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Everything posted by herr.baer

  1. A crusty old Chief Petty Officer found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young idealistic liberal ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Chief Petty Officer for conversation. "Excuse me, Chief, but you seem to be a very serious man.. Is something bothering you?" "Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature.." The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, "It looks like you have seen a lot of action." "Yes, ma'am, a lot of action." The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, "You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself." The Chief Petty Officer just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally the young lady said, "You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when was the last time you had sex?" "1955, ma'am." "Well, there you are. No wonder you're so serious. You really need to chill out and relax! I mean, no sex since 1955! Come with me." She took his hand and led him to a private room where she proceeded to "relax" him several times. Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his grizzled bare chest and said, "Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955." The Chief said in his serious voice, after glancing at his watch, "I hope not; it's only 2130 now." (Gotta love military time).......
  2. 1969 Dodge Dart 3 speed on the column with a slant 6. Bought it off the local minister. Thing ran great. Frame rust thru though.
  3. I took mine to the range so she could be comfortable using the it in the house if she had too. She really enjoyed shooting and likes to go to the range.
  4. Thanks for the offer and the info. It would be a bit of a drive for me since I still live in Maryland. Will still be a while before I move to Tn unless I hit the lottery before then.
  5. Not having done any IDPA matches yet, what does it mean on the COF when is says (slice the pie)?
  6. I bought a Longslide back in the late 80's. Still have it as a safe queen. Don't shoot it much at all any more. When I was shooting it though I never had any troubles with it.
  7. I am going to pick it up. I thought it was funny as h3ll. Rule #1 CARDIO!!!
  8. Here is mine.
  9. Glad you chose that option. It will be a fun project and mean much more to them when they have a hand in building it.
  10. Have a fun project with your boys and make one. Here are the plans. Free Gun Rack Plans - How to Build a Gun Rack
  11. Welcome to the forums. I can't wait until I can say that I am from the area. I will have to keep that range in mind for when I make the move to Tn.
  12. Merry Christmas frohe Weihnachten Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Buon Natale с Рождеством Христовым vrolijke Kerstmis
  13. Merry Christmas frohe Weihnachten Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Buon Natale с Рождеством Христовым vrolijke Kerstmis
  14. Merry Christmas to all at TGO
  15. I have a Colt Delta Elite. Great shooter. Ammo isn't any issue since I make my own.
  16. As a citizen of Va she can even get a CCW, unlike here in MD or DC.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families.
  18. Lucky you. I can't wait to move. Looks like I still have about 6.5 years though unless I hit the lotto. So until then I will just take my vacations there.
  19. For Heavy Metal class the rifle has to be .308, pistol has to be .45 and a single stack or only 8 rounds loaded, and pump only 12 ga. I want to shoot that class but haven't gotten and AR-10 yet.
  20. Those are some great stages. Wish I lived closer so I could attend. Where is that btw? I didn't see any directions on the web page.
  21. I run in the Tactical Irons class meaning that I don't use optics. I would stay with at least a .40. I have seen a few steel plates that didn't want to fall when hit with a 9mm. xD45 with 13 rd mags AR15 A1 configuration Remington 870 I am at a slight disadvantage over the guys with the semi-auto shotguns but I already had the 870 for home defense. No need to buy something new. I use 2 of these to carry my shotgun shells. California Competition Works Speed Stripper Tactical Shotshell Ammunition Carrier 12 Gauge 6 Round 2-3/4" and 3" Shells Polymer Black - MidwayUSA I use the holster and mag carrier that came with the xD. Then you just need a mag pouch for your AR mags.
  22. +1 I just use the hand primer so I know there isn't any troubles. It does add an extra step but I just sit and watch TV while I prime my brass.
  23. Check over on Thehighroad.org under the reloading forum. I find a lot of fair deals there when buying brass.
  24. As long as it ships to an FFL there isn't any problem.
  25. The wife and I are looking at building a timber frame home when we move to Tn. Can't wait to get there.


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