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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Not sure if I follow as I have the dumb... Are refering to the Kinect system? Also, two minutes of hate? :shrug:
  2. Yep, I've gotten about 5 free games since MS screwed up and told the world of their manical devious plots; Crackdown, a tower defense game, Assassins Creed2, Spartacus, and another one that I can't remember off hand. :usa:
  3.   And with the MOE you can add in the rails if you want at a later date. :D
  4. With a carbine and getting the 12.0 you'd need a low profile gas block and a new front sight or get the Omega 7.0, either way. Have you considered the Troy Alpha series of rails? You get the same thing but at 40 maybe even 50% the weight of the Omega.
  5. Just another caliber I need to stay out of, lmao..... MUST... RESIST!!!
  6. They had one in the 80's, it was pretty hot for a while... Without a doubt, agreed.
  7. When's the next open match at ORSA??!!
  8. They posionous? If not... FRY EM UP!!!!
  9.   Are you kidding, I'd be whining on the way in! :p
  10. Not a fan of Man vs Wild BUT the man WAS former SAS and that ain't exactly a walk in the park(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/9837238/The-SAS-a-very-special-force.html). He also fell just under 5000 ft with a ripped parachute during a training exercise from what I've read, if the damage had been even slightly greater he would've been in a wheel chair.
  11.   I'd use an AR but that tragic boating accident...
  12. You'd be surprised how many people whom are home owners don't.   For those without one; Step 1. Get in automobile Step 2. Go to local hardware/home improvement/wally world Step 3. Use procured hose Step 4. Stop being a dumbass
  13. Ted, that is some awesome reading material. Thanks!
  14.   Well, that was good for those of us in the auto-industry, lol. New cars gets the car sale and service gets the RO to destroy the motor, haha.
  15. Government shouldn't have anything to do with a parent naming their child, period, end of story. She needs to step down and head straight to the nearest retirement home.
  16. Just a heads up, I have NO idea why it posted with those split lines like that.
  17. .....   Aaron was running, through the yard of a house close to where he crashed the ambulance, at the fastest he could possibly move. The man was scared out of his mind in fear of losing his life. Following behind him at a pace that wasn't quite running nor walking either and in an almost stumbling fashion like that of a drunk, was his coworker. She was locked onto his back, following it like an FIM-92 Stinger missile. He began cursing himself, "@#$%, why didn't I stay with that cop?! God help me!!!!!" The scared man jumped a wooden fence, grabbing the top of it trying to pull himself over, as his chest began to clear the fence, his pursuer latched onto his leg sinking her teeth into his calf muscle. The average human has a bite pressure of 175 psi and this creatures biting power being far beyond that, rendered Aarons dickies pants like water and toliet paper. The man screamed and began shaking his leg violently trying to get his attacker to let loose but she did no such thing. Just as she began to go for a second helping he was able to use the opposite leg to kick the girl in the forehead sending her back and thus losing her grip on his now bitten leg.   Aaron used every bit of force that he could to pull himself over and came tumbling to the ground in a heap. When he landed, he felt what was akin to being punched in the neck. He grabbed his neck and looked at his hand, in the poor light he could see that there was a little blood on his hand but not much, just enough to match that of a nose bleed. He was confused, "What the Hell?" The pain on his leg made the pain in his neck seem like nothing. He sat up and then heard a sound which wasn't familiar to him, like that of a cicada in summer or a babies rattle. He looked to where the sound was coming from and drew his pen light from his cargo pocket, coiled there was a Timber Rattlesnake slithering away from him at a good speed. He groaned to himself, "Awh @#$%, can my day get any worse?" Sudden pounding on the wood scared the man to his feet where he then without realizing it put weight onto his leg that had been bitten, he screamed and began to hop like that of a wounded deer, trying to escape the pit of Hell he was surrounded by at the moment. He said to himself, "I'm not dying in this hell-hole!" He limped towards the yard of the house activating a motion sensor light on the porch, when it lit up Aaron recoiled in horror, an elderly man was there staring at him through the glass with a blank look about him; he then thrusted himself at the glass and began to claw at it in a slow but purposeful manner. Aaron fell onto his bottom, feeling as though he was cornered from all sides he sat there with his head between his legs, his neck now throbbing along with his leg. Aaron began to pray though he was an Atheist at this point he was willing to seek help from anyone, then he heard what sounded like an airgun and a sudden thump of a body on the otherside of the fence, "Is anybody alive over there?" Aaron thought at this point, 'If I make it through this I'm going to start going to church, I'll be a sonuvabitch if he wasn't listening!', he then spoke up, "Yeah, I'm here!" A man in full fatigues made his way over the fence, "Are you okay?", Jeb asked the man, "I've been bitten on my leg by the girl just shot and I've been bit on the neck by a rattlesnake!" Jeb chuckled, "Dude you are having one @#$% of a night but hang on a sec..." walking past the injured man, Jeb put the muzzle of his PS90 within inches of the plate glass door being careful to follow the mans head. Once Jeb believed he had an adequate bead on him he let go one whispered 5.7x28 round into the old mans head dropping him to the floor.   "Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, I was just about to tell you that you have two options. One is to turn into one of them." Aaron then had a horrified look that morphed his face into a panicked frenzy, "NO!!! Oh god no!" Jeb looked at him then with as serious as he could be, "The other choice is to die while your still human, I can help you with that but I won't do it unless you're absolutely sure." Aaron was about to respond when he began vomiting up blood, it was then he remembered how fast it had taken his coworker and killed her not five minutes away from truck accident she was bit at. He then realized no matter what happened, he was going to die tonight. Aaron looked to Jeb with a smile, "Well, I had a good run I guess." Jeb gave him a sullen smile, Aaron closed his eyes and began to whisper what he considered a prayer, Jeb then said, "Et Patris, Miserere mihi quid faciam. Amen.(And of the Father, have mercy on me, what I will do. Amen)" He then leveled the weapon to Aarons head and let loose a hushed round, Aarons body fell limp to the grass.
  18. Attrack? Is that sorta like a 100m dash where you're running from people with bats and such? ;)
  19. :popcorn:  DANCE MY PUPPETS DANCE!!! :popcorn:


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