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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. PTR91, .308 battle rifle that is a very accurate platform or an AR10 or a AR15 in 6.8SPC, though that last one is as expensive as .308 but can hold 25-30 rounds pending the mag.
  2. I booked a hotel(Red Roof Inn) near the intl airport on New Years eve and it was $90 a night and cab fare that night from downtown to the hotel was $25, thought you couldn't beat that man.
  3.   So you got a Tundra then? :stir:
  4. "Hey honey, remember that surgery you wanted me to get? Yeah, I don't need it now..."
  5. I actually used to like Swamp People until one of the brothers died and the other one was still running on the program.
  6.   No, it's when their target shoots back that their aim goes to hell.
  7. 716 is the .308, if you want a 5.56 look at the Sig 516.
  8.   I don't know, I've heard some Japanese girls talk and I melt like butter but then... I have a natural affinity towards them... TIS BIAS!
  9. What a croc.......
  10. Silly Germans and their words.
  11. Kudos, those things are GORGEOUS. That is actually what had the competition for my affection when I was looking for my bike when getting off the Kawasaki(and actually the direct competition for the Street Bob in reality lol), the Victory beat the CRAP out of the Harley with its power/tq as well as handling and price to boot. The ONLY thing that turned me away was the lack of an aftermarket compared to the Harleys, they're there but just no where near the number of Harley stuff floating around. Plus, my dad has been a Harley guy since before my time so if I got another bike and it WASN'T a Harley, pretty sure he'd disown, LMAO.... but seriously.
  12. Indeed, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
  13. Nah, tis a peg leg............ with a shoe.
  14.   No prob and thanks, I keep trying to churn er out when I can, lol.
  15. Did you call Winchester or check the interwebs?
  16.   I had a big sis who did that crap and I learned from her dumbassery, lol.
  17. It's a synthetic stock, that should give you an incling that it is probably low-mid range of the spectrum but if you wanna take it a step further, contact the guy, get a serial number and contact Winchester to get all the original data on it.
  18. I get my news, mainly from facebook actually, after it's been cross-referenced through a search engine to verify its truth of course, lol. But I don't associate but with a couple forums. www.whenshtf.com www.getoffthex.com www.hdforums.com www.tundratalk.net and of course, TGO. ;)
  19.   You do know how the POTUS, his lackeys, and this administration run, right? Heck, Holder was probably the one who came up with the idea, lol.
  20. *Facepalms* Yeah, I read this article and lost more faith in my fellow man, didn't think that was possible. But one thing that surprised the most were the comments; the bit that I did read on them they were pretty much putting holes in the aritcles, and the fathers, argument.   http://news.yahoo.com/slain-boys-dad-adds-voice-help-black-men-171745593.html
  21.   Talking about post shtf homes. I know that it's a post 86 machine gun. My question to you is, for a registered drop in auto sear, where in the world do you think you're going to find one that is compatible with a 12ga, the only one I know of is the Daewoo USAS-12. But if you do let your buddies here at TGO know. :up:
  22. Yeah, I was too... If it WAS...
  23.   Tell that to hundreds of DUI offenders, not saying you're wrong, just saying. They have the same right as everyone else do they not? Let's play a what if game, let's say someone who is handicapped to a wheel chair has a vehicle that is capable of being driven by them. Well, something happens and they have an accident, the casue to blame is this persons handicap. Do we prohibit them from driving ever again? It's a bit of apples and oranges but still along the same concept. My friend is a diabetic and has kept it suppressed with running and he lost 50lbs to keep his under control since his accident. Anyone who knows someone with Diabetes can attest that it can just drop out of no where at any time, so if that's the case screw em all, just take their license right? Seems to me the case you're trying to make.
  24. Gotta say though for this vid, there was no need for that sort of behavior, even if they attempted to get her to respond, they ASSUMED but did not assume the worst as in look for medical wounds or anything of the sort, they dragged her out without knowledge of any injuries whatsoever.


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