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Everything posted by KKing

  1. Hmm I would definitely like to have one of the 19's
  2. Those are all 1/2" AR500 plates except for the two small round ones on top and the one on the very left. Those are just 3/8" mild steel for rimfire only
  3. No, just no
  4. There is, it's folded behind the weapon in that picture. That ones not mine, it's a pic I saved from arfcom. You can see the stock folded behind the weapon better in this picture, again...arfcom
  5. There are very few of my weapons that don't have mounted lights on them. From getting to my deer stand, to lighting up a room in the house if need be, just a no brainer
  6. That is interesting. Don't think I knew that. If they have an actual storefront that would be awesome
  7. Me and my dad have talked on and off about a setup to shoot steel that we needed to build for the last year. Well, tonight when we opened presents I got a note inside a box saying "be careful what you wish for". Then we walk out to his shop and I find this! Seriously, I think this is the best present I've ever gotten. I would have never imagined he would build this.
  8. What are you talking about? They get no more "real" than Saiga! To me, anyway. My next AK will come from DDI
  9. Sure thing. They're a completely polymer magazine as opposed to the factory Glock metal lining. Doesn't bother me much as mine is a range toy and should never see a combat scenario. To me, I prefer the feel of the ETS polymer to the new magpul magazines, less mold marks and such, mainly aesthetic. Both run fine in my pistol and the carbine, with the only difference being the ETS actuates the bolt hold open in the carbine. ETS has only had these Glock mags out a very short time, they've been making AR magazines for quite some time. I preordered mine from Ranier and just received it this Monday. They're making 15, 17, 22, and 31 round magazines in 9mm. The 22 round from my understanding is for competition folks that have a length limit on the magazines. Oh, and merry Christmas to you too! Hope the big guy comes to see you!
  10. Little update on the bolt catch situation. I have found that the ETS magazines have enough spring pressure on the floor plate to activate the bolt hold open. They work well, and look pretty neat as well. Win win. So all of my magazines for this carbine are getting switched over, and now I'm contemplating a form 1. Here's a photo of the ETS mags I snagged from the net
  11. I can appreciate the work you put into it, looks like it was very well done. Good job! Not my thing, but life would be boring if we were all the same!
  12. They had that same one back around Black Friday for $69 except it had the logo and I picked up a couple. I don't see how they do it. I would bet PSA pulls a large percentage of the AR parts market
  13. Welcome, I'm in Columbia myself and attend turkey shoots often. ^^^He's not kidding about the .40
  14. The length of the prongs doesn't designate a stubborn collar. The stubborn box is a larger, more square box than the one that comes with the kit. Such as this
  15. That's great and true, but all that is for the wrong weapon platform
  16. Did you have the stubborn collar on the husky or just the normal one that comes with the kit?
  17. This reminded me, go to your nearest equipment rental place and rent a "dog fence trencher", yes seriously. It's a trencher that you pull instead of pushing and it lays the wire and buries it all at the same time. No "going back and burying wire", nothing like that. We did very near 3 acres of our property in just a little over 3 hours. I believe it was $50 to rent the machine for the weekend, very good investment.
  18. We have the Petsafe brand unit with buried wire. Can't recommend it enough. I will say though, if you have a dog bigger than a chihuahua don't even bother with the collar box that comes with the unit. Order a "stubborn" collar for larger breeds.
  19. Just noticed this myself. Jade Helm?
  20. I do still use a couple small desiccants in each one because I'm a bit of a nut lol
  21. I use a mix of 30/50 cal surplus cans and the large plastic dry boxes from Wally World. No the plastic won't stand up to the abuse of the surplus cans. All are stored in a humidity controlled climate and the most abuse they get is going from storage, to my vehicle, to the range and back. Plastic suits me just fine.
  22. At least one for every purpose.
  23. Got mine shipped. Hope they like it.
  24. If they charge $20 with refinishing I dare say you won't find a price cheaper anywhere. I've done my own (only 3 though) and I wouldn't do one for less than that. I've welded mine, no reason to mess with that other stuff if you can weld IMO
  25. Same here, my final piece came in today.


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