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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Look at Icon's stuff, they make quality gear for a reasonable price.
  2. The masked man began throwing his face against the bars of the cell repeatedly trying to get to the people on the otherside. Brigsby and Jack both recognized the stare that man gave, the cold gaze pierced them both like hollow icy daggers. Jack without looking at Wade though speaking to him, "This man is sick, very sick." Wade then becoming suspicious, "Okay, what the hell is going on Brigsby?! Just who is THIS guy," gesturing towards Jack, "And what the Hell is wrong with this fella?" Brigsby told them about the encounter they had, about the woman they had to shoot of which he didn't go into detail trying not to remember it, and about the paramedics; following up Brigsby, Jack gave his account of what had transpired and how that he had just gotten off work when this all began. The young woman, officer, and drunkard all looked at them in disbelief of the story they had just heard.
  3. The three made their way back to the cells. The man who was masked was in his own cell while the man who was attack was in the adjacent cell as far back as he could get from his masked attacker, "I swear to god if that thing comes near me again I'll kill him!" Wade who was back there already saw the three approaching, then grabbing his Asp he slapped it against the bar of the drunks cell yelling, "keep yer mouth shut ya pansie!" all the while puffing out his chest, trying to make an OBVIOUS impression on Shirley. "How ya doin Wade, you keeping the peace back here?" Brigsby asked almost as if he was talking to a child to which Wade responded in kind with a response you would expect from a child seeking approval, "yeah, he was starting to get rowdy again but I shut him up. The one in the mask there though is the real problem. @#$%er felt like he was almost through my glove when he bit me." The blood drained out of both Brigsby and Jacks faces. Brigsby immediately asked, "Wade, listen carefully, did he BITE you??" Wade then looked a little confused, then he removed the glove he had on to reveal his wound, it was just a little red from the bite pressure but no penetration. Both of the newcomers sighed in relief; the two looked at each other in approval. Wade was still confused by the twos reactions, "You guys, it wasn't that bad." Brigsby showed Wade a very stern face, "Not to alarm you son but you have no idea what kind of 'bullet' you just dodged." Pointing towards the masked jailbird.
  4. Agreed.
  5. Have a buddy still active, WOOoooooooooo!!!
  6. I don't use that but from what I hear it's one of the best out there. I use Slip2000 but everybody has their favorites, lol.
  7. I use a Bullhide Belt, it is TOUGH. Pretty sure I could beat someone to death with it.
  8. http://fnforum.net/forums/f54/fal-scar-17-mag-conversion-15242.html
  9. :hijack: So how much does that lil feller run by chance?
  10. A bud told me that one can modify an FAL mag to work and those can be had for more than half the cost.
  11. My foregrip still works just fine, lol.
  12. Did somebody say ammo? http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=AP918JHP95&name=Prvi+Partizan+PPU+9x18+95grn+JHP+50rd+Box&groupid=45
  13. One of the FEW things to have a Century stamp and NOT be crap, lol.
  14. Whoops, wrong thread! *backs out of room slowly*
  15.   Awh, where's the fun in that?....... *puts away torch*
  16.   Again, he should NOT have reached for the dog, never do that to a dog you don't know. That's a quick way to end up in a hospital, this should be canine 101 which if your a LEO should have some experience with but I digress as it sounds as if I support either side which I don't, I feel bad for both the LEO's and the feller with the pooch but they both did stupid crap which led to that inexcusable event. He also had a Taser fyi but again, I digress.
  17. Ok, the dog lunged at him first? Did we all watch the same video? He reached for the dog "trying" to control the situation and instead of macing with a less than lethal option he goes to what should be a last resort, this is the fault of everyone involved, not just one sided. :2cents:
  18. My Kershaw Tanto Blur's spring assist failed on me last week after about 3 years and a LOT of playing with it, while not super concerned I figured I'd ship her off to get it repaired and have them replace the blade for $10; I've spent $10 on WAY stupider stuff so I thought, "eh, why not." In the meantime though I think I'm gonna look another folder because my warranty info said it could take up to six weeks and all I have on me is my Gerber Suspension MT, so yeah... any suggestions out here on ze interwebs?


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