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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Yet one more state controlled by statists and jack-boots. 
  2. Ergonomics, it hurts it BUT that ability to get another full mag with one hand motion is a bit enticing. Tis why I like that Saiga 12, that and it's on a almost 70 year old platform that is gas operated. But I can't complain about my 870, under $450 invested and it runs like a top.
  3.   Sticks and stones may break my bones but blades can dismember?
  4. That one I can tell you exactly where I was at, I was in Machine Shop in my freshmen year of high school when all of a sudden the teacher got a phone call and he turned on the news. Shortly thereafter kids from all over the school were getting pulled left and right.
  5. Yeah, I read that GOC ad and this was more or less what I said...
  6. Carbon 15 with $1200 invested? Someone either is telling a tall tale or they got taken to the cleaners back during firearmageddon, either way, tis a Douchecanoe. http://www.gunownersclub.com/listings/firearms/rifles/266202.html
  7. No wonder no one is commenting on this.... CONQUEST IS UP AND RUNNING!!!
  8. A little Dragonforce to get the morning started. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO_x9FEqlXg&list=RD02q8kPJn_e4
  9. Oh snap, this happened in my neck of the woods?!
  10. Whoa...  :stunned:
  11. I myself voted for Gary Johnson in this last go around and couldn't have had a more clear conscience. My mom and I had a debate over this very matter, I told her I wasn't going to vote for either Repub or Dem since, and especially in this go-around, they were the same exact thing but just repackaged. 
  12. "The NRA should have them, not the government." as soon as he said that I lost interest and knew he's the same product as Piers just repackaged to appeal to Republicans. No thanks. Not that the "nuclear tipped" comment wasn't a tell-tale sign or anything like that...
  13. I'd like to apologize to everyone for not releasing anything as of late, I've had quite alot going on but will try to get some more thoughts to paper ASAP. ^_^
  14. I wasn't even a twinkle in my dad's eye...
  15. :cry:  :up:  Truly touching.
  16. I'd just have my sidekick do it for me.
  17. Welcome, to the Appalachians! Snowcone?
  18. I think they mean reproduction rifles.   The ROCK-OLA is better IMHO since Springfield uses cast compared to forging and the JR's use chrome lined barrels, M1A does not.
  19. That one at the end there I think had even the German Shepard confused...
  20. Got your attention didn't it? ;)  A good read to say the least and thought provoking. http://www.alloutdoor.com/2013/11/21/prepping-government-default/
  21. I have a Vizio 50" Plasma, tis awesome, just has a lil blue line running down the right side of the screen but was free so I'm not going to complain.
  22. Stumbled upon this while browsing the interwebs. Using actual USGI parts and a ROCK-OLA reciever, it's a better buy than the Springfield M1A, IMHO. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F1JRM14&name=James+River+M14F+.308+(7.62x51)+Rifle&groupid=6
  23. And now I'm self conscience of mine, photos no says I...


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