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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. When I find mags that say "restricted" on them, I feel like the kid who found a random "naughty" magazine. No pun intended... well, maybe a little.
  2. Yes... brace... :whistle:
  3. If you can make that work you will be awarded an internet.
  4. If she can find it, my grandmother is supposed to give me my grandfathers. She's actually very surprised how much he and I are alike though I never got to meet him.
  5. Well he's not dead so probably something equivalent to the captain of the football team and a cheer leader on a field trip...
  6. I really don't see a need for it these days but the fact that the progressives say I CAN'T have one makes me WANT to have one.
  7. My remote control has so many buttons on it nowadays but I can't seem to find the one that flushes out all the deep pocketed and connected cut throats of Washington.
  8. Really?? That's kinda awesome and suck all at the same time. Sure, you can get either the DSA mags or the surplus ones but you don't have access to the Magpul SR25 mags.  :unsure:
  9. I was literally in tears from laughing so hard, when I read this, too funny.
  10. Hey TDR, you should run it through the Daniel Defense torture test. ;) http://youtu.be/Y1kX0nCEh5E
  11. Ah, roger that. My mom and sisters are from Adrian. They moved here so in my immediate family, I'm the only native... with a northern accent, lol.
  12. Yep, I read that one already, haha. What can I say? I've become a bit of a Faxon whore. :p
  13. I was about to say, cause if that wasn't the case then the numbers show that 37.3% of their population bought a gun, lmao.
  14. So as I've read, I've notice a few comments on the LAR-8 by RRA, so they can use FAL mags??  :confused:
  15. Yeah, MTV and CBS have pretty much ruined that genre and like a cancer it has spread to the other networks because somehow it appeals to the mindless.
  16. That got your attention didn't it? Heh heh, I am interested to see how this plays out though. :D http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140108/OFFDUTY02/301080006/Soldiers-manhunt-tonight-Lone-Target-  
  17. From Cookeville but Nashville OR Knoxville is within my reach. I think everyone should have classes like this under their belt and should be taught as a course in school.
  18. Welcome from the not so great north to the great south cousin. UP or LP?
  19. whitewolf001


    Also, they have pretty F'ing strong recoil springs, just a heads up. I bought it with the intention of giving it to my mother for a carry pistol but she couldn't chamber a round to save her life with that thing, so instead my Dad "inherited" it.
  20. I still see the latter as a good idea for those "hopeless" moments. ;)


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