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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Troy was one of the pioneers in rail-less systems with their TRX series, though not a keymod, it proved that attaching rails at your own discretion was ingenious due to the weight savings gained. Bravo Company has taken Key Mod a step further with their KMR rails which are a Magnesium-Alum alloy.   http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/BCM-KMR-KeyMod-Handguard-s/184.htm
  2. Alaska wins with its size and low citizen count. Biggest thing you have to worry about up there is the fire running low.
  3.   Which was their intent the WHOLE time. Like Chucktshoes said, it just requires a form 4 transfer.
  4. Look into Maxpedition.
  5.   The more the merrier... ^_^
  6. It, and I mean 7N6, has been reclassified and has now been banned for importation. Apparently some company made some AK74 pistols a while back and you know what that means... Hang on to your AK-74 loving butts. This message has been brought to you by the BATFE, f***ing firearms owners since 1972.   http://investmentwatchblog.com/alert-atf-bans-import-of-russian-7n6-5-45x39-ammunition/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zDFXe5kMWQ
  7. Holy thread resurrection Batman! Lol, indeed but you know, as with most Sigs, the mags are going to cost an arm, a leg, and possibly your first born.
  8. One of the absolute best feeling pistols hands down.
  9. whitewolf001


    I'll be having it for 360 next week.
  10. If you were heading down to Miami I could tell about a lil mom and pop place that is 100% authentic Cuban and by that, I mean you had better have someone with you whom can speak Spanish...
  11. In full disclosure, he is a pro 2nd amend reporter and not anyone from a main stream source or anything of that sort.
  12.   I too am parallel to your thinking.
  13. to go f**k himself. Yeah, I couldn't make this up... well, I could I guess but then it still wouldn't be as good as this video...   http://youtu.be/Zo98fDcFbtc?t=58s
  14. And you got it??
  15. Deep sea fishing man, nothing like it. Well, except maybe fishing...
  16.   I consider an average fair asking price the going average going rate of a firearm via sites such as gunbroker, gun owners club, armslist, etc, where MOST are honest. Which the average of the Hombre is right around $350.
  17. That's a good fregin deal.
  18. If she had tried that in California the headline would've been "child arrested for impersonating an officer".
  19. That's the good thing about living here on the plateau, it's just high enough to break up alot of that nasty in-climate weather.
  20. Yeah, phhhbbttt, who get's on facebook anyways?..... *Slowly nonchalantly closes out facebook tab*
  21. I was on a facebook page today and there was a fella whom was trying to sell a Uberti Cattleman Hombre w/50 rounds(which I know are about a $1 per round pending brand/model) for "$550 or trade on a Glock" I normally wouldn't have a problem but the thing is, the Hombre retails NEW for $459. Even if the gun was still brand new with the shells, it's not worth $15 under new price for BOTH(obviously I'm even factoring in the tax and TICS check). I posted a link to the manufacturer's web page with the retail price and after going back and forth with the fella (to which he was starting to just outright insult and his buddy whom was defending him was also attacking me but whatever I'm not trying to be a victim here cause I said some choice words back, felt like a fourteen year old again...) I finally just blocked the two of em as I had enough of their douchebaggery. I hate the fact that someone out there is going to get conned into buying that but as they say, there's a sucker born every minute. I don't think I was, but do y'all think I was in the wrong for trying to bring some information to the table there or should I have just minded my own business, which I usually do but seeing the same model I've had go for over NEW just felt wrong. I know there are some on here whom feel strongly about gougers and I myself THINK they'd fall under that category but I'll ask for the opinion of the masses, what say you TGO?
  22. It's a bad idea... and now for the truth... BUY IT!!!
  23. I can complain all I want, once the warm weather arrives it's time to hop on the hog and hit some curves.
  24. I'm in for the M35A3 on there that someone put a bid in for at $25... :D


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