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Everything posted by Eric
I had Glock add the sleel sights on my 19 for $20.00 and they look the same to me as the poly's did. Both are very accurate!
Thanks for the info guys
Yeah I have a couple guys I have met at the range so I will have to talk to them. Yeah looks like a Lee press may be the way to start. I played with one today that was pretty solid. And really not all that expensive at all. curiousbg, thanks for the offer. Maybe someone else local can help me out.
Ok cool, so here is what I am looking to do. I would like to start reloading this round and this round only (for now). I wpuld love some feedback on a simple, very simple, setup to load just this round for now. PS... Never reloaded before and really would love to see it done. I will pay for my supplies if someone will show me the ropes?
Does anyone here reload this round?
Thanks... I have my eye on a few other but the wallet was not thick enough.. Dang priorities and responsibilities!
winning... voted
i have one i will sell you cheap made by blackhawk... Just PM me and I can send a picture. Yes it is kydex but it will be much cheaper then a leater one!
Sorry about that the people are just my family. Just a source for them to ck out new pics of the twerp... LOL
Whats the point of this thread anyway?
A few years ago I had a great little pocket gun and regret selling it to date. I had a Beretta 950 B in .22 short. It was a great shooter and really pretty accurate. I had to get another one so I bought a Beretta 21A with the wood grips. Well it was just not as small as what I remembered. I was doing some research and realized that I had sought out the wrong gun so the search began. I found one and it was really a pretty good price and it was in good enough condition to make me happy. The owner of the gun shop offered me some money for my 21A that was way below what was expected so i passed on the deal. I really wanted to get one in nickel and this one was blued so I was not that disappointed. The search then continued. That same day I went to another gun store in the same area. I looked in the stop they keep all the small guns and I was disappointed to not see anything I was seeking. It was at this same store that I passed up a Nickel 21A just weeks before. I returned to get it the next day after thinking about it and it was gone. Well i continued my walk through the store to see what was new and came back to the same area, looked down, and there it was. A nickel 950BS used yet unfired with the box. I had to have it. Here is the gun I purchased: There is some humor to this story as well. I took the new gun to the range and loaded it up. I was looking forward to trying out my new gun as anyone is. I pulled the trigger and poof.. no hole in the target!!!!! Where was the round, is it that bad!!! I unloaded the gun and looked into the barrel (Popup) there it was. Stuck… I was very unhappy. Well I shot off a few rounds with another gun and packed up out of disgust and headed back to the store. When I arrived they fixed me up with a new box of ammo and removed the bullet from the barrel. I headed back to the range and was very happy to see it shoot straight and accurate! Of course I loved the wood handles so here is the gun now!
Just won one this am... Thanks for the help!
"I cant speak for all shops, or all situations but I will tell you that we have taken guns back due to malfunction, and then dealt with the manufacturer at a later date." Awesome Customer Service!
Thanks man... Already have my bids in! LOL
They have a few parts but not the one I need however thanks for the sight it has been bookmarked.
I have an old Remington Model 141 Gamemaster 35 Remington pump action rifle that I need a rear sight for. I want the original sight for the gun, any clues where to find one?
I just bought a Beretta 950 Jetfire in .25 and Nickle finish.
Ok in Franklin there are 45 auto and 9mm at walmart along with 38 +p 's and 357. they also have .22 bulk. A side note at the Dicks they have the same... Looks like we are finally getting some ammo guys. I am looking for some .25 auto myself for my new pocket gun but no big deal I am not freaking out. Looks like we are getting ammo in more regular. i will swing by the Smyrna walmart to see what they have. I have plenty of 9mm and .22 so i am not looking right now myself.. except for the .25 auto
Little guns are fun. You just have to love them!
Please let me know about this one. My wife is a Breast Cancer Survivor , just over 1 year now. I would love to get one of these. i guess i can have anyone order one for me eh! Awesome for you! I hope your mom is doing well!
Well, I traded this little gem in for another model 950 but in .25 cal. I found one, a Beretta model 950 unfired in the box. I quickly traded in my model 21a for the model 950 in Nickel. I will post up some pics when I can folks and also a range report. p.s. Why did i have to get back intp shooting as a hobby, it is expensive. Then again what hobby isn't!
Great Job!!! Although having folks report to you is not always what it is cracked up to be. Thanks for serving!
I miss mine but Love my Glock 19...
What was the distance 25yard?