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Everything posted by herr.baer

  1. How long of a range do you have?
  2. I can't wait to get out of Maryland!!!! :down: :down:
  3. I can't wait to get out of MD. I have broken ground on my house in Tenn and my day in Marylandistan are numbered. WoooHooo!!!
  4. Thanks for all the responses. I will plan on being considerate. I don't want to be "That" neighbor. Most likely it will all be surpressed .22 fire.
  5. It will be a while. I am still stuck in Maryland but ground breaking for my house has started.
  6. Thanks. I didn't even think of that. :up:
  7. Where can I find the rules or regulations about shooing on my owm property? Property is in Hamilton County. The lot is 6.5 acres, narrow but deep and backs up to the bottom side of a cliff so there is no one behind me. Basically just looking to plink with a .22.
  8. I can't wait to get the hell out of Maryland!!! :down: :down: :down:
  9. Baltimore woman hoards 30 "Obama Phones" at Taxpayer Expense Watch the video and look at the jump in phones from 2008 to 2011. It is a shame that so many folks want to get over on the system for the folks who really need the help.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syh9ltkDOvA
  10.   It is true. And the ones they couldn't take the hadles off they put a lock on them. I am suppose to run a 5K run this weekend on the C&O canal but they may have to move it because all the parking lots are locked up.
  11. Great ending in my opinion!!!
  12.   He was scheduled to speak before the shooting happened.
  13. One thing you don't know is the base of operation for Jack and his crew is. Also I think that Walt knew the cops were there and that is why is said he built it all on his own so that it would save Skyler.
  14. Maybe he feels he has a say since NASCAR got some handouts from the Fiscal Cliff bill. 4. Help NASCAR build racetracks Jeff Zelevansky/Getty The so-called NASCAR loophole, in place since 2004, allows anyone who builds a racetrack to receive a small tax benefit through accelerated depreciation. This tax break cost roughly $43 million the past two years and will get extended for another year. Sounds tawdry, right? And yet, supporters claim the break is necessary so that NASCAR can compete on a level playing field with other theme parks. Looks like they got their wish. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/01/02/from-nascar-to-rum-the-10-weirdest-parts-of-the-fiscal-cliff-deal/
  15. Yes but it goes to show that the "Anti" crowd is lying by saying "Nobody wants to take away your guns" :down: :down:
  16.   There is no such thing. :rofl:
  17.   I am working on that with an escape plan to Tenn. Soon as I can get my house built I am Tenn bound. I already have my land. :up: :up:
  18. The problem with that here in Maryland is that the D's out weight the R's. The entitlement crowd keeps voting these jokers back into office so they can get their "FREE" stuff. The 2 counites that border DC and the 1 county that surrounds Baltimore City pretty much controls the state. :down: :down:  They just got done gerrymandering the state again this year again to give themselves an even better advantage.
  19. Ef him and his anti gun stance. I won't even rent this movie when it comes out. :down: :down: 
  20. from Fox   http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/31/school-officials-confirm-shooting-at-atlanta-middle-school/
  21. A$$hats are trying to blame the NRA. How about the take responibility for their own actions. Every other show before this had the same type of displays and now they kowtow to the media and exempt AR/mags from the show? Guess they paid the price for playing stupid games.
  22. On my long range rifle I run an IOR 6-24x56 FFP with the modified MP-8 dot reticule. This is my second IOR and I am very happy with it. Scott at Liberty Optics is great to deal with. :up: http://www.libertyoptics.com/contents/en-us/d73.html
  23. I normally go to this show but will not be going anymore. :down:


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