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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. They may "feel" cheap but believe you me that those plastics can put up with a hella beating, ask anyone here who has served in the military, they'll tell ya.
  2.   PTR-91, $1059 shipped. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=365248517     I wouldn't buy anything from CTD after the crap they pulled this year BUT this just shows you that they ARE in fact out there. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/MAG-304
  3. Ah, in that case look at a PTR91, good quality and use the HK rear drum sight unlike the CETME's goofy flippy paddle sight. Good price point at 800(used)-1250ish(MSRP), plus mags are STILL stupid cheap, not what they WERE but $4.99 still cheaper than AR15 mags.
  4. FTFY   ;)
  5. cetmet? You mean a CETME? If that is what you're thinking than that's the original design which the H&K G3(HK91) is based upon. Century imported them and two out of three will be good shooters while the third might need a little "tweaking".   AR's are easy to put together but right now is a buyers market what with oversaturation from Firearmageddon, so just buy one. Rock River Arms is solid, as is the S&W M&P but if you get the M&P make sure it is the 1/8 5R barrel.
  6. I know, twas a joke yee of little chuckles. There's not enough demand for such an animal, Hell, there's barely enough demand for the G36.
  7.   Screw it, ROAD FLARE!!! How bout them apples? lmao ;)
  8. One lower for me please!
  9. Also, Potassium Permangenate and Glycerin will start a fire and are BOTH useful in survival.
  10. I learned this one from Timestepper and is something to be done BEFORE going camping or out into the woods in a controlled enviornment; get an altoids can, a small hardened punch of some type(needle, small nail, etc.), some old cloth from blue jeans or what have you. Punch three holes in the can on one side, doesn't matter which, in a linear pattern, put cloth into canister, then insert said can into a fire and let sit until no more smoke is coming from the can, you now have yourself a easy light weight source of kindling that is pure carbon. Timestepper can probably give you a more accurate ETA on letting it sit in the fire.
  11. Welcome from around the corner cousin!
  12. Trolololol
  13. We got in some Magnesium lowers that are STUPID light, it literally feels like you're holding nothing, lol. I think they're 30 or 35% lighter than the Alum..
  14.   Sorry, my bad, didn't list to what I was referring to. I was talking about the extractors with the steel ammo.
  15. The gents who claim this SHOULD be right, that is unless KelTec uses a very soft and malleable steel comparatively to a hardened tool steel Not to be a nit picker(okay, maybe a little) BUT that is a CTR not a MOE. ;) Beautiful gal nonetheless.
  16. delete
  17. As in the words of Bob Lee Swagger, "Welcome to Tennessee, patron state of shooting stuff."
  18. Welcome from the hills cousin, fire them questions away! (yes, every pun intended :rofl: )
  19. Welcome from the hills cousin!
  20. Recall on POTUS/VPOTUS? :D
  21. Was hella fun gents, thanks for having us Cookevilleans!
  22. If you can swing it, get a SigSauer 516(Pist) or M400(DI)($1500+/-), Daniel Defense DDM4(DI)($1500+/-), LaRue PredatAR(DI)($1500+/-) or Bravo Company Car16 mod0/1 or Mid16 mod0/1(DI)($1000-1200+/-) as they are the best AR's for the money IMHO. If you have a lower budget table($999 or less), go with a S&W M&P 1/8 5R barrel, Spikes, Stag, or Rock River. There are many more brands out there but these are the first to jump to the front of my mind for quality and price point.
  23. It's a buyers market right now with the market oversaturated with AR's. It depends on budget really and there are lots of great brands out there.
  24. Sorry for the wait as I can only write at work during my down time, my computer at home crapped out about 3 months ago and haven't had the money to get it fixed, lol. Thanks to all for the support!!! I'm gonna do my best to keep getting my mind to paper! :woohoo:   Lol, I appreciate it. I'll try to get more as soon as possible. ;)   Hey, I don't mind, lol. Seriously I am waiting for the views to hit 2k, when it does I'm going to start writing hardcore and then once I have a solid manuscript submit it to numerous publishers.
  25. .....     Echoing throughout the halls of the police station were the sounds of clattering metal. The cell contained now a beast which was trying its hardest to reach for its prey on the otherside. It saw them standing there, succulent living flesh just ripe for the taking, no one running as they were dumbfounded by the voracity of the animal in human form reaching, clasping, and gnawing only to taste the bitter sweet air which carried the aroma of living meat. The creature knew only one thing which was an insatiable hunger only quenched by the tissue of the living which was comparable to one word in the english language: Gluttony; for Gluttony is one of the seven cardinal and deadly sins of Christian religions everywhere and should be abhorred and villianized but yet, this monster embraces it and yearns for it.   End of Chapter 2


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