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Everything posted by KKing

  1. I was afraid that might be the case for most, can't blame a guy for trying!
  2. Someone buy the pair and I'll buy the shotgun off you and give you a few bucks profit ;)
  3. I've gotten that email twice, it sure would be tempting if I were in the market for either
  4. Thanks brother, we're both in health care so we got ours around a month ago. Good thing about getting the flu shot is on the off chance you actually get the flu, it's only gonna last a couple days
  5. I had thought about going tomorrow (Sunday) but I'm having to do some work on my truck and take care of the wife with the flu
  6. Well hell, if I didn't waste all my time taking my shoes off so I could count on my toes for all this math you guys are confusing me with, I may have been able to order one before they sold out. You overachievers ;)
  7. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1057011" timestamp="1383318481"] I have a UTG rail in my parts box. Plenty well made, but heavy.[/quote] From what I've read this is true of all their older stuff, and some of the new. The one I posted is only 1.7 ounces heavier than the DD lite rail in 12". Or at least the advertised weights I should say
  8. Has to be, he's certainly a creative fella
  9. Thanks bud. I started with this flimsy saw type thing my wife got in a "pumpkin carving kit" and I broke it, so I went to the trusty knife. Buddy of mine said he uses a 1/4" drill bit in his cordless drill to do his...wish I had thought of that
  10. Got ya, didn't think a thing about these lowers being thicker
  11. Always have liked ole Ray
  12. Really? That's odd, what was wrong? I know mine annoyed the crap out of me until I cut the sling attachment loop off. It sounded like I was walking around with a pocket full of change
  13. I should preface this by saying this is the first pumpkin I've ever carved (that I remember) and it blows my mind the detail some people are able to do with them. This is all me and my pocketknife could come up with.
  14. Rats, all I got are American flag temporary tattoos and Gatorade
  15. I'll give you a class, a couple of your buddies too if you wish. I only charge $250 ;). In all seriousness, I'm no expert, but I have yet to come across an AR I couldn't build/fix and I've had zero "proper" training. I watched YouTube, read forums, and learned through experience. I'm not discrediting the course but I promise you there are better ways to learn your way around the platform and better ways to spend $450. Yet again, in all seriousness, I'm willing to bet if you set a day up to offer food and good drink....there'd be plenty of knowledgeable tngo members show up to help
  16. KKing


    Very jealous. Congrats man!
  17. I name all my AR's "Barry". To the point I don't call them AR's. I'll tell my wife to hand me the "Barry pistol" when talking about my 7.5" AR. I think we all know who they're named after. I get joy every time I go to the range knowing he cringes each time I pull the trigger
  18. I'll kinda echo what everyone else said, it depends on what type of shooting you do. Honestly, I think a 1-4x is the best of both worlds, but if you go that route be sure to get quality glass because you want a scope that is good on both ends of the spectrum. Red dots are for quicker acquisition of your target , all depends on your preferences
  19. Can I make a suggestion? I believe there needs to be links posted to help a would be buyer instead of a long lists of websites. Just a thought. Like this for a $80 BCG from PSA... http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ar-15-05/upper-parts/bolt-carrier-groups/8620-bolt-carrier-group.html
  20. I'll amen this, especially their "blem" uppers. I've gotten several from there for $50, the only thing that classified them as a blem was the fact they didn't get stamped with the PSA logo. I've never received one that I would consider an actual blem, and I'm rather picky. FWIW, this quad rail is super sturdy, light, and made in the U.S. I ordered one a few weeks back and I'm really impressed. I have $200 Troy rails that I'm not as impressed with per dollar spent. Before you say it, no it's not for airsoft http://www.opticsplanet.com/leapers-utg-pro-model-4-15-rifle-length-free-float-quad-rail-system-mtu006.html
  21. Forward assist assembly maybe?
  22. I'm not sure what exactly you're asking by "end". Maybe say it a different way?
  23. As stated above, my RRA pistol tube doesn't use a nut, it's ran fine with no loosening. No worries
  24. Makes me wish I was closer, I'd love to check it out.
  25. I don't know if any of you are in the healthcare field, but as somebody that is...I'm here to tell you this is what's happening. The people that will suffer are the patients (which is everyone at one point or another). I'm not saying that some of these multi millionaire CEO's of healthcare companies didn't need to tighten the belt a little, but the cuts being made are ridiculous. Of course there's some CEO's that will cut jobs simply to pad their own pockets and just blame it on the ACA. It's the same logic Democrats use with the debt ceiling and wanting to raise it. Somehow they think cutting jobs of nurses/doctors/whatever is to save money is the way to give better care, it just doesn't make sense. Companies are laying off like crazy because they no longer will get reimbursement for some services provided.


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