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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Have you seen their 5.56 adaptation of the RFB, the RDB?
  2. Because they are demonized by the right and left arms of the progressives, Hollywood and the media respectively. Idiocy to the maximum and I agree 110% with Dolomite, if you can own a .22, you can own anything if you have the money. Technically I can own a Russian BTR-80 but I don't have $80k to throw at it. :p
  3. Scruffy's thrown away worse.
  4. whitewolf001

    FNH AR15

    Indeed, previous statement, retracted. That sucks...  :bs:
  5. TOUCHÉ...   http://youtu.be/Q3BZ8hK82gw?t=2s
  6. cj0e, you are correct, it is NOT a milspec A2 flash-hider, it is considerably longer and I think it's a Saber Defense FH but I could be wrong on that one. Djay3, is your flash hider longer than a A2 on your piston setup? I got one of the 16" 1/7's... They ALL seem to have that blemishing you speak of but meh, we got collectors items, lol. Also a nitride BCG is on the way from AIM for $99 along with a BCM Gunfighter Mod3 charging handle($45).
  7. whitewolf001

    FNH AR15

    Ah, well nuts. They did however for the PSA uppers.
  8. Not to get off track but Spots, you're gonna have to bring along that M1A the next time we all have a get together!
  9. And doubles as a bi-pod, nice! :p
  10. Welcome cousin, though do watch the water here. It will cause you to become infected with gunitus.
  11. Perhaps in America but then to argue your point, "fag" in America isn't the same "fag" in England either. While it may be slang and military jargon the definition hasn't changed since its conception. My point was that I was using a generalized term that is accepted world wide, not just here. ;)    "A soldier is one who fights as part of an organized land-based armed force; if that force is for hire the person is generally termed a mercenary soldier, or mercenary. The majority of cognates of the word "soldier" that exist in other languages have a meaning that embraces both commissioned and non-commissioned officers in national land forces."
  12. bersaguy, after hearing some of the stories my dad told me about Vietnam, we had to give some guidelines for American soldiers(no one please don't try to correct me on this term saying that it only applies to "Army", look up the definition of soldier, THEN get back with me) to follow. Lots of war crimes committed in that conflict by modern standards. Not saying that we should have to tiptoe through the daisies just to request permission for engagement BUT at the same time, we can't just hand em a weapon and say, "accomplish your objective, whatever else you do we don't care.", there does have to be a line drawn somewhere. That being SAID, these are not conventional enemy combatants, the do not represent a specific country, AND only use terror to achieve their means which thereby excludes their "ill-treatment"; as they do not follow any doctrines of war and would rather wipe their ass with the documents made at the Geneva Convention. I must say though that the righteous side in me doesn't wish for us to reduce ourselves to their level but rather maintain our current rules of engagement but they really try to make it hard for us to be the better person when we watch those savages eat the hearts out of their enemies and behead harmless nuns and priests.
  13. whitewolf001

    FNH AR15

    You do know that FNH is who produces the M16A2, M4/M4A1's, M249, and M240B right? At which this will come with the VERY same barrels used on the genuine article, which are a proven steel quality and while the M4 may not have the best reputation in the desert, we're also not exactly near any moon-dust are we? I would assume that they are going to price it on par with a Colt which would be the $1000-1200 range.
  14. I was just looking for this. I have a VERY odd-ball schedule of four days on, five days off(four and four if you always exclude Sunday), do you have any private one on one classes or at least a schedule that will allow to work around my topsy turvy week?
  15. Irasshaimase itoko. (Welcome[formal] cousin)
  16. Welcome from up on 111 cousin.
  17. What, a Taurus malfunction? No way! *insert sarcasm here* After talking to a fella that's owned a shop here for a number of years, he has told me the number one gun they log in for repairs are Taurus weapons. One of my best friends whom owns a new shop has had five and he got rid of them as none of them would cycle a full mag. I watched a brand new out of the box, Judge's firing pin lock up on first shot. I will NEVER own one, regardless of the propaganda that Taurus lovers give me.
  18. Troy, Magpul, Midwest Industries, YHM, just to name a few irons but Troy's are not economical BUT they are the best for the money. It all depends on the scopes eye relief as to what you'll need, I would look into the Redfield Battlezone scopes. I would contact Dolamite Supafly or OhShoot, they're two of our foremost knowledgeable AR guys here.
  19. Ah, coolio! I've got the real-McCoy but mine belonged to my father, are black, and Vietnam era. Also have the mag pouches too but I dunno how far back mine go as the military used the M1916 for a LONG time. Not for sale but thought it was awesome that someone else has an interest in them like me. 
  20. Now if only that were a PDW... ;)
  21. Well in case anyone stumbles upon this thread looking for answer, I think I found it. I went to a retailer that carries Blackhawk! and just cracked em open one by one, long story short; G29/G30/G39 works, albeit a little snug but dimensions wise, it's a perfect match.
  22. I know what CTD was ASKING for em and it's still why I refuse to do business with them.
  23. For $80 more you can build the real thing out of that fandangled aluminumunum.
  24. Captain Tetanus to the rescue!
  25. Garbage, unless you plan on just keeping it back for when there are talks of another assault ban, then as an investment its value goes up by about 400-600%.


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