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  1. I came to post this one too. Good option.
  2. If he is shooting supersonics his ears will likely ring still. Some people have such high expectations with suppressors that they think they're going to get subsonic .22lr performance out of any round just because there's a suppressor present.
  3. Please stop trying to incite panic buying. You're being part of the problem. If you're in need of something, buy it. If not, let it be. That's how everyone should be right now. Nothing is going to happen in this political climate. People are up for re-election in a few months.
  4.   ^^This   That's like saying you talked to an "internet guru" and they didn't know about Google.
  5. capital armory does layaway for 4 months.
  6. In north Ga there are a few pawn shops that do great running specials and deals and even price match some online prices for suppressors. Has anyone had any luck with any in east Tennessee doing the same?
  7. but there are no facts to back up his claim. It's one thing to speculate, it is another to state a fact. He isn't helping our side one bit by giving false narratives. 
  8. Saw this on another forum. He has gone on the record for spewing unbacked information which would seem to boost his bottom line. The last guy, Rick Uselton, that did that went out of business. Just a heads up about him to watch out for.     He claims "Gun Shows represent the largest organized illegal gun sales in the U.S."      video on the top left http://www.wdef.com/news/story/Lawmaker-Asks-Attorney-General-Opinion-on-Banning/bFdfxL-kqUKU7M0cNvR7Wg.cspx
  9. I love when people like you out yourself so early in your stay. It makes it so much easier to ignore every single word out of your mouth after saying something like this. Thanks again!
  10. Just curious about those of you that shoot on your own land how far outside of the city you're in and what setup you have. Going to be buying some land to build a house soon and I would like to be able to shoot some on my own land. From what I've been told I could be in the county but outside of Chattanooga city limits.
  11. I replaced my ambi safety with the single side safety from a P238. With the size of my hands, the ejection side of the safety would touch the joint of my first finger when I would disengage it. It made me have to change my strong hand grip on the gun to disengage the safety. More better now ; )
  12. My SAS doesn't fire in a half-cocked position with the safety on or off. Sounds like you've got one that needs to go back to Sig.
  13. They're coming back in stock so the resellers are standing in lines again   http://www.armslist.com/posts/3951795/chattanooga-tennessee-ammo-for-sale--22lr-ammo--5-616-rds- http://www.armslist.com/posts/3951671/chattanooga-tennessee-ammo-for-sale---22lr-bricks-winchester-and-remington-new---
  14. That's either one expensive ammo can or some expensive .22. Take your pick   http://www.armslist.com/posts/3735398/knoxville-tennessee-ammo-for-sale--1050-rounds-federal--22-long-rifle-w--ammo-can--
  15. to which he should say, "no". the only person that sees my papers are ATF agents, and then police if they're nice about it.


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