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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. This has intrigued me...Where can one acquire an M60 bi-pod from?
  2. Aye, it seems the further away from WalMart you get the more close knit the communities in general are, or it does to me anyways.
  3. Good luck to you Bersaguy, there isn't anything I hate more than moving. When people ask me to help them move I suddenly have something else needing to get done that day. :p
  4. Are the grips adhesive type and do they have a rubber compound feel to them like hogue's or more of a polymer feel?
  5. Pure BS and hogwash, we have one for $199 at the shop, and I can promise you that is NOT cost. That or the seller got taken to the cleaner.
  6. Urbandictionary for the win.
  7. Though the cool thing about the FNP is that the gun, frame and all, can be rebuilt. There's one other pistol like that and it's a Steyr IIRC.
  8. Load em and if you have any questions about wear, speak to a mechanical engineer, they will give you a no BS assessment on spring wear. It only wears when it IS compressing or decompressing but not at either point of rest.
  9. I dont believe so as I can still type pretty well I must say so then oh GOD its happening to me as we speak and its contagious run away while you can otherwise the sentences will just run on and on and you wont be able to convey what youre saying and look like an idiot in the process mother of god someone stop me
  10. We are in the same boat. :p
  11. I like the concept of the USC but I'd have to do some converting to make it a UMP, single stack mag with a 16" barrel? Blasphemy...
  12. I've already weighed in on the matter and said my piece on another thread. As you lot know, I am rather the kidder,(see above post) but the bashing garbage gets old. My sister is gay and I take rather offense to it, regardless if you're just making fun of gay guys or women, you're still singling out a specific sexual preference. These debates are tiresome as when one uses logic; isn't the freedom to choose how to live, the VERY same thing we all want, just as human beings, gun culture or not?
  13.   When you're beating Wal Mart's price by $100, that is a definitely something to look into and jump on.
  14. So what you're saying is, that with a magnifying glass and that light, you should be able to take out those pesky gov't drones and even possibly write your initials on the moon?
  15. That fits my hand good as well, it's the FNP-45 which was designed for ape hands, or at least with the larger back strap it seems that way.
  16. Was just discussing this on facebook with my friends wife, I think there will be some vigilante justice. I may be a law abiding citizen but if I lost everything that way, I'd probably do something I shouldn't but at that point I'm fairly certain the only thing I'd know is rage.
  17. You can never have too many threads.....
  18. you can get away with murder, LITERALLY. Truly disgusting. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/12/teen-who-killed-4-in-drunken-crash-avoids-jail-but-its-the-defense-used-that-has-stunned-the-internet/
  19. Not gonna lie, I literally LOLed just then...
  20.   Cut off Memphis like some cancer and I bet it'd drop by 60%.
  21.   :stunned:  :squint: DAFUQ??????
  22. By the title of the thread I was going to say, "Pissing off the ATF of course." but this is an outstanding usage of such technology as well, so much so that I do hope that it catches on for the sake of other people out there whom can't afford prosthetics!
  23. GAH!!! Those are pretty much collectors items now, WAHHHHH!!! :cry: VEPR's are really sweet. Centerfire got in some of the Polish Beryl which is the replacement for their AK copies, it's still an AK but a REALLY badass one. The Semi auto only variant is the Beryl 'Archer'. http://centerfiresystems.com/AKAGUN-POLBER.aspx
  24. As a whiskey man you should try Evan Williams single barrel, that is REALLY good stuff for the price. I think it's $2 more than Jack black label.


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