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Everything posted by KKing

  1. FWIW, my Chinese cans came today. I don't hate that I bought them. I don't use mine for storage really, the longest mine see stored during the summer Is a couple of weeks. I think they will do fine for my purposes.
  2. Man I wouldn't know where to start. I'm currently converting/refinishing/modding a SAIGA in .233 which is my first dance with the AK platform. It didn't take me long to realize that really nothing fits out of the box like the AR's I'm accustomed to. Looks like you're making great strides, keep pushing! I'd love to take on one of these down the road
  3. It could also get you killed should you have to use your firearm under stress. There's a lot of ways to keep the OP from happening, manual safeties aren't the answer for a firearm you carry
  4. Everyone should own an AR imo, and there's never been a better time price wise to get into one. You mentioned "home defense if possible", I'm not seeing any options other than the Hipoint carbine mentioned that would double in that role. Trust me when I say you could do much worse than a hipoint carbine.
  5. And just like that, I have 2 Chinese knock off cans coming, as well of 2 of these
  6. Lol, ditto. I got two.
  7. I don't know if I'm more excited that someone else hates those nozzles as much as I do or that you found those cans. Either way we just became friends
  8. See that's the thing... The only difference between a "radical" muslim and a "peaceful" muslim is the former is willing to act upon what they both believe. The quran calls for violence to non believers. Those are the "radicals", as mentioned above. As I said, I've looked at the texts. This "peaceful" and "extremist" or "radical" distinction is garbage. They're either acting on what they believe or not. If you believe in killing me because I don't believe in your religion (which would be infringing on my rights in a large way) I can't say I care about your freedom of religion.
  9. Please tell me you jest. Forgive me, and call me closed minded if you wish, but I know more than I should about it as is. I have studied the "religion" of islam, and not one word of anything any muslim practices blows my skirt up, regardless of the name they give themselves.
  10. It's easy to throw the "tin foil" card, just like the race card and not provide any insight yourself. Would you say that if in fact these camps exist, that they are a bunch of fun loving, flag waving Americans? It's not paranoia if you're right, ya know.
  11. As reported, pretty icy in Columbia and still coming down. My workplace closed down but the wife has to work this evening so I'll have to try and take her in. ER's don't close, unfortunately
  12. The sad part of this (to me) is it appears to be a Forgiato promotional vehicle. They make some great wheels, but wow at that promo
  13. In Russia you don't take shots. Shots take you.
  14. RRA winter trigger guard for any rig I intend to ever use in the woods. Read: thick gloves. Otherwise, I usually use Magpul
  15. The gun or the Eldorado? Will you take 2 goats and 3 good laying chickens for it?
  16. Around 300, but I need to measure, that's just me stepping it off. I'm pretty limited past that because of the hillside I shoot into
  17. I guess people list what ammo they were using when they have posts like this, it was wolf 55gr steel case
  18. I wish it was just irons! It inherited a PA 1-4x24 recently. Thanks guys. Please, don't anyone think I'm bragging by making this post (nothing to brag about I don't think) I just don't have anyone to share it with, all my wife wants to know is when I'm coming home to fill the holes in the yard our puppy dug lol
  19. You know Dave I got to thinking after you posted this, and since I'm still out shooting I decided to press my luck. To be fair, this is not shot number 2, but shots 3,4,and 5 with slight Kentucky windage adjustment. I think I'll go get a lottery ticket
  20. I've never really shot past 150 yards other than I few rounds on someone else's property, but now since clearing the land I'll get to shoot this distance all the time, I like it a lot. Thanks bud
  21. So what you're looking at is probably one of the best shots I've taken. This was shot around 225 yards, one shot, in about 5mph wind. It's not so much the shot, but what I shot it with. This was made with what some of you will remember as "the redheaded stepchild". It's my beater AR that I'm at almost 600 rounds without cleaning, that I built simply to beat the crap out of....Very cheaply, at that. Some of you could shoot like this with a slingshot, but I just got some land cleared this week so that I could shoot past 100 yards, so I'm pretty excited. Don't laugh too hard.
  22. That's pretty cool I have to say, I might have to get myself one
  23. I don't buy/sell/trade outside of TGO and my LGS. No way in Hades I'd meet some of the people I see post on those facebook pages. I still follow them though, for my entertainment pleasure
  24. Completely agree. I just so happen to be s big fan of all 3. I'm definitely in if they figure it out


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