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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Ok, how about this, SAME article, different source. http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,158468,00.html
  2.   Pretty certain I'd cry if shot with a .22LR, let alone a .223, haha.
  3.   Not to stir the pot but this is conclusive data leading to that, just saying. ;)  http://www.armytimes.com/article/20071217/NEWS/712170314/Newer-carbines-outperform-M4-dust-test   Also, that contract is now dead, lmao. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20130614/NEWS04/306140012/Army-kills-carbine-competition
  4. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/19/barr-the-un-comes-after-americas-guns/   I've heard lots of conjecture over the internet from specialists, patriots, arm-chair commandos, and others but what are your thoughts on the matter TGO? ;)
  5. Agreed, this needs to happen.
  6. Keep in mind that this is from a armchair commando's opinion and not someone with experience BUT when viewing a target downrange try to see which way the wind is blowing and take that into account as well as the Coriolis effect.
  7. Any directions? Also, do I have to be a member since the website says "you will be prosecuted", lol.
  8.   I'm sure they figured out real quick, "Oh!!! Barrel hot, Nylon melt!".
  9.   Can't go wrong with either my friend. ;)
  10.   Ah, I see. It's THAT rail system, just assumed that it was a standard rail which, there's that ASS-U-ME word... :p
  11.   You gotta give more notice than that home skillet!!! LOL
  12.   I have to see this, that would just make my day all the brighter knowing some Jihadist bit the dust to a Tasco...
  13.   SPR for the win! I love that rifle!!!
  14. You sir, what have YOU DONE???!!! Lol, but seriously. The Sig 516 is just an AR with a short stroke piston gas system (and one of the cheaper ones mind you) while the 556 uses a long stroke piston system; the difference between the two aforementioned is that in a short stroke system the piston strikes the BCG such as in a LWRC, REC 7, etc, while in a long stroke the piston is attached to the BCG like in a AKM or PWS AR's. Also as earlier mentioned, the 556 is apart of the Sig 550 series of weapons; the family of weapons uses a proprietary magazine HOWEVER the 556 uses a different lower reciever to enable it to accept STANAG mags (in the common tongue, AR15/M16 type mags but there are tons of weapons in NATO that use them, just for you nitpickey rat @#$%s).
  15. *deleted*
  16. Not gonna lie, that picture is creepy but more in a Silence of the Lambs kind of way.
  17. Vontar is coming to Nashvegas looking for beer and fun,,by the end of his 1st night, ( after being on broadway for 6 hours plus) he will:   show up at Voldemorts door to punch him in the suckhole for the rest of us.
  18. I'll be honest, never watched it... *quickly straps on Kevlar and proceeds to cover*
  19. Hide yo guns, hide yo knife.
  20. It's not TN law, federal law. Just the Timber Rattlesnake, hence my edit. There's only two species near your neck of the woods, the Timber Rattlesnake(which is an endangered species) and Copperhead which is fairgame. If there is a snake near your house they're probably looking for food.
  21.   +1, YES!!!
  22. I'd look around for vets that still have theirs. I have two that I got off of vet buddies, one was brand new and never mounted even had the IR filter(just a lens protector to me, HA!) and the other was a little crudtastic with that moondust of sand but I have $160 between the two.
  23.   The thing I had worked for about six months then just craped out on me, then bought my buddies Surefire he had in Iraq for $30. :woohoo:
  24. I'll stick to my tried and true Maglite XL200. I've had it for about 3 years, been through the washing machine twice( :p ), and is an absolute champ. $40 off of Amazon


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