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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. If you're going to trust your life to a piece of equipment don't you want to be able to trust it and not have to worry? That's why I no longer buy the "cheaper" more affordable equipment such as a "tactical" Hellfire light from Midway, those things are the biggest turds I've ever had the misfortune of purchasing and are priced like a Streamlight.
  2. Thanks for your service cousin and...
  3. I wish I had the money for beefier tires for my Tundra.... as soon as it's paid off.....
  4. Pictures on arrival or it never existed. :yum:
  5.   You're not the first I've heard that from. Pretty much every LEO I've asked from my area has said that while technically illegal, if you have a carry permit they wouldn't give two hoots about it, that is unless you gave THEM a hard time first. Easy come, easy go I guess. :p
  6. Mine bit me the first month I had it, lopped off a nice chunk o' thumb skin with the saw teeth on the base. :cry:
  7.   That's actually why I bought a used 250 model, lol. I now have about 8 games downloaded, 5 of which were free. Thanks again Micro****, heh heh. :dirty:
  8.   Technically it's ILLEGAL as they are protected under the endagangered species list(*edit*Timber Rattlesnake only) unless you are in direct fear of your life.
  9.   Or you could just watch where you walk and avoid spending any money whatsoever! ;)
  10.   My point EXACTLY. If someone doesn't have internet access and not because of money but location, they don't have a choice now do they?
  11.   Just being a trolling ass more than anything, lol. ;) They're okay, I like some of their stuff.
  12.   And what of soldiers on deployment, "get @#$%ED"?
  13. My JROTC instructor from high school said something to me a few months back when we went riding, he said, "I didn't vote for Obama but I am not going to mock him for every little thing he does because I pray for our society that he is the best president that we will have ever had. The liklihood of that is just about zero percent but I really do hope that he does change things for the better because if he gets much worse than last term then our country is probably going to fall in the 10-20 years because of his actions." I was a little awe struck at first but then let the meaning of his words sink in, he's abolutely right and it isn't anything new but if it gets way worse than it is now, we can kiss our way of life good bye.
  14.   Must be rain coming from Oak Ridge, which explains a few things about Spots... :taser:
  15. :rant:  :down:  :censored:  :wall:  :bat:  :mad:   I'm all for equality but when one is replaced by another because of "tolerance", that is a sickening joke that I do NOT tolerate. Complete BS, go home Bradley County, you're drunk.
  16. :stunned: :squint: :rock: :rofl: .......... I ALMOST fell off my stool at work, thanks for that.
  17.   Leave it to the FDA to try to kill us all with that and other things, such as Aspartame in diet sodas and Splenda.
  18.   I might get one in the future when it's not so fresh on my mind that they tried to screw us all. Until then I'll just get Titanfall for 360 and the rest of my gameage for my preordered PS4.
  19. OKAY, makes tons more sense now, haha! Yes, so that the system may monitor EVERYTHING that we do and say. That's why I'm going PS4, not that they can't already do that with cells but I'd rather just not have ANOTHER device enabling them and their douchebaggery.
  20. Note to self, write a thank you note to god for not getting bit by Rattlers when we'd hunt for them when I was younger, that would've put my parents in debt for my stupidity, lol.
  21. Off every Sunday so works for me!!!
  22.   I'm off work that day, could you provide a link with details?
  23.   Agreed 100%


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