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Everything posted by KKing

  1. What has been seen cannot be unseen
  2. No way, all of its scars will come from truly being used. I haven't really decided what I'll run through it, I've gotten away from shooting wolf and Tula simply because of the barrel wear, but they may be just the ticket for this gun
  3. Lol I guess you're right. I just meant for those inquiring about using it on their non red headed children :up:
  4. Good deal. I thought about painting this one myself, but I'm not gonna waste the paint on it lol
  5. Yes sir it is. So far my only complaint is the finish is just a smidge more shiny than the receivers
  6. There's a creek that runs along my shooting property, I can't think of a better way to cool it off!
  7. I tried to get a couple closer pictures. All the round holes you see are threaded and it comes with 3 or 4 rails of different lengths. It's very smooth and it's very small in diameter. My Kies adjustable has block JUST does fit. It comes with its own barrel nut that has 2 grooves in it, the set screws you see go in those grooves. A little blue locktite and I think it's a very decent attachment method. Pay no attention if it appears my screws aren't tightened, I've been taking the handguard on and off adjusting the gas block.
  8. Sorry gents, but not keymod. I will get a close up of it in the a.m.
  9. It's funny you say that. I was going to name it Becky. A friend of mines wife's real name is Becky, and she truly is a red headed step child. She hates her first name and only goes by Allyson, and my buddy loves to call her Becky to pick with her. I don't really name guns though. If anyone has any "torture tests" they've wanted to try, I'll be glad to try them out (within reason). I won't go filling the barrel full of peanut butter and pulling the trigger or anything.
  10. For the longest time I've wanted to build a gun to truly just beat the snot out of. Finally I had enough leftover parts that all I really needed was a barrel. PSA had these stainless barrels on sale a couple weeks back for $75 so I snatched it up and I finally have my beater I've always wanted. It consists of a Anderson slick side upper, Anderson lower with PSA parts, and a ebay free float that I like surprisingly well. I'll eventually swap the sights to fixed irons because it will be a iron sight gun forever. I'll also switch the stock out eventually as well but for right now I'm just enjoying it. I plan to run it without cleaning until it absolutely fails and document the round count so that might be interesting.
  11. This. Always this ;).
  12. Thanks for the follow up and report! PM inbound
  13. As a Columbia resident, this hits home hard with me. I can't really express my feelings exactly. May God lay his hands on this young mans hurting family, and may the ones that killed him truly be punished as they should. The court system is not strong enough for them. Stay vigilant, my friends
  14. That's one of the ugliest, coolest, can't take my eyes off of weapons I've seen in a while!
  15. Why can't I get it to play from my iPhone?
  16. I can't tell you how many times I've had this gun in my cart and talked myself out of it (not because of the weapon, because of the wife) but I don't think I can resist the urge much longer. I already have a lot of parts bookmarked for it, I just need to pull the trigger. Honestly 99% of what I've seen on them has been positive
  17. At almost twice the price of this lower, sure I like mega too.
  18. I don't know wether I should shake your hand or do quite the opposite! Thanks for posting that, I was able to order 2, as I was riding down the road swerving punching in my credit card numbers lol
  19. I can't speak for any of the rest, but I too have used a Stoner barrel and I'm happy with it
  20. Guess I'll be the guinea pig. I've got a upper on the way that needs a little something on top anyway
  21. I'll really be interested in a range report
  22. I'm only about 30 minutes north and have yet to go. I mainly only shoot on our property but if we had a TGO gathering I'd be all in!
  23. That's an awesome video. Big +1 for knowing Ben Howard too
  24. At 15 yards I'd say that's fine shooting :up:
  25. Brother, that is his "normal" job. He's a pro rider, and I'd wager he makes a great living from it.


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