Hello, new member here to TGO. My name is Jonathon.
I own a couple of pistols, Ruger sr40c and Smith SD9ve a Ruger 10/22 with a tacticool look and a deer rifle. I am hoping to continue expanding my safe soon, but a few months ago had to start buying diapers which takes away from the 'ME' fund.
I do reload my ammo, which is actually one of the reasons I stumbled into this site: I am looking for some small pistol primers and have been unable to find any. I have reloaded rifle for a while, but am expanding to pistols and can't find the supplies I need. I have plenty of brass and some bullets/powder but no primers. If anyone knows a place that has small pistol primers in stock, or has 200-1000 they would be willing to sell please let me know.
I live and work south of Nashviile, been here all my life. I grew up shooting long guns and just begin shooting pistols a couple of years back. At some point I would like to participate in an entry level competition just for fun, the local gun club here holds events occasionally so may get a chance.
Nice 'meeting' everyone!