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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. They're pretty easy to differentiate from a normal shroom.
  2. .34ea for Fiocchi .223, that's the cheapest I've seen for brass cased .223 since Sandy Hook.
  3. $102.99 and $47.99 on Midway, I'd say yes, that is a good deal.
  4. You sir, just described the textbook definition of a 'Douchenozzle'.
  5. That's so true it's almost scary at it's accuracy or rather, lack there of...
  6.   Man, I have considered buying some hipoints, brycos, and ravens for a buyback(still don't understand how they buy back what was never theirs to begin with...) just to make a profit, lol. :p
  7. I know it's still just a kit but seeing that mangled barrel and receiver just hurts me down deep. :cry:
  8. Just saw this, totally awesome...
  9. Sounds like the general Libtard response of, "If you find yourself in a tight situation, just call the police." Yes, because an officer can arrive there within seconds of me calling...
  10. Just because...
  11.   You mean you don't?  :whistle:
  12. Just got off the phone with em, they know they're US made... Me: "So you DON'T know who makes these?"  CS rep: "Mmmmmm............. no sir."
  13. Well, just so long as it isn't ProMag I'm good with it. :p
  14. I'm not the only one then...
  15. Not gun related but still pretty fregin funny...
  16.   I got the same arguments from some friends when I posted this to Facebook. Yep, because all those other states have been nothing but blood baths since open carry was instated...
  17. Anyone know if they make a NON promag thirty rounder? Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  18. [quote name="MacGyver" post="1136484" timestamp="1397094277"]I'll preface this by saying that I've always been fond of the Minis in all of their variants. But, if I already had $400 in one, I don't think I'd be itching to spend a whole lot more money on it.[/quote] Good points made there...Pretty much at this point, I think its going to be my go gun as my AR project keeps getting pushed to the back burner. I'm gonna get it operational with the sights, finish it in a camo pattern, and throw my aim point onto it, also get some mags. I need to start getting all my projects done before I take on another including what's supposed to be my ARAK21 project, lol. -_- Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  19. [quote name="RC3" post="1136471" timestamp="1397093006"]He has almost a full head of white hair, I have white hair and I just turned 24. Its a joke. And plus, he LOVES all my new rifles and likes seeing what I get. Then scorns me after my mom glares at him. At least I found an apt close to work that is a good price. Just need to enroll back into school, set my schedule at work for the long term and move out![/quote] I know, hence the winky face bromigo... Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  20. For what I've seen SKS's go for lately, if you can get one under five nab it. They went for $399, about five or so years ago.
  21. Met this guy about 5 years ago. The original Dragon Slayer and founder of the Deals Gap Riding Society, Doug Snavely on his Cyborg, picture taken at the Overlook October 2000. http://tailofthedragon.com/dragon_history_story.html I talked to him in front of the tree of shame, at the time his bike was primered gray but it was the same one in the picture. He apparently can do the whole run under 12 minutes on his Cyborg which is a modified 79 Goldwing.
  22. I genuinely LOLed at this, well played sir, well played...
  23. Good stuff, very good quality, fit, and finish as far as HANDLING it, never wore one but the one I had my mitts on seemed of superior quality.


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