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Everything posted by herr.baer

  1. Nice. I would like to have one of those but with the miles I drive every day it isn't cost effective. Maybe one of these days.
  2. I have been using a Lee Turret Press since the late 80's and it is still turning out the ammo.
  3. The funny part is it is just a short 15 minute Light Rail ride out to the 'Burbs (outside city limits) to Wally World and then a ride back. I think he has been smoking the same stuff Marion Barry did. I reiterate again how I can't wait to get out of this state. 4 years 11 months and counting unless I hit the Lotto.
  4. I really like my Savage MKII TR. I have only had it out to 100 yards but it is a fun little tack driver.
  5. I am sad to say that here in Maryland most times they would probably be charged because they left his store in pursuit. I am surprised that they did not press charges. The gun laws here are some of the worst and most of the politicians are stanch anti-gun. I won't be surprised if the thugs relatives sue the store owner and win. I can't wait to get out of this state.
  6. I have a Lee 3 hole turret I have been using since the late 80's and it is still going. I use it more as a single stage though. I found that worked better for me. I always do batches of 100 and do one or two stages a night. You will find what works best for you after a few runs. The nice part of a turret is to buy a die holder for each caliber. That way once they are set up, you just pop it out and drop in the next plate and shell holder and you are off and running.
  7. Read the ABC's of Reloading before you buy anything. Read and research about all the different presses and make your decision on your needs. Be safe and ask lots of questions. I use a single stage for my precision rifle loads to better control the quality. I use a turret for my pistol loads. Presses are like car and guns, everyone has their favorite but it might not be right for you. Once you choose your press and dies At a minimum you will need- powder scale powder drop or scoops set of calipers bullet puller powder funnel hand primer ( should your press not prime cases ) tumbler shell case tray
  8. Here is my MKII TR with EGW base.
  9. I like how they think it is different because it is money. Wait and ask them the same thing when they get their first paycheck and see if it is still different. I bet they won't be so quick to give up their hard earned money then either. :screwy:
  10. I bought one just because it was different. I have a blast shooting it. It is a fun little plinker.
  11. Thanks for the continuing write up and information. The Grendel is my next project. I am in the process of saving up the $$ now. I hope mine turns out as nice as yours.
  12. For shooting apps I use Shooter and Reticle Ranger. Both are good help for the long ranger shooters. There is also a shot timer app but I haven't tested this one out yet.
  13. Last fall I was in Chattanooga on vacation. Went and played the course at Fall Creek Falls. A bit of a drive but a great course. One of the courses on the Tennessee Golf trail.
  14. Voted
  15. You can thank the sue happy people for that. It isn't about the roads it is about what happens if there is an accident with the school bus.
  16. I will keep an eye out for more range reports.
  17. How do you like the Grendel so far? I have been thinking about getting a 6.5 upper for my AR.
  18. Maryland at the moment. But I have plans in the works to move to Signal Mtn. Can't wait for that glorious day.
  19. One is to level the playing field. It keeps the single stacks on par with hi cap mags. It also lets you practice a mag change under stress of the timer. Not something you really want to practice in real life should you run a mag dry and all the targets have not been neutralized.
  20. Main thing that has been helping me lose the extra pounds is eating 4 or 5 small nutritional meals thru out the day. Add to that walking more and taking the stairs instead of elevators or escalators. I do a combination of cardio and lifting (less weight more reps) for my workouts. I am down 15 lbs so far.
  21. I go until it doesn't seem to get the brass as clean any more. One trick that helps prolong the use of your media is to cut up a used dryer sheet and add it when you tumble your brass. It will pick up a lot of the particles leaving your media cleaner.
  22. Get a 20moa rail from EGW EGW Remington 700 Picatinny Tactical Scope Rail Mount - $39.99 : Evolution Gun Works , World Class Precision Parts and top that off with a SWFA SS 10x42 Tactical Riflescope
  23. Marbles work better. They shatter after impact.


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