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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Or just come across an AA12... :D
  2.   That area is 60 grit rough.
  3. This strikes home for me, a good friend of mine is a diabetic and had a tragic accident years ago, he's still alive but the people he hit when he went under died on impact. He wasn't charged but has to carry this for the rest of his life.
  4.   ...Why do you hate me?... :panic:
  5. LWRC $2500 Ruger $2500
  6.  This is true...
  7. Eh, just get a M6, ugly as sin but gets the job done.
  8. I like both brands but...   FNH > Kel Tec The Five-seveN has been fielded and tested by LEO/Military the world over, the PMR, not so much. :2cents:
  9.   +1, while they cost a lil more, they also happen to be just about the best out there in night sights.
  10. Thought I'd share, because of this thread I gave a box I had, the same one you had actually Ted, to a coworker; he was complaining to me about how his son couldn't shoot his GSG because of the shortage. I told him that I'd hook his boy up because of the ammo drought, when asked how much, I said not a dime but to pass that same mutual feeling along to someone else if the moment ever presents itself. The guy himself is sorta of a stiff and wouldn't do that for most other people but I can't hold that against his son, if the boy wants to blast away, well I feel a little obligated to assist em.
  11. :rofl:
  12. Meet my inner fat kid.
  13. Yowza. :cool:
  14. While I can't give any info on the topic I wish you the best of luck cousin, this can be a pivotal moment for those kids and the fact you're stepping up to the plate, well, there aren't alot of people out there who'd do that. Good for you and god speed! :usa:
  15.   Cojones, you has them.
  16.   Someone proposed to that? There really are crazies out there...
  17. A buddy of mine bought some at Knob Creek a few years back, very good stuff.
  18.   Lol, chewing tobacco in its raw form works. Got stung at a cookout as a kid and a family friend there had a pack of chew with him. He pulled out the pack and took a little pinch then put it on a napkin, numbed the pain in minutes and didn't itch at all the next few days.
  19.   Says you...
  20.   Or so they say... ;)
  21. Sauer .38 Special made in West Germany.
  22. Fake or not, I really wish people would find better ways to spend their time, it's morons like this that this country is in such crap condition. I see him and can only think, "Yep, guys like him are going to lead to Idiocracy."
  23. I would purchase a large piece of land(90acres) away from prying eyes, preferably by a creek/stream/spring to have fresh water, lots of acreage to insure that I get my privacy, plus with that much space I can have my own long range shooting range during normal times. I wouldn't have a major arsenal, just enough to satisfy my gun whoreism and to arm everyone I care about with enough rounds for many combat loads, not to mention in TEOTWAWKI they become VERY valuble. I would have a garden outside enough to sustain us and then some in case of bartering. I'd have a standard house, three maybe four bedroom, exterior made of steel reinforced brick, the windows Hurricane proof possibly even bullet proof, all doors steel reinforced with steel frames, the roof would use reinforced metal sheeting. Every room would have a firearm in arms reach. It would be the most quaint little fortress the world had ever seen, lol. I would want it to be able to outlast my great-great grandkids. Location would be somewhat near smaller communities so that I could get supplies if need be but far enough away that I wouldn't worry about thieves during normal times or anything of the sort such as pillagers or looters during a crisis. Water storage tanks inside also are a must, outside I'd have a couple underground fuel tanks for storage for a SHTF situation and in normal situations, that's a few less trips to the gas station not to mention during SHTF I"m not totally SOL on fuel, lol. Not to mention I'd have a Deuce and a half for my main vehicle. This is what I'd do and everyone is different.  :rock:
  24.   :squint: Might wanna adjust your font size man, if I didn't have 20-10 vision I'd almost need a magnifying glass, lol.


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