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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. This child is obviously disturbed and needs to be institutionalized(or just end the gene pool there but that's for a society of barbarians or otherwise known as "not p***ies") and as for the parents, this is something that you should be able to pick up on if you were active in your kids lives.
  2. http://youtu.be/sbBZZyL7EJY
  3. 870 FTW, there's a reason they're used by the military. ;)
  4. Spots, PM me when you know you want one, I has connections with them, muahahahaaaaa!!!!
  5. Welcome cousin, we have a wealth of knowledge to offer you.
  6. Welcome to the forum cousin.    Have one as well, it's leather. I got mine from the interwebs. ;)
  7. It's crazy, Bald Eagle does me the same exact way, weird... :yum:
  8. The original cut of this remake had a more plausible idea of the Chinese being the invaders but the reigning party in China wasn't exactly fond of the idea and raised their concerns with Hollywood and they being the spineless cowards they are took it back to editing to make it where Kim Jong and NK were the enemy.
  9.   Aye, I see it as they're more or less doing what we are doing, prepping, well, to a certain extent.
  10.  So long as the accident has been reported and Lexus-Nexus has it on file it will show up through Carfax.
  11. Oh I don't know about that.......... :devil: :stir:
  12. Sweet... thanks GuitaRx
  13. I'm 50/50 on that.... It's the internet so there's pretty good possibility you're joking right now... on the other hand, it IS the internet and you could be completely serious right now... plus it's an iPhone, if a 9 year old in Shanghai can put it together I think I can take it apart.
  14. You know they have clubs for that sorta thing... lol ;)
  15. Please, enjoy... http://www.viralnova.com/stupid-people/
  16. Sounds reasonable enough to me, if he wasn't going to be honest with you, no reason for you to be honorable with him. Not saying you shouldn't always try to the best of your abilities to use your moral compass BUT this is one of those cases where you were in the right by going back on a deal, could've screwed you out some cold hard cash my friend and you DO NOT mess with another mans money.
  17. Any special tools I'll need?
  18. Anyone know of any place that replace the front glass for NOT $150? lol
  19. Welcome to the hills cousin, nothing quite like it compared to all that flat land up that away! ;)
  20.   :stare:   :dropjaw:  :dirty:  :drool:
  21. Break in perhaps on his?
  22. Now here is a better run. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=773197466040637&set=vb.100000511711574&type=3&theater
  23. While more of a novelty, it still manages to crack me up yet after laughing quickly become disgusted and angry at the waste of resources.
  24. Yikes, sounds like their Sigmas...


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