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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. FTFY. ;)  lmao   Century stuff never seems to be up to par for the most part but they might regain my business if these Yugo O-PAP and N-PAP AK's are any account.
  2. womp-womp-womp- click, click, click, ting! fizzle... broken.   I loled SO hard at this.
  3. You're not going to get a "quality" Savage stock unless you get something like a Model 10.
  4. Mine go both ways if you know what I mean...  :dirty:   Seriously though I don't have one and would like to get the one by Mesa Tac., it seems to be a fairly higher quality product.
  5. Lots of threads coming back from the dead today.....
  6. Welcome to the forum cousin, thank you for the sacrifice you and your brothers have made.
  7. Ohhhh... sounds good. A Carrington Event sized EMP would spell doom for a nation I believe. If it had such an effect on technology of that time imagine what it would do today. :hiding:
  8. That is something else I've picked up on, your higher end ammo are back to normal of what they were a little over a year ago BUT the shooter stuff that one can bulk up on has gone up and stayed at 80-100% of what they used to be.
  9. Been browsing da TUBITYDOO and everyone is not only impressed with these optics(Strikefire and Sparc) but have put them through the wringer, seems like it's not only a quality optic but can put up with abuse. Sure if you're overseas working in the sandbox you'd want something more impressive but for here in the climate zone we live in, I think they'll work JUST fine for a long time.
  10. We got in a Savage at the shop and the ammo should be in bound shortly, I'm curious as to how they perform compared to an HMR.
  11. IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. My parents didn't replace their Kirby until about 8 years ago and that thing was probably as old as they are.(Dad's 64 btw)
  13. See which ones you can name in between you cleaning the drink you just spit up and getting up off the floor from laughter.
  14. :stare: That's a good deal.
  15. X300 ftw, don't have one but I REALLY want one.
  16. Nice grouping there Mike, what yardage was that?
  17. I also had a carbine upper, 1/7 twist chrome lined barrel. I didn't notice this until after a YEAR of having the upper(mind you it was my first and I didn't know what to look for) but the barrel protruded out from the M4 feed ramps on the reciever by probably .5-1mm, it was just enough to create a lip. Also had the nipple on the buffer detent snap right off after about 500 rounds. It was after all this that I condemned my buddy from ever turning me on to them. From interweb conjecture, they're like Taurus. Some people have really good luck out of them and some people have REALLY ****ty luck with them such as myself. I became SO disgusted with them that I swore that I'd never buy low end AR stuff again. Didn't mean to rant but it's just one of those things where if you continually have bad luck with a product you don't want to use them ever again.
  18. Yeah but current market value on PMC bronze is right around 8.99 per box, roughly $180 in brass ammo alone, plus that Wolf which is worth about $80ish, that's $260 in ammo alone, I dunno, I think that deal would be sold if he could talk em down to 900. Rifle is probably worth $580-640ish, accy's are maybe $80-100 tops. At $900, the OP would be getting the accy's for free more or less but this is considering everything is in original and immaculate condition and this also just the opinion of this feller.
  19. Here is also what other fellas have to say if it is an indicator. http://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=12&t=409357
  20.   I can't tell you where they get their LPK's from BUT it's not just me that's reported issues with them my friend. https://www.google.com/#q=model+1+sales+quality+review
  21.   Murphy's Law at that point I'd say. Not so much the trigger as much as the what's sitting on top of it if I had to guess such as the hammer, disconnector, etc. I once had a trigger pack lock up on me(Model 1 sales, don't EVER deal with their garbage) and the hammer was set just so, that you couldn't rack the charging handle, you couldn't turn the safety, I mean it was locked up. I think it may have been a popped primer but I wasn't going to chance it and stripped that garbage out of my lower and replaced it with a Spikes kit.
  22. Holster compatability would be another issue I would think but who knows.
  23. Is this a book about the current administration? All I see are drones and welfare recipients.
  24. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  25. I wanna get one as well but Dolomite raises a VERY good point of that it could be made illegal with one wild hair in the ass of that agency.


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