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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   That is, unless you get a Faxon, heh heh... http://faxonfirearms.com/
  2. Kinda curious now what my .300WinMag would do to a pumkin, woooo.
  3. Welcome cousin, lots of intel to be had here from chicken coops, to insurance, to 'what if a zombie apocalypse occurs', everyone has their own to bring to the table, heh heh.
  4. Welcome cousin.
  5. :stunned:
  6. Also need to make sure they're food grade. I have about four or five but they were used to transport Vinegar.
  7. Okay, that was pretty funny. :P
  8. I assume that's what the secondary can is for.   Yeah, purification would be needed absolutely before consumption or used for washing/batheing. Several filtration systems can be used in that case, such as a makeshift big berkey or some pool shock.
  9. This is after he got it bandaged, I'll try to get him to send me one when he gets these bandages removed.
  10. Question I wonder about will it increase the cost or stay relatively the same as that is truly RIA's selling point is their lower price point.
  11. Prices will probably go up again but it won't be until sometime next year that you'll start to see the effects of it(I think) due to current supplies being used up but once that runs out, I expect an ammo shortage will follow suit along with rising prices that will make this last firearmageddon look like a cake walk BUT only time will tell I suppose as these are only "predictions" I can make based on my limited knowledge. There are still the recyclers out there as well as imported lead but who knows what they'll ban next year.
  12. Why in gods name is the kid with the video camera on night duty??? Ugh.... -_-
  13. Something I sumbled upon on Facebook, pretty good design from what I can see. Comments and critiques?
  14. My 870 hates them, though they're fun to shoot. It cycles them like the UTS-15, FTF, FTE, just failures all around.
  15. Oh my, this thread is full of win.
  16. :foot: ;)
  17. Oh I'll still play with guns, heh heh, just with much more new found respect and a more careful approach. The young man it happened to has already told me that this has been one those pivotal life changing moments and not that he'll put down guns but that he has a new found respect for them and their capacity for destruction, albeit he said that in a much shorter version, mine just sounds better, haha.     Exactly, this is the point I was trying to make earlier. Safeties on firearms have come about because accidents do indeed happen, they're not bias to whom they happen, they just do; as you said, they occur when that person becomes too careless with something that can so quickly take a life.
  18. A few months ago and that would've been Grand Theft.
  19.   Aye, twas a pucker factor 5 moment indeed.
  20. Indeed, sir, this is a lesson learned as I mentioned before. I do in fact work in a gunshop(part time, lol) but I've always been of the mindset of if someone hands me something I'm going to hand it back in the same fashion(with the exception of a chambered cartridge as I've avoided doing that in the hopes of not being involved in an AD) in which I recieved it, never again will I practice this as firearms are concerned. This has certainly been the lesson I wished I'd never have been involved with. I keep flashing back to it thinking about giving it to him with it unloaded or at least telling him that he needed to remove the mag, it's a rather horrible experience I hope to never see ever again.
  21.   I'll post some when I see him again, I'll also try to snap some when he gets it unwrapped.
  22.   I generally am thicker skinned and take what's coming but no one here has outright name called, with the exception of Erik88's "Jackass" comment which it was in fact a jackass mistake on BOTH our parts, that is until your statement which was a very childish statement(IN MY OPINION), and that's saying something coming from me because I'm rather the kidder.
  23.   I take rather offense to that as he is a good kid and my friend, one of whom as I aforementioned made a costly mistake. I suppose you're a godsend and NEVER made a mistake in your ENTIRE life that you don't regret? The level of arrogance you just displayed has revealed more to me than I care to know about. Don't look down on people just because you've never made the same mistake as them as we are all human and while we try to learn from our mistakes, they're just that, a mistake.
  24. He's newly introduced to firearms, he made a rookie mistake and paid for it, one that I would almost gurantee that he'll never make again; if nothing else this was a HELL of a learning curve for myself, though I would hope with a hole in his hand that there would be one for him as well.       I'm afraid I don't follow.


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