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Everything posted by Ranger431

  1. I've wanted a FN .45 Tactical for quite a while, they are great firearms. I currently own a couple of small Khars and Rugers, a SIG 228 and 226, and a FN.45 Tactical is needed to join the herd.
  2. The insecurity of some people is amusing. If paying extra money, doing extra paperwork, not being able to travel freely with it across state lines, or with it loaded/chambered in a vehicle if you so desire is worth it to you, feel free to go the SBR route, but to try to bag on others for their choices just reeks of "short penis syndrome". Go be the "cool guy" if you want, but paying extra for a tax stamp doesn't impress me.
  3. My brother has one, and I've shot it numerous times and have been pretty impressed. Solid, accurate and reliable.
  4. Agree with that. Don't ever intend to shoot .380 recreationally, but it does have a purpose.
  5. My usual carry guns are a Kahr CW9 or a SIG 228. But I decided on the occasions where a 9mm might be too big (running, or somewhere where pocket carry makes more sense - like church) I needed an even smaller option. I wanted a quality pistol that I could count on, but knowing it wouldn't be used very often (except running) I didn't want to break the bank. I ended up going with the Ruger LCP with the CT laser. The ergonomics and weight are very good, no sharp corners to dig in to the carrier or snag upon drawing, and the laser is great. It turns on by gripping the pistol firmly. No little buttons to find and no need to look through extremely tiny sights in a dynamic situation. Fits my needs exactly.
  6. Agreed, it's a great read. I've read it a few times. Another good one is "Lights Out" by David Crawford.
  7. I considered both, and ultimately decided on an electric keypad due to speed. A keypad is much faster, especially at night, etc than a tumbler. If I need a gun, odds are that I need it NOW. If an EMP hits, I will have plenty of time to get it open before most people even know what happened.
  8. Ranger431

    Kahr CW9

    It's a great daily carry pistol. I carry it during sumber months due to how skinny it is. In the fall and winter I will carry my SIG 228 more, but the CW9 is light and comfortable. A good performing gun as well. As said above the trigger is a bit longer than most, but smooth. This is deigned to prevent ADs. I use a Comptac IWB kydex holster.
  9. Thanks Stumpy. It is the head that is stripped, it is completely round now. After the Allen wrenches wouldn't work, I've tried two different bolt extractors, neither budged the darn things. There doesn't seem to be any evidence of Lock Tight at all. Being that the heads are round, I can't seem to get a Torx bit to grab at all - maybe a bigger hammer??
  10. In the past year I moved from Knoxville to west TN, and am looking for a gunsmith in the Jackson \ Milan \ Humboldt area and was wondering if anyone can make a good recommendation. I have a couple of button cap screws on a keymod forgrip that are stripped and can't figure out a way to get them out without having a really good chance of screwing up the finish. I got 4 of them out and they were crazy tight, but there wasn't any sign of lock tight. The remaining two are really tight. I've stripped 2 Allen wrenches (and the screws) and tried a Grabit bit. Would rather not drill and retap. My ARs are not safe queens, but I don't want to me up a brand new firearm in this process. Any other ideas to try or a good gunsmith recommendation?
  11. If you exercise your rights to criticize this administration, you will be targeted. It's been the norm and will continue to be.
  12. Not following you here. If I used flush mounting tap in anchors, you could just lift the safe out, and do whatever you wanted, right?
  13. I will be mounting it to a slab foundation of the house in a closet, so there will be carpet and a pad between the safe and the concrete. Would like something that mounts flush. I have a hammer drill, so that part is easy.
  14. Looking to anchor a safe to the concrete slab of a house. Did a little research and it seems drop in anchors would be the way to go, because when you remove the bolt they are flush, and at some point I may have to remove the safe either to get a bigger one or to relocate. Are there any other options I may be overlooking? Are the anchors just a Lowes / Home Depot item? Sorry for thew basic questions, just never had a safe in a spot where it seemed to need to be anchored.
  15. I've lived in NY twice and will never find out if they "third time's a charm". Went there once in the Army with the 10th Mountain Division in Ft Drum for almost 4 years and a second time to run a plant between Buffalo and Rochester. Agree that most people in the rural areas of the upstate are very similar to southerners, 'cept y'all talk funny ;) I've also had the pleasure of living in both middle and east TN, and will soon give it a shot out in west TN. In all, I've lived in more states than most will ever visit, and TN is the best of em all. Good luck!
  16. Good advice here. I also carry as much as I can. Most of the time it ends up being my Sig 228, which is a great mid point between full size and compact. If I'm wearing light clothes or want to stay light I'll usually carry a Kahr CW-9. Don't really have anything smaller, but wouldn't mind a PM-9 if I could find one cheap.
  17. "00" Buck in a Mossy 930 SPX. Biggest use would be to let the wife secure the stairwell and kids if I have to go downstairs to clear things out, or if she is home alone. An 18" full bore barrel and buckshot makes that staircase damn near impassable.
  18. Gander mountain is where I got mine
  19. Can't say I'm a big fan of the Knox County Sheriff's Dept. Had a camper stolen, had the guy on video taking it, he knew where cameras were and the way to avoid most (so he had connections to the storage lot) and vwe had to practically beg them to come get the video, which they likely just threw away. When I asked why they weren't interested, their response was basically "you have a police report to give your insurance company, so what's the big deal". I understand they have lots of things to do, but at least you should ACT like you care. If I ever decide to take up a life of crime, it'd be in Knox county.
  20. Caught something on the news this morning about workers being allowed to keep handguns in a car at work. Thought it said you might have to show employers you have a permit at something similar - seems kind of odd and since I didn't catch the whole story I'm trying to look into it. Anyone have any more info? Thanks.
  21. Wasn't aware of that. I thought the law did protect employment status.
  22. Nevermind, looks like it is at the Governors desk. The only problem is that although it won't be a crime to have one, an employee can still be fired for breaking a company rule due to the "Employment at will" laws. Looks like it'll be parking on the street for me. FL has a better law, believe it protects employment status.
  23. New to the site, but had a quick question. I heard a while back that the state tried to pass a law that would allow you to keep a gun locked, out of site, in a locked car even if an employer or business prohibited firearms on the premises. If I remember right, this was defeated but thought there was going to be another attempt. Seems stupid that someone would have to commute unarmed over something like this. And parking in the street sure sends the wrong message, not to mention it makes your vehicle much more likely to be broken into. Anyone have an update or any more information on this?


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