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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Worst time to get an eye itch is at somewhere like a BBQ joint...
  2. half the battle, of course. I saw this and thought I'd share the awesome as some of you grew up during my generation and even some whom didn't can appreciate this.
  3. I like the Double Badger, we've got one up at the shop and I just have to fondle it at least once a day, lol.
  4. FTFY. ;)
  5. Two things I noticed about it, the trunion kinda weird and the takedown lever on the trunion isn't quite where it needs to be on the dimple...
  6. Okay, to that, I literally LOLed...
  7. Hey, they're keeping me from getting nacho cheese all over my sweet pistola, they're doing me a favor.... :yum:
  8. Fitty% posted this on facebook and I HAVE to share it, what's wrong here, lol...
  9. "I think I'll look me up a Barrett REC7... well that's odd, that's an LWRC M6A2... and that's a Colt... C'MON, THAT'S A MOSSBERG PLINKER!!!!!!!!!!" GUNBROKER, WHY U NO SEARCH RIGHT??????
  10. Ther hell is this hyah fandangled electricitah you speaken 'f?
  11. My bud was at Knob Creek to get supplies for the shop so I had to man the store in his place, worked out though as I have no monies and didn't feel like going further into debt. You can't go to Knob Creek and NOT spend money, lol, tis impossible.
  12. *UPDATE*-MagTactical is sending another lower straight to the shop cerakoted in my choice of color free of charge. Will update once it arrives, not sure if they want the old one back or not, I'm assuming so but the way they worded the email leaves me unsure, guess we'll find out on arrival.
  13.   Go by the old addage, "Beans, Bullets, and Bandaids", you need to all three to be properly equipped, one or two will get ya dead. Keep stocking back food and rotating when it nears exp. using FIFO(first in, first out), same goes for your medical supplies. Use the propane sparingly, try to use firewood and renewable sources as much as possible. Have just as much food as you have for you as you'd have for the dogs, they are a multi layer usage item(as cold as that sounds), they are an alarm system, they can defend you, they can track prey, and in the absolute worst of situations, you can eat them. I know that sounds horrible but one of the worst ways to die is via starvation but as I said, that would be a last line that you shouldn't cross until you knew you had to. Radios are handy, I would couple them with a solar panel or something that can generate electricity for you. In a grid down, electricity is going to become a luxury that VERY few will have. I would look into rainwater collection as tacoma said above, if not, then I'd have a water source handy and very close by, you don't wanna carry several gallons of water HUNDREDS of yards and burn through a chunk of that to replenish what used to carry it. Extra fuel storage using stabil would be advised, rotate it out about every 10-12 months. As tacoma said as well, skills are the one TRUE bartering item that is completely renewable. Kerosene lanterns and led(non-C4 as they eat batteries) lights would be ideal. Stock up on batteries as well, this is something I REALLY need to do. They're not a priority but very nice to have and can be used as bartering item.
  14. TMF, you were saying? lol http://nerdbastards.com/2013/10/13/u-s-military-gets-inspired-by-iron-man-with-new-talos-super-suits/
  15. "Show him what they've won Johnny!"  "Well Bob, he just won, TWO BRAND NEW SLUGS!!!"  *insert Price is Right music here*
  16. I didn't notice that until you said that. Guess I need to be more absorbant, or something along those lines.
  17.   In your case, I'd have a G.O.O.D. bag prepped(Get.Out.Of.Dodge.) for a just in case contingency. The thing about bugging out is that you want a general location in mind that you'll be headed. Plan accordingly as well for how far you'll be traveling. Pack light if you'll be hoofing it to somewhere somewhat close, say within 60 miles. With a light pack I'd have gear that would shelter you from the elements but I don't think I'd worry about starting a fire. Also, pack light but high calorie foods, MRE, protien bars, anything that doesn't need to be cooked and be eaten on the go. Your weapons should also be lightweight, for bugout weapon, I'd use something like a Mini14, M1 Carbine, and the absolute heaviest I'd go would be an AR stripped with the exception of a light. Remember, ounces lead to pounds, and pounds lead to pain. I've gotta go through my pack and reorganize it as it is constantly evolving. You want some medical supplies, some way to make a temp shelter like a poncho(I use a surplus Swiss poncho) or even a trash bag would work, also a handy item to have is a emergency blanket, some form of sleep system(sleeping bag), your munitions( though I keep mine on my chest rig so it is sperate from my pack but does add weight regardless, though pending on your total weight I'd have extra ammo if at all possible), food is very important but as I said before, go with something like workout bars or MREs with just the meal and gut out the rest of it, water and some way to filter it(if you run out of water on the way you'll need to replenish it be any means possible and this may include starting a fire. There are many schools of thought on the subject and I try to take what knowledge I can and incorporate into my system, even if it's something I don't use until later on down the road. A phrase I heard recently aslo makes alot of sense, get a pack for your stuff, not your stuff for a pack; by this, I mean have all your items ready and then pick a pack system most suitable to your items and the space needed. There are other people whom can provide much more knowledge than I such as Timestepper and several others.
  18. This is the part I was telling where the paint had come off
  19. Not a bad price at all, seems to be the going rate for most bullpups these days. Thanks for the intel and good luck at the show, though with those bad boys, I highly doubt you'll need any luck. ;)
  20. The top cover should come off without removal of scope but the BCG can't come out without removal of it, I would think anyways. Not sure though, never messed with a scoped SKS before.


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