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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. whitewolf001


    They are Makarovs but not... just like how an AK variant is but isn't an AKM. I gave my dad one a few years ago and it is stupid accurate for being a small weapon such as that. As Garufa said, they have some hella recoil.
  2. Welcome cousin, you've come to the right place.
  3. Welcome cousin.
  4. Yōkoso itoko! (Welcome cousin)
  5. Welcome from the other side of 40 cousin.
  6.   I'll bite... long lead times on shipping?
  7. Per capita is where it REALLY counts, 6.3% of Texas's overall population bought a firearm while Tennessee's was 9.4%. It may not have been a higher number but it was a better turnout percentage wise.
  8. So outlying American territories like Guam and Puerto Rico fall under NICS too? Huh, learn something new everyday.
  9. THEY MADE THOSE???!!!
  10. Some of you may not get this but those who have ever heard of Mortal Kombat will, hahahaha!
  11. I got to handle a Savage Model 10 Predator the other day, it was chambered in .260 Remington. She was a beaut.
  12.   Are you kidding? Anything below 60 is arctic to them. ;)  Seriously, during my stint where I lived in Miami there was a morn where it was 45. EVERYONE came in with parkas and snow mobile suits, they all looked like Ralphys kid brother from the Christmas Story. I walked in and was befuddled as I wore a pull over, lol.
  13. I've got one here I've almost converted to being a Libertarian, though his insanely liberal friends keep dragging him back to the argument of "banning high cap mags", I've more or less stopped trying as it's like trying to run up an icy slope on roller blades. -_-
  14. Guess that means we need some Floridians to move this way to counteract that and make it like Spring time. Hey Erik88, get yer arse up here and bring some of that heat which ya!
  15. Gotta see it, Gotta see it, Gotta see it, Gotta see it, Gotta see it, Gotta see it, Gotta see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. My BOB, which contains all that I would need to survive if stranded including a survival blanket which I recommend everyone having. Anything from my BOB can be ditched if I need to bail out. All the water in the world won't do you any good if you die from freezing to death. Remember the survival three's, humans can survive; three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Mind you this is just a generalization and there are people who have done it longer, keep in mind that the will to survive is a HUGE factor in those incredible scenarios.   BOB 100oz of water 3 days worth of food survival blanket change of clothes three different methods of starting a fire(magnesium striker, lighter, matches) bag of dryer lint coated in Vaseline for said igniters Katadyn water filter compact fishing system first aid kit small energizer led lights for signal system hatchet machete mess kit Peroxide Glycerin Blackhawk! water bladder Leather work gloves rated to -10 degrees Swiss Army poncho Chem Lights   Loosely in my truck Case of water 2 quarts of 5w20 oil(which can be used to lube your weapon if need be) tools emergency roadside kit fire extinguisher  brake cleaner  custom made knife Maglite D cell LED light   Didn't mean to make this a BOB post or anything. :P
  17. Plus the mags are still cheap, not the insane cheap of $0.99 from a few years ago BUT still cheap as all get out.
  18. If I'm ever in the area I'll have to stop by. I LOVE going to new shops. ^_^
  19.   The thing about Copperheads is that they are the most docile of the four venomous family of snakes here. About 50% of bites result in a "dry" bite which is where no venom is injected as the venom they produce is meant for prey, not predators. Unless deathly allergic or a child/elderly are involved, it's not unheard of to just keep someone under observation after a bite. Cottonmouth's are more aggressive which will result in more bites if threatened and they've been known to even give chase.
  20. I treat Chicago like the sewer-hole it is, I don't go near it.
  21. I uh, don't know who that is.............. *insert cricket noises here* :D
  22. :confused:
  23. Currently at 0, was 5 below when I got up. Talk about a cold snap. http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/Cookeville+TN+38506:4:US
  24. I have made an edit to the second paragraph of the last entry. I had copied that from where I had saved it and didn't get all my thoughts to it if you would like to reread it. :p


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