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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. VF Gunrunners has them. https://www.facebook.com/VFGunrunnersTacticalSupply
  2. :stunned: :squint: :rofl:
  3. DRT is making some very cool stuff including... http://youtu.be/3HWkgJarNzo
  4. Heck, we've got tons of ammo in stock at the shop, just not any rimfire with the exception of .17HMR.
  5. Now an E-file, can that be used for an individual or is that from dist/manu/ffl to another ffl only?
  7. I dunno, Dustbuster, I still have yet to see a range report of the ARAK-21 from ya, care to give your insight?
  8. Not yet but I've watched about EVERY review there is on YouTube for them and read everyone's reviews across the interwebs, including yours, whom all have nothing but praise for it. I WAS saving up for this and a few other things and had to dump that into stuff elsewhere unfortunately. But soon..... You didn't watch the video did you?.... The BCG is a longstroke piston which rides a steel rail JUST like an AK.
  9. I don't use them but have friends that do but in all honestly pretty much everyone I've seen that does, goes back to smoking regular smokes or smoke while they also have this little do-dad. I've used them and if you inhale too much it'll hit you, HARD. The only real benefit I see outta them is that they can be used in doors and in public places that smoking is otherwise prohibited.
  10. You should look into an ARAK-21. You're basically getting an ACR but at a much better deal IMHO. http://youtu.be/xfQT83_3IXQ
  11. I found someone who might have an idea...
  12. Daniel you rat bastard, you didn't invite me!? I'd almost be insulted were I not stuffing my face with chicken Alfredo at work....
  13. I'll be watching with my movie popcorn and sody-pop.  :popcorn:
  14. What's the price run?
  15. If this doesn't melt your heart then there is no hope for ya but I thought I'd share this. http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/boxer-sweetly-meets-baby-sister-first-time-174503882--abc-news-topstories.html
  16. Mosin's may be cheap but I can assure you they are NOT junk. If they've survived 70 years and are still going strong that just makes affordable, not cheap.
  17. I think the National Guard does some training there but I don't know of any facilities in that area otherwise.
  18. It's only a prototype BUT this is a REALLY cool weapon concept. http://www.thebangswitch.com/krebs-ak-15-the-sexy/
  19. That's the only reason I haven't decked mine out with gun stuff though I do have Harley stickers and a Molon Labe one on mine.
  20. Okay, anybody know of any ONE or two day courses? I can't really afford to stay more than one night as I'm a poor feller, lol.
  21. I am currently trying to find information on this matter and my googlefu keeps returning with classes for handgun safety but NOT for an instructor course. Does anyone have ANY intel on where or who certifies here in middle TN?   EDIT*: Found one at Guns & Leather outside Nashville. :p
  22. This seems legit.


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