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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Yeah, you can't just get a Norinco reciever seeing as how they've been banned for a WHILE. Not to mention they never imported in any lone recievers, just complete rifles.
  2. Also for your viewing pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIfxLMNC_jw
  3. Douglas Snavely has one of if not the fastest time on a '78 Goldwing, I met him back in 2008 when visiting the tree of shame. This is the man that coined the name, the "dragon". One of the coolest old dudes I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.   http://www.metropulse.com/news/2009/may/28/douglas-snavely-and-his-1978-honda-goldwing/?partner=RSS
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRBD26CS4wU&feature=player_detailpage
  5. Rooting is where it's at, my buddy did his Droid and can clock the processor, thing runs faster than the iPhone which is one of its selling points. Though overclocking the processor can cause it to involuntarily shut off, haha.
  6. FTF for the peace of mind or ship it on a limb, better have some serious cojones to do that IMHO.
  7. Well you're not talking about the number six in Nippon so I assume this isn't a Japanese 'Sesame Street'.
  8. Duluth Tradin Co. firehose workpants, as good(and expensive) as the tacitcal brands. I also have lots of shirts that state my passion.
  9. :stunned:  :squint:  :stunned:  :squint: .................................. :woohoo:     er wait...
  10. Yeah, I've researched them and my favorites are the Galaxy S4 and Razr Maxx, but I didn't know they had an HD model either so that opens that up for me, lol.
  11. I have a Harley but started out on a rocket. It's all good fun and get what your budget allows you to, that's what I always tell my friends interested in getting a bike.
  12. Duluth firehose pants, I have a pair in Desert Khaki and they are AWESOME!
  13.   I wish to discuss this; Enlighten me as I am a stupid hick with no military background whatsoever with no understand of the intricacies on Uniform Military law.
  14. I need a new smartphone as mine is nearing it's death bed going on three years and no case; was wanting to know if anyone had one lazing about that they weren't using that they'd cut loose with, I'll pay or trade or both, which ever.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not too familiar with the court systems, wouldn't the fact he was acquitted of 'aiding the enemy' indicate that the information he obtained didn't put anyone of our soldiers in harms way as it was too old but rather brought to light some of the events that have occurred which the DOD tried burying? Yes he did in fact break the law but it's info like this which broke Water Gate wide open as well. I'm curious as to everyone elses thoughts on this because when this first happened I was all about hanging a traitor but judging from the result tribunal he wasn't a threat to national security. Again, I dunno, I'm not a lawyer, just a man with some curious questions. :2cents:
  16. You'll have to inform as I have been out of the loop, what happened? *EDIT* OH!!! This is the fella from a few years back just now being convicted isn't it?
  17. I'd have some lead enriched vitamins for the libtardians in regards to the trucker pic.
  18. Just got my Kershaw back the day before, she's sharper now then when I first got it, WOooooo!!!
  19. Guns, we don't know nothin about no stinkin guns... :dirty:
  20. Welcome cousin, where abouts you hale? :wave:
  21. Welcome cousin. :wave:
  22.   The funny thing is it has more American parts than a GM or Dodge, the only other truck to have just as many American components on it is the F150. But that is neither here nor there, congrats on figuring out which forum you belong to, more than likely the douchenozzles on that forum are a bunch of yanks.


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