He's alright, the round missed all vitals and was a through and through in the center of his palm between the ring finger and pinky finger. He had brought in his FNS-9 for me to look at, I cleaned it for him and reassembled it as I had recieved it and the mag was loaded. Well, I took out to him and he went to take it apart to see how different it was, as you know most striker fired weapons these days require the trigger to be pulled to takedown. He didn't remove the magazine and I didn't tell him otherwise, to which I'm at fault as well, when he pulled the trigger to complete the takedown you can guess what happened. I'm still pretty shook up about it but I can only imagine how he's feeling right now, he can really use some thoughts and prayers right now as this is not going to be a cheap endeavor since he is an oil changer with no insurance.