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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1.   Money can buy just about anything these days, including time not spent in a cell where the scum belongs. 
  2.   A corrupt poli.......... Gah, you beat me to it!
  3.   Even after direction, I think I'd have picked up on it after once, maybe twice if I was just in a daze, unless I was younger. Sorta like when I worked at McD's when I was 16, the GM had me mop the freezer, took me about 30 seconds to figure out they were pranking me. Ugh...   -_-
  4. Doesn't Timney have one coming out for it?
  5.   It could be worse, it could be as bad as the Polish P-64 trigger.
  6.   They'd still be less corrupt than the morons in DC.
  7. Man, that's such a travesty, what a waste...  :cry:
  8.   I dunno, people would pay good money to see that kind of thing.....
  9.   Share-sies? ;)
  10. Hit me up Spots if you need some Silver State Armory OTM rounds.
  11. whitewolf001

    Vz 58

    Yeah, the proprietary mags are the ONLY turn off for me.
  12. dlmeadows is one to talk to, he just started using a M&P .45 recently for IDPA/USPSA and loves it but I'd ask him for a no BS assessment. 
  13. Been looking for information on this, SWEET!
  14. The compacts go a lil more than the tactical new, 460-520ish. If you can find one for $350 you're doing well for yourself but don't get your hopes up
  15. This one is actually of me and my friends down at my hometown of Rock Island.
  16. This made me tee-hee cause my ex used to do this all the time, lolz.
  17. I've never really played with one in depth so that's good to know. :p
  18. Never such thing as "too much"...
  19. Agreed 110% Dolomite, I'd just love to see some Liberals reactions to such talks, their heads would probably explode.
  20. Welcome cousin, I'll be up there on the 26th-28th for an Instructor course.


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