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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Good info as I know someone who has one. Thanks for the heads up.
  2.   No but people were saying that if you used it improperly that it could violate its usage and it'd be considered an SBR. With how the BATFE operates, you don't think they'd at least try and nail someones butt to the wall like that had this not come out? Don't get me wrong, I agree(also think that there shouldn't be ANY NFA but meh, what do I know, I just read the Bill of Rights), I'm just saying we all know how these douchenozzles operate.
  3. Apparently the "arm brace" mod for rifle caliber pistols, I.E. AR pistols, AK pistols, etc., are completely legit to be fired from the shoulder. Not something to really celebrate at BUT at the luck we've had with the batmen lately, it's helluva lot better than the alternative! http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/04/03/arm-braces-pistols-legal-fired-shoudler/ "Before you complain, yes I agree, TFB content has been too legal heavy in the past couple of weeks. But this morning when SIG Sauer asked me if I could blog the below BATFE determination letter, because they thought it would be beneficial for the community, I agreed with them. This letter affirms that it is perfectly legal for a shooter to fire a firearm by resting an arm brace, such as the SIG SB15 stabilization brace, against their shoulder, just as it is legal to rest the rear part of a pistol, such as a AR-15 buffer tube, against the shoulder. Alex Capps can be seen shooting the SB15 from his shoulder in the above photo."
  4. Sweet build, keep us posted!
  5. Thanks once again for the post Runco, a chance at a free Sig makes me all tingly........ or maybe that was the energy drink, meh, who knows. :D
  6. Who makes that handguard you put on the Draco, that is SICK!!! Smith, you have some of the cleanest AK's I've seen for some time, everyone seems to be stuck on the ATI/Tapco bandwagon, dealt with ATI on three different occasions and now have a vendetta against them, lol.
  7. Was browsing through there and they've got a KILLER deal on the Vortex Strikefire for $99!!!!!    http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ar-15-05/ar-15-parts-sale/vortex-strikefire-red-green-dot.html
  8. Lots of options in that dept. I personally use the Magpul MS2 on my 870 and the MS3 for my AR build project. Viking Tac. makes a really good sling from what I've seen. If I recall, there was a sling thread that popped up some time ago with lots of good suggestions. As with most things gun related, don't go for the cheap bargain bin brands, not all are terrible but once you get a good sling you'll never look back. Troy also makes one but I haven't had any time with one. Steer clear of three points, nothing wrong with em but two/single points are just way easier to work with and less of a hassle.
  9.   Didn't mean for it to sound like we were bullying you into it man, we just all voiced our opinions which were all consensus in that quad rails are not only a thing of the past but in that we've been in your shoes. Know that none of us would want to push you into something you yourself aren't willing to do, in the end this is YOUR build, we'll just say "told ya so" when there's something you don't like. ;)   Though for the record, that is the rail I'll be using when I get my DI gun done.   I like the KAC sights pretty good in terms of quality but after finally getting my hands on em, just not that big on them. I LOVE the Troy di-opter series paired with the HK style front but again, MY personal preference.
  10. I know it's been said but my philosophy on the quad-rail is, "why do you need THAT much accessory real-estate for?" With the modern bolt on/key-mod concept, you lighten the system considerably AND it is in fact much more comfortable than a quad-rail.
  11. #(*#*%$&%&^t*%()#*$*%)%)^*(^(*%*&$#))#_@)#($*(#)@)#$(*#()(*@&*($))_$((*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................... I missed it...   :bs:
  12. I thought this was an April Fools article yesterday so I just ignored it. That's pretty f'n awesome.
  13.   You do realize there are shows, similar to the 'First 48', aside from drama's such as CSI that show real world forensic tech?
  14. Like I said, just stick to commercial ammo, you'll live albeit with a lighter wallet. ;) Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  15. Consider it an investment, the Chicom steel core 7.62 used to be REALLY cheap like the 7N6, now, not so much... Think of it as collection ammo item. :p
  16. Pretty much how I imagine the guys whom review these standings concerning what IS or ISN'T illegal...
  17.   Ouch... seeing that price, that hurt me deep. I suppose one must pay for excellence though. I guess in my mind it's sorta like trying to justify buying a Knights SR-25, albeit fregin SWEET.
  18. You can still get it cheap for what the prices are, just not 7N6 cheap. Roughly $.26-.40 seems to be the going rate on the interwebs. $.64 per if you want Hornady... 
  19. Welcome cousin, thanks for whatever it is you may be doing across the pond. :D
  20. Yeah, I used to troll their facebook and counter their BS arguments with logic. Their general comeback usually involved "feelings"... 
  21. I want the honking Gerber my dad was given at Christmas a couple of years ago, thing is a BEAST.
  22. I have a little put back, enough to make any purchases I might need should the economy tank and there are still stores up and running but I'm not putting all my eggs into that basket. As gun sane said, invest in skills that would be sought after and other renewable resources such as crops or livestock. Medical skills will be HIGHLY sought after as will any mechanical knowledge and blacksmithing as well. You know what people will go buts over when the schumer hits the proverbial fan? Toilet paper, a roll of TP will be worth its weight in gold if(when) TEOTWAWKI hits.


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