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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Think of the savings though from the over priced FN mags! I should know, I have six FNX-9 mags, lol.
  2.   I believe that's called Stockholm Syndrome. ;)
  3.    :stick:  :wall:  :bat: :poop:  :rant:
  4.   I take that back, that one you mentioned WAS the first one I saw, that was back in highschool off of EBaums world I believe. But then when picture messages got big I got one of those randomly, the Envy was a pretty beffy phone FYI, it almost made a REALLY big hole.
  5.   I LOVE my country, it's the government I'm not too crazy about.
  6.   First time I saw one of these it was on my old Envy phone and the volume was at max, damn near put it through the dry wall...
  7. And here I thought it was the time of year when most younger single gals tried to dress like the biggest skank/whore, lol. I'm not saying all are just for the record, just something I've picked up on at a Halloween party or two. :p
  8. I do know that cast is much weaker than a forge because a cast is just molten metal poured into a mold and cooled, like the name suggests.
  9. Well, I read that from one source but as far as I can tell, forging (in strength) trumps a billet but they're both technically made from a billet... all rather confusing.     WHAT??? Dude, it's a steal at that price! You're not paying that much more than a standard lower PLUS it's alot prettier than most others, to boot? It's got a flared integrated trigger guard. But if money is an issue I understand, times are tough.
  10. Forged as a metal is stronger because of the alum is compressed so much that it's stronger overall but billet are reinforced in certain key areas that aren't on a forge. Ounce to ounce, you are correct.
  11. For ORIGINAL nam era Colt stuff, not bad says I, though that caption is a bit worrisome.
  12. http://www.gunquester.com/index.php/forged-v-billet
  13.   Billet is a little bit stronger and more durable but if they haven't had any issues with lowers breaking in 50 years of operation, I doubt that they're gonna start now, well, unless it's one of those poly lowers and those are more fitment issues from what I've seen. If someone made a steel reinforced poly lower like a Glock mag or frame, that'd be a treat.
  14. My range bag is a Stanley tool bag I got for free, lol.
  15. I like Hi-Points for when I'm down at the lake. They hold the boat real steady like, just gotta make sure the cord is strong enough.
  16. Too bad it was pouring down a MONSOON that morning. I preferred not going home feeling like a drowned rat, lol.
  17. Agreed spots, gotta have 5ish.
  18.   Too bad they didn't determine the ACA to be illegal as well.
  19. Time to ressurect the dead!!! Lol, I stumbled on this and thought this may interest you 17 owners. :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Xe6uzM_TI&list=UUPVa6xSP1ioGlA5w5UNj-iw
  20.   It is rather bulky but I still wants it.
  21. There's one of those for sale here but the lot it's at, yeah, they probably want way too much along with some of my body parts, haha.
  22.   I will report any problems if I come across any but the one we assembled for a customer was done in about 20 minutes, was rather a pleasure to put together BUT that doesn't mean quality control issues aren't there. I'll keep my eyes open for your said issues. The finish I'm not super worried about as that gives me a reason to Cerakote it. ;)
  23. It's velcro so it will peel right off. :up:
  24. They make a scope mount that replaces the rear iron, not too expensive if memory serves.
  25. Don't know about my fellow TGO'rs BUT this pack needs to be mine. :D http://www.nrastore.com/nrastore/ProductDetail.aspx?c=4&p=SA+494&ct=e


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