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  1. I think having a little more powder / velocity in a 9mm round would help hitting the targets at 30 yards more than the .380. You can get several concealable 9mm pistols. I haven't shot my P365 to 30 yards, but I can get pretty good results from my P228. Yeah, I'm more of a Sig guy, but there are other 9mm conceal models that can do the same thing.
  2. Ranger431

    Sig P365

    I'm a huge fan of my P365. Shoots extremely well.
  3. My P365 has performed flawlessly for about 450 rounds. I looked at the primers this past weekend and there is some striker drag for sure. It is somewhat concerning, but what a great gun!
  4. I've shot 500-600 through mine, no issues at all. Great feeling gun, especially with the 12 rounder. A great carry gun.
  5. Technically, mine is a pistol with a collapsible brace and a 4.5" barrel, but it acts a lot like a carbine, except it isn't shouldered of course.
  6. I have 4 Lancers for my MPX. They are very well built and function flawlessly. However, at about $60 each, if Magpul made MPX mags, that's what I'd be using....
  7. A couple of weeks ago I would have struggled with this question. I would have been torn between the capacity of a double stack of a Sig P228 or the compactness of a Kahr CW9 (yeah, you can go smaller, but hard to go smaller with a filull sized grip in a 9mm). However, now I own, and have shot the heck out of, a Sig P365 it is my new answer. Holds 12 in the same size as a CW9, but shoots like a full sized service pistol.
  8. I have one, and after a few hundred rounds without a single hiccup, am proud to report this thing is awesome. The stock mags are great, but I really prefer the 12 rounder. Great trigger pull, very accurate and manageable recoil (especially for a gun this small). Manufacture date of 3/23.
  9. Care to post a few sites for this? If you don't want to post, or can't, how about a PM?
  10. There are several steps that would need to be taken to ensure due process, but this does have more promise than many other options I've heard thrown around.
  11. For full size I'll defer, as always, to a Sig P226. I'd love to nominate the P228 as a "compact" but in reality I can only carry mine with a loose sweatshirt or a jacket. My current favorite carry 9 is a Kahr CW9, buy I'm still not sold 100%. I like being able to fully grip the pistol, and a single stack mag for a thin profile is a must. I'm considering grabbing a SIG P239 SAS Gen 2, buy I'm a little concerned with the weight
  12. Has anyone else tried it, or have any reviews? Was thinking of giving it a shot.
  13. If you liked One Second After, there is a book, also called Lights Out, by David Crawford that is kind of similar. A little less dark, but a very good read. Those two, plus Patriots are amongst my favorite SHTF books.


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