Like a goof ball I sold it. I ran quite a few rounds through the new gun today to test it out. I was as happy as I remembered with the last gun except I look the wood grips on this on much better than the plastic ones i had on the other. Results with a total of between 35-45 rounds in each of the targets from 15 feet. All shot using Remington Golden Bullets Bulk Pack from wally world.
I just placed my order for the Bobcat 21A deluxe with the wood grips and the nicer bluing. I m probably going to get some nice scroll work done too. this will be a pass it down gun for sure. I had the older model and loved it but like a goof sold it for what i paid for it. from a friend to another friend... cheap!
Not yet... awaiting an answer. While it is there i am getting new sights too.. Might as well it's already there. I will post what they say.
Sent.. am a Nature Photographer that would like to carry in parks to protect my self from all Animals and people.
I have shot both and also prefer the glock over the XD. I do not like the grip safety on the XD at all. I also like how the easy the glock is to work on.
Problem solved.. Gun is at Glock, inc.
Maybe a little extreme but I agree the tear down is super simple. I have always done this with every gun I own or owned.
The gun was and is always fully disassembled. Here is a shot of the parts that to me, do not really look to worn.
Thanks guys... I am not worried about getting into trouble and I will not be carrying the gun anywhere until I replace all the parts that may cause this. I will be talking to a Glock Armorer as soon as I can.... PS I thought this was a trouble shooting section not a bragging section. I want the gun to function as it should and no I will not sell it!