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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. If you decide to upgrade, look into the Kershaw Blur. I carry the Tanto Blur, 1670TBLKST. It's a USA made open assist knife that is sharp in more ways than one.
  2. Why whatever do you mean... http://youtu.be/OQnU1t7UzgM?t=2m36s
  3. That doesn't sound half bad Rightwinger but I'll have to decline. When it comes to sights and optics, I'm a little bit of a snob. Not saying there's anything wrong with those sights, I'm just a Troy whore. ;) I would take Garufa's advice and send em back. Let PSA know about the problem so hopefully they can correct it.
  4. It does indeed use the rotary mags and agreed, thread that sucker to make er nice n quiet like.
  5. People make mistakes brosef. From a hypothetical standpoint, let's say your significant other has a thousand dollar purse and she asks you to get it before returning the vehicle and you forget to do so. While I understand that this is rather far fetched for Joe Blows such as ourselves my point remains the same.
  6. So sue a fourteen year old? My mother has had migraines and possible spinal injury from when a 8 year old girl accidentally hit her while riding a sled. Would you like to know what my mother did? She put an ice pack on it and called it a day because it was a child. We also don't know if that was the cause of it or if this was a preexisting condition that the plaintiff is just looking to cash in on. Their health insurance should cover them, unless that is, they didn't have any. Either way, still a sleazy in my eyes considering EVERYONE in this country is too trigger happy to call a lawyer.
  7. Whoa... I've got some coupons for some free range time that I was about to use. When I go I'll ask Kyle for some juicy details.
  8. I bet the line is rounding the block to get to the ATF booth...  :rofl:
  9.   It's not so much as, "it's any more or less effective", as much as it's something we should be allowed to have to begin with so the industry tries sneaky ways to tell the ATF to go insert its own head into its bottom. After several talks and teachings with friends who have served, the only thing a full auto is needed for is suppression fire OR to relieve some stress at the range. ;)
  10. Fella enjoys his duck-face doesn't he?
  11. this outstanding example of  :poop: . http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/coach-suing-14-old-over-little-league-baseball-204100538.html   A California Little League Baseball coach who suffered a torn Achilles tendon is suing one of his former players for throwing his helmet during a game-ending celebration, according to Sacramento's KCRA-TV (h/tBarstool Sports). The kid is 14 years old. But that isn't stopping Alan Beck from suing the child and Little League Baseball for $500,000 in pain and suffering in addition to another $100,000 in lost wages and medical bills, per the Placer County (Calif.) Superior Court summons obtained by KCRA-TV. "At first I thought it was joke," the boy's father, Joe Paris, told his local television news station. "Now, I think it's absurd." Paris' son allegedly tossed his helmet while scoring the winning run in a game this past spring, and the equipment struck and tore Beck's Achilles tendon. "He is a good guy who was volunteering his time and now he's in a wheelchair. Who's the victim here?" Beck's attorney, Gene Goldman, told KCRA. "This wasn't part of the game. To have someone throw a helmet in that manner, you just don't do that." Except the kid's in Little League, and Little Leaguers do that. All the time. Heck, Little League's own YouTube channel shows kids throwing equipment during a celebration. Recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon can take six months, according to WebMD.com. Except, the Paris family has been forced to shell out more than $4,000 in legal fees two months before the case is even scheduled to be seen by a judge, according to the report. Joe Paris told KCRA he doesn't have homeowners insurance, which in some cases can cover the costs of such apparent frivolous litigiousness. Your problem, not ours, says the plaintiff's camp, basically. "If they owned a home," Goldman told KCRA, "they should have had homeowner's insurance." So, let this be a message to all you kids out there having fun: Don't.
  12. The .22 WMR and .17 HMR have a recall on em.
  13. Worst case scenario? Sell em to recoup your loss and upgrade.      Heck, hang on to em till the next "assault ban" go around ALONG with the uppers. You'll have rifles with a low cost in that you can increase your investment on BIG TIME, I'm not saying pull a Cheaper than Dirt mind you, but at $540+/- invested, you could sell it for a 40-50% profit and still undercut the other douches out there trying to move them for stupid prices.
  14.   You're probably not far off the mark there. Or at least get their name out there. I'll be honest, I like watching that show because for every 20 morons they display, there is one who is genuinely innovative. 
  15. Well said TMF, the culture that is being encouraged today is only producing more and more lazy generations which are in turn going to create even lazier ones than the previous. When I have kids, I'd like to move to a small town WELL outside any major metropolitan city and raise them proper, far removed from the mass collections of people whom would in turn try to turn my offspring into lazy husks as well and I will NOT have that. As small minded as that sounds, I am only trying to preserve the sanctity of their work ethic and frame of mind. After living in Miami for a short stint, I can tell you there is in fact a cultural difference between those of the city and those of the country. Just my  :2cents:
  16. It's douchecanoes like that, that give preppers a bad rep. Good riddance I say.
  17. Vortex StrikeFire and PSA Aluminum Flip Up Sight Set, that's a good deal if I've ever seen one! http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/shot-show-deals/vortex-strike-fire-optic-and-psa-aluminum-flip-up-front-and-rear-sight-set.html  
  18. This is where I got mine, three years old on my fat butt and it's STILL going strong. It's about just shy of being 1/4", if I did my math right it would be around .18 or .19 inches thick. 1 3/4" width and has belt holes all the way around. They're a bit expensive because they're all custom made to order but judging from the quality, it's something that will last 10 years easily.   http://www.bullhidebelts.com/?gclid=CI6phLTogrwCFWRk7Aodn0IA4g
  19. Nice pics, a budro of mine carries the Freefall and he likes it pretty good. Not the best you can get but the best for the money? Oh yeah.
  20. So it's a striker fired P250? Pass...
  21. Is it an XDs or XD compact? Two separate guns there...
  22. Actually they are two separate rifles, the M43 is what the OP originally posted and from what I read about it in my magazine with the Shot Show preview, the M43 is going to be offered(supposedly) in multiple calibers including 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 BUT I don't know if it will accept AK mags or not BUT they are two seperate rifles and Kel Tec supposedly has two MORE guns they plan on revealing at this Shot Show.
  23. Actually it should be the other way around, the carbine length gas systems are harder on the overall system than a rifle length as more higher pressure gas is getting into the receiver. The smaller carbine buffers actually weigh more than the rifle ones, I believe but I could be wrong but it seems to me with a system that is producing MORE pressure, thus throwing the BCG back harder, you'd want a buffer that was heavier to slow it down faster.


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