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Everything posted by KKing

  1. Welcome, and congrats on leaving the communist state of New York
  2. Midway used to be my go to, I'd check them before just about anywhere else. That being said, I haven't ordered from them in over a year. They had a barrel that I wanted, but I bought from the ARFCOM store instead. I know shipping charges have gone up everywhere, I work a little for my Dad's business and they ship anywhere from 5 to 50 packages UPS daily, all over the globe. UPS charges have not went up proportionately to what Midway is charging
  3. KKing

    Stoping Power

    [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1161621" timestamp="1403486454"]Depends on what you're trying to stope. - OS[/quote] What you did there, I see it
  4. I'm still trying to get people to call me a European, Irish, small bit of Indian American. The term "white" is very derogatory to me. I mean, I'm no where near "white". How dare they? I'm more peach colored than anything
  5. [quote name="wtl" post="1161132" timestamp="1403362244"] At any rate, I just want to make it clear that I'm not bashing anyone. I just wanted advice from the knowledgeable and thoughtful fellow gun owners here, and I thank you all for your feedback so far. I have been PMed by a friend of the manager of EW who apparently wants me to email him, so I'll do that and detail here whatever comes of it, as I'm not trying to cast a negative light on EW.[/quote] I will say that you're taking this in stride and handling it very well. I commend you for that. And Runco, I certainly agree about doing your homework. But, being an uninformed buyer or eager buyer is no excuse for a business to take advantage of you by selling you a used product for a new price (if that's even the case in this situation). Anyway, hope all gets resolved and the Taurus runs well for you OP
  6. [quote name="Runco" post="1161105" timestamp="1403353566"]I agree with everyone, the gun appears used. However, I like to pose a question to the OP and others. What is the definition of new? Never owned by anyone? Never fired by anyone outside the factory? Very shiny and clean? So how does this compare to buying a new car. Ever bought a new car with just 0.1 miles on the odometer, or did it have 0.2 miles, 1.0 miles, 2.0 miles, 8 miles, etc. At what point does the various test drives will cause that new car to be a used car? Of course, we would negotiate the hound of a new car if it showed 50 miles on the odometer and dealer was trying pass it off as new car, ....its never been titled before thus it must be a new car! We would accept that, but we would want a discount. Unless we didn't know to look at the odometer. My take, the gun was a demo model or was test driven a lot. Yes, the OP should have inspected the gun more closer, and looked at the odometer. Well since guns don't have a odometer, one has to know the tale tale signs to look for. One would think that one does not have to do this at a business that is selling new guns, but business is business! I believe in this case the seller gets a point, and the buyer gets no points in the due diligence or art of selling and buying, so the score is 1-0. Chalk this up as a lessons learned, and take the lesson of impulse buying vs. buying at Academy to heart. Business is business, unless you have a defective gun or something, its highly likely nothing you can do or prove anyway. Unless you will feel better by trying to make your point to the business, I doubt you will move the needle at all. Suggest move on, and never shop there again. I also suggest if the business has a facebook page, to aire your experience there! More foot traffic will see it![/quote] You see...I'm not of that school of thought. I just don't believe that if you screw me that's it's somehow okay simply because I had a chance to look at the weapon. Now, if they truly sold him a used gun at a new price, that's when we'll see what their business is made of. Based on how they handle it, I suppose that's when we'll see the beauty of capitalism kick in. They handle it bad, we may see a lot of TGO'ers that would be potential customers go somewhere else. They handle it well, and they could gain business. Caveat emptor- buyer beware and all that, sure you say that's just good old business. Getting screwed by a business is just that, regardless. Do they have to do anything about his dirty weapon? No, not at all. Will their business hurt if they don't? Possibly
  7. I'm just a echo, but that gun has seen more than just a test fire, in fact that magazine looks like it's seen several rounds. No bueno
  8. Running the Fortis RED brake on one of my 16" AR carbines right now, so far I'm really impressed with it. Of course, it's loud as brakes tend to be. But with the gun gassed correctly and this brake, it literally feels like shooting a .22lr On the 10.5" pistol I'm building right now I'll be running the Kaw Valley linear compensator. All benefits of the Noveske KX3 without the weight or cost. I've ran the KX3 on a 7.5" barrel and it worked, I just think there are equal alternatives in that area now for less money. I'd put money up that the Griffin Armament comp I have on another 16" carbine works as well or better than a battle comp, at a fraction of the money. If we were to get scientific and all. [url="http://www.skdtac.com/Griffin-Armament-M4SD-II-Tactical-Compensator-p/gfa.050.htm"]http://www.skdtac.com/Griffin-Armament-M4SD-II-Tactical-Compensator-p/gfa.050.htm[/url]
  9. I'm with the sell them crowd. I'd like to try them out if my 20" bolt action
  10. KKing

    RRA lar-9

    [quote name="TN-popo" post="1160470" timestamp="1403196453"]Jeez, SIG...get the MPX to market! The only gun I'm really wanting right now is a reliable AR-based 9mm. Apparently, this is a tall order. I'd like to buy the MPX pistol, apply for a tax stamp, and then get the stock for it. That way, I can shoot it while I'm waiting for my paperwork to get back. [url="http://www.policeone.com/police-products/firearms/videos/7235909-SIG-MPX-Pistol"]http://www.policeone.com/police-products/firearms/videos/7235909-SIG-MPX-Pistol[/url][/quote] If I'm not mistaken they had ATF problems with one of the models. They were basically using suppressor baffles pinned on to make the barrel legal length and calling it a "flash hider". Think the ATF said no sir. Not sure why the other models aren't being produced/released though Side note, you know you can use the SB15 brace and shoulder it like he shows at the end of the video right? I mean, I realize some will SBR no matter what, just wanted to make sure you knew
  11. [quote name="Luke E." post="1160311" timestamp="1403142609"]Yes indeed. I had never even considered them for a trigger and was really leaning tot wards a Giessele but I have no regrets using Black Rain now.[/quote] I admit I've never looked into anything of theirs, but I will now.
  12. :rofl: this thread was so much better than what I was expecting
  13. KKing

    RRA lar-9

    [quote name="50 cal" post="1160072" timestamp="1403094496"]The new company is supposedly going to be called Blue Falcon Armory. The long story has been hashed out on Arfcom in the .22 and AR pistol caliber forum there. A user named tusconconnection has the whole story and has helped a bunch of people get lowers or money refunded. He also knows the people behind the new company that bought all the CAD drawings and machining fixtures from Jon Beaudry.[/quote] Thank you sir, MacGyver was kind enough to link the thread over on ARFCOM for me. I wish the new company the best of luck. I need one of the Glock lowers!
  14. Welcome from Columbia, only an hour or so down the road
  15. My wife got me the one that's kinda star shaped. I'm not a fan. I've noticed some of my subsonic 22lr rounds got stuck in it. Even saw a 9mm round get stuck in it one time out. Just not my thing really. I'm more a jug and bottle shooter
  16. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1159885" timestamp="1403037560"]This is a great thread. I normally just leave a Glock or two lying around. But, I have an 870 of the home defense variety, and several AR's. I have been leaning toward the AR for awhile, because my carbines have all the attributes mentioned in this thread. Short, light, low recoil, and fast sights. I am pretty sold on the AR at this point.[/quote] I think you've seen the light bud. Correct ammo, along with shot placement with any defense situation, is key. Honestly, I don't mean to talk down to or be derogatory towards folks that use shotguns for home defense, heck the guns have worked for years in that role. The problem I have is when I hear statements like "You can't miss with a shotgun" or "I'll use birdshot so it won't over penetrate" that I get riled. The thing is, any projectile that will penetrate flesh and organ will penetrate walls. Bullets that will expand and stop in your intended target are ideal in a perfect world. Lighter bullets tend to do that better. Steel balls in buck shot don't expand or tumble, typically they just fly through what they're pointed at and on to whatever is next. I'm not even getting into birdshot. But, as the old saying goes, different folks, different strokes and all that. Didn't mean to turn this into a shotgun vs. AR thread. Just figured since we've taken the fork in the road, might as well explore it
  17. KKing

    RRA lar-9

    [quote name="50 cal" post="1159804" timestamp="1403021805"] Going to get a DDLES lower once the new company gets up and running now that Jon Beaudry is out of the picture.[/quote] Interesting to hear. I was under the impression that they were just closing down. If it's true, it's the best news I've heard today. Do you have a source? (Not that I don't believe you)
  18. [quote name="dcloudy777" post="1159661" timestamp="1402964034"]If I knew I was going to fight one adversary that was't wearing armor, didn't take cover, and was just going to stand there directly facing me while I shot him, the shotgun might be my weapon of choice. Of course, if I knew who the threat was and when and where he was going to attack me, I'd just be somewhere else that day...[/quote] I can tell our lines of thought coincide. I too, use an AR for home defense. I've seen ballistic testing of different shotgun loads that would be absolute hell on meat, and also whatever is behind the next two walls. I don't trust my life to birdshot, period. To the OP, you have to decide for yourself. I'd advise you try to rent a 12ga shotgun, even if it's not the models you're suggesting, and see if that's really what you want. Also rent an AR or borrow a friends if you think that's a possibility. Whatever you choose, train. Train, train, train. I'm not talking about plinking, I'm talking about paying someone who has been there and done that to teach you. Ultimately, what you're confident in and component with is the best weapon for you. Ballistic charts and penetration tests don't mean squat if you can't handle/aren't comfortable with your weapon
  19. Oldie but goodie article. I have a cheap barreled upper that I run steel through, because quite frankly I don't care if the bi-metal bullets wear out the $89 barrel prematurely. Just like I don't care that I haven't cleaned the $79 BCG that's in it in over 1,400 rounds. Everything else I run brass in because I have some pretty decent barrels and the money saved on steel case wouldn't add up enough to replace those barrels in that period of time. But...ask me which gun I have more fun shooting. The one that I could care less about and shoot steel case in, or the ones that get cleaned at regular intervals that I shoot brass case in. It's great not caring if the steel case gun is clean, just squirt more break free in the BCG and shoot. When it starts not working, then I'll clean completely. I digress, I apologize
  20. [quote name="JPS" post="1158895" timestamp="1402758915"]best show is on Friday when they practice[/quote] Buddy of mine is the Manager of operations (or something to that effect) over the Smyrna airport and said the same thing. He's actually gotten to hang out with them a little since they've been here. Picture from practice he sent me
  21. According to the Facebook page of Shield Tactical, they rode today but not much detail is given. They're planning another ride July 5th, trying to gather more riders. Side note: Shield tactical is an awesome company to do business with, not to mention I like John's attitude
  22. Posted by Derek Gary on one of the firearms selling groups on Facebook. Goes as follows... You want to buy this gun. When you do, you will soon discover that men want to BE you, and women want to BE WITH you. As soon as you fire this weapon you will swear that the ghost of Mikhail Kalashnikov himself came down from Commie heaven and gave you a slap on the back with his leathery man hands. This weapon was built in Romania and sent here where it was customized with an aluminum quad rail, Browning holographic sight, and laser sight by an authentic certified native born son of the Great State of Mississippi. When you see the marshmallow roasting fireball that erupts out of the muzzle of this bad boy, you'll know why they named it the Draco after the mighty fire breathing dragon. The BATF considers this weapon a pistol, so it can be carried legally with a handgun carry permit, which is sure to annoy any gun grabbing liberal hippy types that have the misfortune of crossing your path. This 7.62x39mm beast will use any high capacity AK mag or drum, so don't try to use any California approved single stack garbage unless you want it to be spit back at you while the mighty Draco laughs and mocks you. If think you have what it takes to wield this God given blessing of the second amendment, be the first to meet me with $500.00 American Dollars. The sale of this weapon includes one 30 round mag, the original box and paperwork, and one disposable razor. The razor is for the steely tactical man beard you are sure to grow after becoming the proud owner of this "handgun". If you need to ask your wife first, immediately close this ad and go watch a romantic comedy on Lifetime, this gun is not for you Nancy boy. If two worthy prospects show up, ownership will be determined by a feat of strength of my choosing. Located in Bartlett TN. Good luck gentlemen.


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