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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Ah, I've played a buttload of them since I was a kid. Watched the cartoon of Battletech from the 90's, played MechCommander Gold, and 2, Played MechWarrior 3 & 4 with respecting expansions, gonna play MWO once I get my powersupply on my PC fixed, also read the novels. The whole concept of a SciFi Midieval era has always intrigued me. The giant robots? Nope, don't do a thing for me... :rolleyes:
  2.   My fat kid senses are tingling...
  3. You know they use Golden Eagles to hunt Wolves in Mongolia right? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re644qgnCtw
  4. whitewolf001


    Remington R-25.
  5. Pistols don't have to be imported as a kit, thus even a Century imported pistol such as a Draco isn't garbage! Arsenal doesn't do just Saigas, they do all kinds, mostly Bulgarian kit guns done RIGHT, unlike their Century counterparts. Also WASR isn't a brand, it's a variant from Romania.
  6. I feel the exact same way at Dunhams, ye olde mop jockeys freshly hired on from elsewhere...
  7. +1. ^^^This. Do be careful as even the copies have the namebrands stamped on them.
  8. Anyone else going to be playing this along with me? You know, after you get done with GTAV, lol...
  9. Top 10 military innovations of ALL time, one of which was the M107, yeah, I'm on board with Barrett.
  10. Ah, to be able to fly...
  11. I also love the "stuff they didn't include", amongst that list is Iron Maiden, lmao. It caught me off guard and I had to think about where it was in the book, almost had to give myself a facepalm... to myself. -_-
  12. Sparta Drive-In ALWAYS has a double feature of new and current movies and if you can catch them on a special night, they'll have a triple feature(When the Simpsons movie came out, the movies playing that night were Daddy Daycamp, The Simpsons, and the Halloween remake. Needless to say we ran late to show up that night.) for $5.00 per person. WHOOP-WHOOP!
  13.   Tell that to the Crusades...
  14. I almost teared up at the beauty of this pure awesome.
  15.   BWAAS!!!!!!! lmffao!!
  16. Well this thread got ressurrected from the dead... I'm gonna look into this stuff.
  17.   Now that's a deal right there.
  18. Chapter 3   One week later...   The rain came down, it had rained the entire week but on this day it was as if the skies opened up to pour out all they had almost in an attempt to wash away this filth, this blight against nature. The streets were soaked and every so often a couple of bodies would be strewn about where some altercation had taken place. Jack was running trying to keep a solid pace as to not wear himself out but put some distance between him and his pursuers. He would glance over his shoulder every once in a while to look back, only to see a mob of monsters in chase after a bait named Jack. He might create distance but the predators never gave up, they never quit, they just kept moving towards where the sight of a fresh meal was. Thoughts then crept into Jacks subconscious...   One week earlier...   The police station had now been turned into somewhat of a rescue center. Jack helped the officers and Shirley retrieve supplies for everyone that needed anything, wool blankets, what bits of food were around, water, and several other things that people requested they tried to help and fulfill. Jack after helping for about twenty minutes realized one key factor, he still had yet to make contact with either of his sisters, one of whom was wheel chair bound. He began to panic as grusome thoughts crawled through his mind terrorizing him, tormenting him, with the one thought piercing through that stabbed him at his core, 'You've forgotten your own flesh and blood.' He immediately walked over to where Brigsby was, almost on the verge of tears, "Mike, I have to go. My sisters are at home, I have to go get them. NOW!" 
  19. Stag, Adams Arms, PWS, and SIG make the cheapest piston guns on the market. LWRC also has an entry level piston gun that is also comperable, the M6-SL.
  20. Lolz
  21. Yeah the only time a gamestore sells out on release anymore is a console war initial release. I was one of the said ravenous xBox fan boys at the last onset.
  22.   Bass Pro and Dicks? Ditto for Dunhams... uninformed mop jockeys do not need to sell guns.
  23. I plan on different grips as it is so no biggy there, lol. It CAN use standard 1911 grips can't it? Or is it wierd because of the double stack?


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