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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Yep, I'll let Scruffy handle this one...
  2. Accuwedge will alleviate your problem I think.
  3. The A1 is more of collector thing, I built one for my dad and an A2 for my cousin but that's cause they both wanted AR's like what they had respectively. The tactical/SPR is just more versatile than the A4 IMHO.
  4. Here you go, factory H&K ALL poly(they have no steel reinforcements like the Glocks) 30 round mag, $174.99....... http://www.midwayusa.com/product/190845/hk-magazine-hk-usp-9mm-luger-31-round-polymer-black?cm_vc=ProductFinding
  5. Yeah, try an FNH FNX series. I have six mags though they come with three outta the box and in all fairness at least mine are pretty much all steel compared to the H&K USP all poly mags, that's some screwed up stuff man. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/650503/fnh-magazine-fn-fnx-9-9mm-luger-17-round-stainless-steel-black?cm_vc=ProductFinding
  6.   The last great words of *insert general hill billy name here*.
  7. Indeed, I have a source to get the supplies and all the equipment through(though he has slightly biased opinions so I take his info with a grain of salt till I can compare my own data) a good friend of mine. Dolomite however has provided me, with the link provided previously, with enough of a shopping list to get started. This will be somewhat drawn out so updates probably will only be periodic but I'm looking forward to this. My first purchase will be a reloading manual to at least to start an understanding of the data before actually beginning.
  8. I was talking about using the one from the video and equipping it with a go-pro but your last sentence does bring up the issue of bluetooth/wi-fi telemetry range. Hmmm, a conundrum...
  9.   Only for those whom are prudes but my intended purpose would not be spying and if someone had parked one of those in the airspace around my house for a length of time I'd probably bring it down. I'd just love to use it down at my river property to scout out the area layout. These things would also be a great hunting aid too getting you an eye in the sky and to watch for patterns. I was thinking it'd be a great addition for SHTF security.
  10. Well this ought to be nifty....
  11. I would actually like to have one of these...
  12. Fair enough, metallurgy then, lol.
  13. Well it would appear that Lee has discontinued their hand priming tool. I have a couple buddies though whom say they're junk in that the levers break... like alot, which I also saw in the reviews for it on Midway. I like the fact that this one is pretty much universal and has many excellent reviews but it is somewhat expensive, thoughts?   http://www.midwayusa.com/product/319794/rcbs-universal-hand-priming-tool?cm_vc=subv1319794
  14. May I ask why the Classic is superior to the Challenger? This is not some sort of smart-aleck response btw, I'm really just curious more than anything.
  15.   Ah, I see. Well that's good info to have. I'll probably go with CCi no.41 which I believe is milspec. I know that's probably silly of me as it is just a minimum adherence but meh. :p   As far as purchasing equipment I'm good but that link did contain lots of useful info, thanks Runco.
  16. Wolf's official statement is "expect delays" or something to that effect.   https://www.thebangswitch.com/x39-ammo-update/
  17. Er, reloading but I digress... I am sick of paying ridiculous prices for match quality ammo and just as crazy prices for the inflated blaster .223/5.56 and I also have a .300 Win Mag and that gets expensive buying factory ammo. I am going to get a single stage setup and take it from there. I think I will probably go with the Lee challenger starter kit, it's not a high cost investment, I can tinker with it and see if I like it enough to jump into a Progressive to really churn out some blaster ammo mostly. I know already that I am going to need a case trimmer for rifle casings and a tumbler. What primers have you guys gotten the best results out of? I've reloaded a little bit at a buddies under his tutelage for .45LC and 10mm Auto but never did any rifle rounds. Any advice you guys can give to a rook?
  18. The newer Wolf Gold is made in Taiwan. Prvi makes some AWESOME 5.56, get the white box stuff; you won't be sorry and I swear my SaberDstein build I made for my pops liked it better than Lake City.
  19. Well I know in Florida you HAVE to conceal carry and CANNOT be printing at all. It's dumb but it's the law, I would think this is more applicable to them for that particular sign.
  20.   Everyone knows that those are all being used up by the NSA or DHS...
  21. You should submit that to the tonight show, lol.
  22.   They came to Oneida and I wasn't aware of it?!?! Oh how I wished I could've been there to run those dip****'s plum outta town.    I'm usually one of the first for understanding AND apart of me does want to rise above them but these sorry turds don't even deserve a proper burial that civilized people get. Those folks better pray that the rule of law stays intact because if any sort of calamity were to come to pass and emergency services/enforceable laws were to just vanish, they'd instantly have crosshairs painted on em.


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