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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Those are good to keep around as they consume rodents and pests and the king snake will eat vamints and other venomous/non-venomous snakes, hence why they're called king snakes.
  2. Troy Ind is who you were thinking of mikegideon, I have a FDE folder and it is STOUT, I love it!
  4. Welcome to the forum cousin.
  5. Also, another thing that the Common Watersnake and Water Moccasin share in common is their highly aggresive nature. They will both chase you out of their territory and I've heard stories of people being chased out of their own boats because one of the two fell into the boat from hanging in a tree, how true that is, I don't know but they do have very aggressive tendencies and are best left alone at all possible.
  6. I can't believe that no one has mentioned an all time Stanley Kubrick classic, as in the words of Private Pyle, "Full... Metal... Jacket..."
  7.   That is just awful.... like Seattle, except, you know, minus the giant amount of "hipsters".
  8.   Not to be a douchenozzle but venomous would be the correct word. Venom must be injected while poison must by ingested. Sorry, I was wanting to be a Herpetologist and no, that isn't the study of an STD, lolz. ;)   There are four species of venomous snakes, whose toxin is harmful to humans(there are two others but whose venom is nontoxic to humans and most animals), and native to TN; Copperhead, Western Water Moccasin, Pigmy Rattlesnake, and Timber Rattlesnake. Copperheads generally about 50% of the time give a dry bite but the younger the copperhead the more likely you are to get dosed with venom but NOT because they have more venom(urban myth) but because the ADULTS are more aware of their venom control and are only biting out of self-preservation. Water Moccasins are only indigenous to West TN hence their name and most sightings east of West TN are 99% chance to be a water snake as the two are close cousins and look VERY similar to the point to where they can only be told apart from the distingushing features of the head, namely the eyes as the Common Watersnake will have circular shaped eyes and the ol' Cottonmouth will have eliptical eyes much like a cat not that you wanna be that close, lol. Also, you can't distinguish the Water Moccasin from its "white mouth" as ALL snakes indigenous to TN have white mouths.
  9. Have about 30 minutes to kill, watch, you will LAUGH and be informed all at the same time. http://youtu.be/mII9NZ8MMVM
  10. Well, seems Idiocracy is right around the corner.
  11. Yeah, I saw this a few years back; were they shooting a solid 1 cu.ft. block of hardened steel??? Lol
  12.   That stuff is VICIOUS!
  13. Let's see if this works...
  14. Well here is the image, it WAS captioned as challenge accepted, lol. [URL=http://s1108.photobucket.com/user/ty_klemm/media/challenge_zpsdd0c8ca7.jpg.html][/URL]
  15.   Very true but there are times when you may not have a choice in the matter of defense and the family then decides they want everything you have yet you were completely in the right.
  16. McCain is now a card carrying member of Libtardia.
  17. You know, it's stories like this that I state to people whom ask why I hate New York.
  18. http://youtu.be/thCl_mYIUBE?t=3m35s
  19.   The 7N6 does, they eliminated that on the next generation of cartridge. 7N6 is the surplus stuff with the red band around the casing neck.     Ah, arigato.
  20. Welcome to the forum cousin, you've been infected by gunbuyitus, it's terminal I'm afraid...
  21. Nobody would've stood a chance against Bob Munden.
  22. By all means. I made it to be shared. :usa:


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