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Everything posted by TNMTBik3r

  1. Multiple managers have said the corporate directive is 22LR, hunting rounds (30-06, .308, etc but soft point only), and shotgun ammo. And if you haven't heard, anything left on shelves as of 12-29 is being donated to local PD. Two managers told me no further price drops are forthcoming, but who knows for sure. Either way, can't pass on sub-10cpr 9mm and sub-16cpr 5.56!
  2. Shelbyville Walmart has a ton of Winchester 5.56 200 round boxes for $30 a box. I got all I needed and they said there's a bunch of cases still in the back. 9mm and 45 are pretty much gone though.
  3. There is a Walmart clearance thread on arfcom with a bunch of SKUs, and it is also posted on Slick Deals if you want to check specific calibers and potential availability. I grabbed 1k of 9mm for 10cpr (after tax!) and 800 rounds of 5.56 for 16cpr. I wish I had grabbed more yesterday but left a few boxes for the next person....but today I'm going for more.
  4. New press is all setup and cranking out some 55gr FMJ loads tonight. I already had several hundred pieces of primed brass so this was great to get a feel for the new press. I have a LED light kit on the way already, KMS Ufo light for better visibility. It will be most helpful with handgun rounds as peering into small rifle brass is difficult anyways. Also already want to buy the Inline Fabrication improved output catch bracket, as the catch bracket with the press is fairly flimsy. Fully serviceable, just flimsy.
  5. There are multiple promotions from Vista. I had this link opened already from yesterday, reviewing rebates for reloading components. https://promotions.vistaoutdoor.com/
  6. Yes, the Inline Fab roller handle is on my list to purchase soon. I have their roller handle on both the Dillon SDB and Rockchucker now and it is a huge improvement over the standard ball handles.
  7. Several years ago I upgraded from a RCBS turret press, and ended up with a Dillon SDB for pistol rounds and stuck with the Rockchucker for rifle. I think it is time to upgrade again and the Hornady LNL AP progressive seems ideal. I have a good process but reloading "bulk" 5.56 on a single stage is time consuming. I won't use a bullet or case feeder, will feed both in by hand but one benefit is the Hornady would all be left hand vs the Dillon right/left sequence. I have dies already for each caliber and most are in the Hornady bushing (used in the Rockchucker) and an extra Hornady powder measure (along with extra inserts for quick changeover). My plan would be to reload 9mm (primary), .45ACP, .223 (primary), 6.8SPC (maybe, don't shoot a lot of it), and possibly some basic .308 rounds (although I intend to leave .308 on the Rockchucker even though I realize a progressive press is capable of match quality ammo). I have read quite a few reviews and other threads on this press, along with the inevitable "just buy a Dillon!" comments, but interested in what some local folks think of the Hornady. I think my reloading process for handgun would remain basically the same: size/deprime in station 1, prime, powder through expander in station 2, powder check in station 3 (new vs the Dillon SDB), seat in station 4, crimp in station 5 (probably a Lee factory crimp die). Rifle would need to be figured out, since it requires more prep work. I think maybe size/deprime on the single stage and run through the tumbler to remove lube and process primer pockets / trim as needed. Then on the progressive place an universal decapper in station 1 to remove any stuck media (but not really needed), prime, powder in station 2, powder check in station 3 as a backup to my manual check, and bullet seating in station 4. I don't (currently) crimp rifle rounds but that could possibly go in station 5 otherwise it would remain empty. Anything you wish you had known before buying? Anything specific I should consider adding to improve the process? Adding on press trimming isn't a consideration either so I think this process is pretty much it.
  8. I filed a few days ago for my wife and I. $250 if/when it arrives buys some more ammo..... One thing I read said that the absolute earliest any settlements would be mailed was January 2020 (01/24/2020 I believe?) due to the discovery process and court proceedings? If true I am fine with waiting to do my small part in making them pay.
  9. I had a SSA-E once and it was great. But then I received a MBT2 (not long after first release I think) and it was great. I ended up selling the SSA-E and went with the MBT2 in all my ARs except one (ALG single stage in a carbine). Great trigger especially with the $87 price. When I ordered my last with the Cyber Monday deal I was told by a rep they were over 60k sold already. I don't recall hearing the final before Christmas tally.
  10. They will read them for free. They don't, or at least are not supposed to, clear them for you.
  11. If I was buying something today I would also look at one to connect to a phone app, as they (at least the couple I looked at briefly last year) offer a whole lot more information and can even record some performance data to your phone for review. I have this one from Amazon, bought it years ago and have used it a handful of times. Autel AutoLink AL319 OBD2 Scanner Automotive Engine Fault Code Reader CAN Scan Tool
  12. I received a larger refund this year, which was a nice surprise because I had adjusted my withholding and was expecting less of a refund. But we received the child credit on both kids this year which resulted in the large refund and a net tax payment 50% less than the prior year. My effective tax rate went dropped from 13.x% to 11.x% before the child credit, which then dropped us down to 6.x%. I paid 50% less tax this year than last year, and my taxable income went up by 15k so we are happy.
  13. I have an Atlas, it was tough for me to shell out $300 for a bipod but I hated the Harris style bipods I had at the time. The Atlas ended up being well worth the price. A couple of months ago I bought the Magpul bipod. I haven't had many chances to shoot lately, but the couple of range trips I made it has worked well off of the bench, holding up an 11# rifle. I bought the ARMS style and LaRue QD mount, so total investment was about $150. If you have a dedicated rifle to leave it on then it is a no brainer at $90ish for the mlok or pic style IMO.
  14. I hated the Magpul AFG, pretty sure it is still in my parts box. I ended up with a vertical grip on two ARs (Magpul VFG and BCM short VFG). When I was outfitting my CZ Scorpion I tried a Strike Industries Link angled grip and it stayed. The grip area is larger and is comfortable for me to use. I don't think either style has helped accuracy but both are comfortable for my shooting positions.
  15. I was excited to see the leaks and the official announcement, particularly for the mags. The 30 round mags make some PCC stages troublesome (reload required) and there are very limited extension options out there. I really like the grip (Yeti Wurks) and mag paddle (Shooters Element) I have installed so will likely keep them but it is great to see a large company jump into supporting this firearm. Also, if you haven't seen them PSA has a 35 round mag that fits the Scorpion. I just ordered two the other day to test out for $20 each but that won't stop me from grabbing the Magpul version when available. https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-ak-v-9x19mm-35-round-u9-patterned-magazine-5165448274.html
  16. I haven't seen one in store that I recall, but I bought one online a couple of years ago. It works great IMO - I carry an extra Glock mag in my front pocket. The mag comes out easily and the "snag" works to catch on my jeans every time.
  17. Agree with the points made - don't touch the bulb directly and check out some of the "drop-in" LED kits. There are multiple $40ish kits on Amazon with good reviews if you want to stay on the cheap side, and better kits that go up from there available elsewhere. Additionally, brightness and to some degree longevity will depend on the bulb type. My car calls for 9006 bulbs which are terrible, but 9012 bulbs are much brighter while remaining safe - from a voltage and other driver perspective.
  18. Exactly what I thought Very convenient for lunch time runs.
  19. Saw this announcement this morning. If this comes together, will be nice to have a great selection of parts available without waiting on shipping. https://www.bizjournals.com/nashville/news/2018/10/19/gun-company-moving-hq-to-nashville.html
  20. I was finally able to get 2 electricians out here this week to look at what I wanted. They suggested going with a tandem 20amp breaker instead of attempting the sub-panel install and moving circuits over due to cost....since I don't expect any future electrical expansion I agreed. Install was completed to a junction box below my service panel, using 12/3 romex. He wired it as both black/red hot, with a shared neutral, briefly explaining that it is allowed per code as a multiwire branch circuit since the breaker / both circuits are on the same leg/phase. It wasn't really what I had envisioned, but didn't get time to discuss with the tech due to schedule conflicts. From talking to someone else and reading online it should be fine though, or I can unhook it and run a 2nd piece of romex to make it two isolated 12/2 runs (dedicated hot/neutrals). Now to get conduit run where I need it.... Thanks for the info and suggestions in here. ETA: Read some more, calling to discuss the install tomorrow, but I will get this fixed to 2 completely isolated circuits as I had originally intended. I don't want the shared neutral overload risk. And garage wiring requires GFCI protection, which isn't as straightforward with a shared neutral. So getting this wired as I intended is the best solution, wish had been here for all of the install to get it done right to start with.
  21. Move one of the existing breakers over to the new panel? I have a local company coming out Tuesday to look and give me an estimate (hopefully they show up this time)....will see what they say, worst case I just install a 20amp breaker to completely fill the existing panel, and only worry about future expansion if it is ever needed.
  22. The main is 200 amp. I thought about just filling in the last breaker slot for this new circuit, but figured the small cost is worth it to do a sub-panel in case future expansion is needed.
  23. I have worked with electric a bit, and this does seem simple. Kill the power, connect the feed....my wife disagrees so I'm willing to pay someone who knows what they are doing. As far as looks, I am doing surface mount conduit anyways, so I was thinking a surface mount panel would be fine as well. Mount it next to the existing panel, one hole in the drywall to snake the cable through...
  24. Any electricians on here? I'm looking for someone to help me with a small project. I have called a few local companies without success. I need more outlets in the garage, and I want to run a new circuit for it. The current breaker box has one open slot, and even though I don't expect to need more circuits I think a sub-panel is in order. I'm looking for someone to install the sub-panel and connect to the existing box for me. Once that is done I will handle the rest of the cable runs/outlets. I'm sure I could do the install but with the potential risks I feel better with someone who does this for a living. This seems like a fairly simple job if someone is in the Columbia area willing to take on a side project.
  25. I went through a bunch of IWB holsters for my Glock 19 until I found TT GunLeather. I have the Mike's Special and it is perfect. Milt Sparks holsters were close, but the TT carries the pistol lower in the waist band which I prefer.


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