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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Also, the bolt will slide to the upward position easily and recock the firing pin group but will NOT pull back, that's where the pressing it against the bench came into play.
  2. I used Gibbs penetrating lubricant at the range which didn't help but am going to put some Slip2000 before my next outting. On the back of the casings you can see where it's contacting the chamber, creating a ring of scratches about 2-3mm long. The scratches weren't deep enough to cut the brass BUT enough that it's very noticeble.
  3. Yes, you read that right. My 700 that I just got is mimicking my Mosin in that it requires the aid of a 2x4 to eject the spent casing, lol. Seriously I had to use the bench to get it to eject, that was after I pull with everything I had, she wasn't budging so I used some good ol redneck ingenuity and beat on it, lol. I've contacted Remington but need to get the serial number to see if it's still under warranty, if not I'm gonna see how much it will cost to fix and as well thread the barrel for a 5/8x24 thread pitch or have them just drill it for a built in break.
  4.   Not cool man, I was reaching for my keys and coming up with an excuse to leave work about 3/4 of the way through, lol.
  5. Welcome cousin.
  6.   Lol, okay Bob Lee Swagger. I LOVED that movie!
  7. I like where I'm at. About 30k people and we're about an hour away between Nashville or Knoxville and about an hour and a half from Chattanooga. If I wanna get away to somewhere more quiet, where I'm at it's VERY possible but then, this is TN, you can do that at just about most places. Good luck in your move cousin, hope that you can get outta commie territory and into the third most free state in the union.
  8. I've got a Romanian M44 but you can'ts has it, so sorry.
  9. Kudos.
  10. Curses be upon my coin purse, thou 512's are cheaper than ever!!!!
  11. Are you wanting a scope or a red dot?
  12. Well, shot er this last Sunday. Using the scope that was on it(Tasco World Class 50 3-9x50), I was more curious than anything if it was dialed in. Let me first describe the preshooting scenario; If you have ever met me, I am somewhat jittery, don't know why, you'd almost think I was on something, lol. I was resting the rifle on my rifle pack and firing on a 50yd target, I was off the bullseye by about 2 1/2 inches but I couldn't hold another good shot as after the first, the scope touched my nose from the recoil so it had scared me into flinching after the next four shots. Two of the following rounds didn't even touch the paper and one was on the edge(target was a 1ftx1ft shoot'n'c). I'm not super worried about fixing the scope position as I'm getting rid of it this coming Monday in favor of a Leupold Rifleman 4-12x40 with Leupold QRW rings. I did have a problem with ejecting the spent casings. Apparently once fired the back of the casing flared out enough to cause a stoppage, it made the fit so tight that it was unable to be ejected by hand and had to open the bolt and then press it against the bench I was shooting off of, needless to say it required some coercion. I'm going to contact Remington today and see if it is still under warranty and if so can that fix that problem under the warranty.
  13. This was from memory mind you as I'm currently at work, I THINK that's all of them though.
  14. Calling my fellow TGO nerds! :woohoo:   I'm just really curious as to what gameage my fellow TGO'rs fill their time with. I myself am a broad spectrum player, I have a DSi XL, a PSP, and a 360. I have several games and have owned a console since the original NES. I have currently: 360 Castlevania:Lords of Shadow Forza 3 Battlefield 3 Marvel vs Capcom 3 Street Fighter 4 Super Street Fighter 4 Ghost Recon Future Soldier ES 5: Skyrim Madden NFL 13 Crysis Deadlight(live arcade) Assassins Creed 3 Assassins Creed 2 COD: Modern Warfare 3 Dead Rising 2 DR2: Patient Zero Armored Core For Ansewer Spartacus(live arcade) Defense Grid(live arcade) Crackdown   PSP Final Fantasy Dissidia Final Fantasy Dissidia 012:Duodeccim Final Fantasy Tactics:War of the Lions   DS Shin Megami Tensei SRT:OG Saga-Endless Fronter Bleach:Dark Souls   Yes, I am a huge mega nerd if you can't tell. ;)
  15.   More of an example really than anything brosef. ;) Though I have owned at least 80% of those titles. :p
  16.   Yeah, I only get games new that I know I'll get my money worth out of. metacritic is your friend in this, I was going to buy Dishonored new until I used MC to only find out that it is STUPID short, albeit fun as hell but short. Instead I got Assassins Creed 3, I believe THAT was worth $60 as there was quite a bit of content. Skyrim? Mother of god, $60 was a bargain for the usage I got in it; I also feel the same way about Call of Duty and Battlefield(though I too picked them up used as I too am a cheap @$$), with the online play, that makes the high purchase cost worth it in my opinion BUT I only buy new if it's something I REALLY wanna play. Red Dead Redemption was one of those games. I got
  17.   I don't think you'd get a batch buy discount then considering the original design would be altered everytime and plug in a new program for the CNC but I dunno though.
  18. Yes.   Lol, I really don't know, I've held a bow once, that's the extent of my experience with them. Our family have always been firearms purists and so I never had ANY interaction with them whatsoever. Heck I thought about getting a longbow so I could use wooden arrows as a compound, from what I've been told, will DESTROY a wood arrow which is why compounds use carbon or metal(I guess?), anyways, point is I know NOTHING of them, like AT ALL, lol. What are some brands? Prices? Performance? Like I said, I don't know which is why I ask as I am completely clueless.
  19. Welcome to the forum cousin. :wave:
  20.   Not really dude, just with the COD series you'd have 8 titles on current gen; Battlefield has about five titles on this generation too; Halo has about 4 this go around as well, those are all "top of the line" just within the shooter genre, let alone action/adventure, racing, survival horror, fighting, etc..
  21. Bout time somebody with some balls put something like that up.


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